beheld_beauty: (les yeux)
Author: beheld_beauty
Belle has just laid a grand enchantment over the city of Changsha in Cathay, and returned home to attend to her husband in the wake of this activity, and now she is telling the kitchen to fix her some lunch.
mindfields: (Default)
Author: mindfields
Dominique finds her there.

"Hello, Maman," she says, giving Belle a hug.
beheld_beauty: (sourire)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Hello, Dominique, how are you?" she says, hugging back.
mindfields: (⑦ oh my)
Author: mindfields
"I want to learn enchanting," she says, and then she puts her hand over her mouth and giggles. She hadn't quite meant to just say it like that.
beheld_beauty: (évaluer)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Do you. The long way around, or the shortcut that other Bells use just to get their auras?"
mindfields: (⑬ what now)
Author: mindfields
"Well, I'm not sure," she says. "The shortcut is faster, but is there something better about doing it the other way?"
beheld_beauty: (inspecter)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Wishing for it on a pentagon will tell you what ought to work - and generally it will," says Rose. "Experience and study will tell you what to do when it does not work, and why it might not have worked. When Bells and Jokers were enchanting Saturn for Pattern, I was the one who was able to notice and repair small errors in the spells."
mindfields: (② mais oui)
Author: mindfields
"Then I will do both," she says reasonably.
beheld_beauty: (perspicacité)
Author: beheld_beauty
Rose laughs. "I believe that is Glass's plan as well, or I don't know why she would have wanted a copy of my library. Very well." She produces a Heart-power-colored pentagon. "Here you are."
mindfields: (Default)
Author: mindfields
Dominique wishes, and hugs her Maman.

"And I want to do a wish like Luc, so I can channel with myself," she adds.
beheld_beauty: (Default)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Of course. If you want to copy it exactly you may do it yourself; if you want any adjustments from Luc's version then perhaps I ought to, beginning as I do with more knowledge of the subject."
mindfields: (⑨ lumière)
Author: mindfields
She shrugs. "I'll copy it."
beheld_beauty: (à gauche)
Author: beheld_beauty
Belle offers her a hexagon, also in Beast's color.
mindfields: (⑤ just so)
Author: mindfields
Dominique wishes again, and hugs her mother again. "Thank you, Maman."
beheld_beauty: (sourire)
Author: beheld_beauty
"You're welcome," says Belle, hugging her tight. "You will do marvelous things."
mindfields: (③ beastling)
Author: mindfields
"I will," she laughs.
beheld_beauty: (les yeux)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Where are you going to start?"
mindfields: (① all right)
Author: mindfields
"I have no idea!" says Dominique.
beheld_beauty: (sourire)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Well," laughs Belle, "when you have acquired an idea I will be most interested to hear it."
mindfields: (② mais oui)
Author: mindfields
She giggles.

"I want to go tell Papa," she declares. "Is he resting?"
beheld_beauty: (Default)
Author: beheld_beauty
"He is resting, yes."

(Dominique's papa spends rather a lot of time resting.)

"But he may be up and about within the hour."
mindfields: (③ beastling)
Author: mindfields
She giggles again.

"All right. I love you, Maman."
beheld_beauty: (sourire)
Author: beheld_beauty
"I love you too, my Dominique."
mindfields: (④ no stop)
Author: mindfields
Dominique makes a face of mixed feelings.
beheld_beauty: (inspecter)
Author: beheld_beauty
"What is it?"
mindfields: (⑨ lumière)
Author: mindfields
"I don't know," she says, although evidently she does.
beheld_beauty: (à gauche)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Neither do I," remarks Belle.
mindfields: (⑫ cygneau)
Author: mindfields
"Well - I just - I don't think I like my name very much," she confesses.
beheld_beauty: (calme)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Don't you? I'm sorry," says Belle.
mindfields: (⑪ the page)
Author: mindfields
"I like my middle name much better."
beheld_beauty: (les yeux)
Author: beheld_beauty
"You can of course go by Yseult if you prefer."
mindfields: (⑨ lumière)
Author: mindfields
"I'm sorry," she says.
beheld_beauty: (inspecter)
Author: beheld_beauty
"There is no need. Both of your names were chosen because we liked them - and for that matter if you wanted to go by something else entirely, you would hardly be the first in the family to do so."
mindfields: (③ beastling)
Author: mindfields
She giggles softly.
beheld_beauty: (à gauche)
Author: beheld_beauty
"I wonder if Angela and Micaiah should expect Damaris to do something similar. I don't believe she has a middle name."
mindfields: (⑩ ye-es?)
Author: mindfields
Dominique—Yseult shrugs. "I don't know," she says. "I wouldn't think so. I don't have... complicated reasons for disliking my name, that might come out the same way if I had a different one. And I like Yseult just fine. If you'd named me Yseult Dominique, you'd never have heard a word about it."
beheld_beauty: (sourire)
Author: beheld_beauty
"What if we'd named you Damaris?"
mindfields: (① all right)
Author: mindfields
She laughs. "Then I would change it, because I have an alt with that name!"
beheld_beauty: (soleil)
Author: beheld_beauty
Rose chuckles. "You wouldn't only pick a nickname as Bells do?"
mindfields: (⑤ just so)
Author: mindfields
"Bells are Bells," says Yseult. "I am me."
beheld_beauty: (sourire)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Yes. That you are." Rose embraces her again. "Yseult. I can get used to that. I believe you may have more difficulty with Céleste about it."
mindfields: (⑮ no joy)
Author: mindfields
"We'll see," laughs Yseult.
beheld_beauty: (perspicacité)
Author: beheld_beauty
"I suppose we shall. I believe your sister is outside, flying."
mindfields: (⑨ lumière)
Author: mindfields
"I'll go find her."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Céleste is outside! Flying!
mindfields: (Default)
Author: mindfields
So in order to find her, Yseult also flies.
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Hiiii Dominique!" says Céleste. "Chase me chase me -" She takes off at high speed towards the setting sun.
mindfields: (⑥ c'est bien)
Author: mindfields

She chases.
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Céleste is fast! But she doesn't want to be chased forever; eventually she permits herself to be caught.
mindfields: (⑨ lumière)
Author: mindfields
Yseult hugs her sister in midair.
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
mindfields: (⑫ cygneau)
Author: mindfields
She's never going to manage to say this indirectly, is she.

"I came to say I don't like my name, and you should call me Yseult now."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"But Dominique is a prettier name," objects Céleste.
mindfields: (⑧ woodwitch)
Author: mindfields
"But I don't like it," sighs Yseult.
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Why not? You never like things that are likeable," says Céleste. "Not your name and not griffins and not flying."
mindfields: (⑨ lumière)
Author: mindfields
"I like you, and you are likeable," she says. "And I like our parents, and magic, and flying when I feel like it."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"But why don't you like your name? It's pretty. Do-mi-nique."
mindfields: (⑪ the page)
Author: mindfields
"It sounds like it belongs to someone who's not me."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"How is that a sound for a name to have?"
mindfields: (Default)
Author: mindfields
"Maybe I should start calling you Dominique," she suggests, "if you're so fond of it."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"But my name is Céleste! It always has been."
mindfields: (⑫ cygneau)
Author: mindfields
"And my name is Yseult."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"That's your middle name!"
mindfields: (⑩ ye-es?)
Author: mindfields
"Yes it is. And it's the one I want to use."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"So if I yell DOMINIQUE," says Céleste (at the top of her lungs), "you won't even come see what's happening?"
mindfields: (⑬ what now)
Author: mindfields
"Maybe. Maybe not."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"What if it was really important? Or I just forgot?"
mindfields: (⑫ cygneau)
Author: mindfields
"Maybe you should try very, very hard not to forget," she suggests.
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"I don't want to do a hard thing, why are you making me do a hard thing?" Céleste has mastered the art of flouncing in midair. She does this now.
mindfields: (Default)
Author: mindfields
"Because it's important to me, and you're my sister."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"If I want you to do hard things will you?"
mindfields: (⑭ stay calm)
Author: mindfields
"I don't know," she says. "If I can. If it's important."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Well, I guess I'll try, then," huffs Céleste. "Y-seeeeeult. That's going to be so much harder to yell across the castle though!"
mindfields: (③ beastling)
Author: mindfields
"Then maybe our Papa's delicate fluffy ears will be a little happier from now on," laughs Yseult.
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Pffffff," says Céleste. "If he really minded his fluffy ears being delicate there would be magic about it by now!"
mindfields: (② mais oui)
Author: mindfields
"You never know, with Papa!"
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Yes, he is silly sometimes," says Céleste solemnly.
mindfields: (① all right)
Author: mindfields
"He is, it's true."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Maman is much less silly. Do you think I'm silly?"
mindfields: (③ beastling)
Author: mindfields
"I think you're a little bit silly."
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Well, I think you're a little bit silly," asserts Céleste.
mindfields: (① all right)
Author: mindfields
"I think so too!"
campanas: (secondborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Chase me again," demands Céleste, and she streaks off into the distance.
mindfields: (② mais oui)
Author: mindfields
So Yseult chases her.