luminous_regnant: (cheerless)
Author: luminous_regnant
Bella doesn't even know that Elspeth had plans to visit Downside until after she finds that Jane is offline, that wishing doesn't fix it. Elspeth is a grownup; Edward does not monitor her every minute of every day, does not report all her comings and goings to her mother.

It's Addy who tells her, uncharacteristically grave, after Bella makes the announcement that Aurum will be isolated until Elspeth finds a door. Elspeth rescheduled an appointment with Addy to go offworld.

And now Elspeth is not going to find them a door, because Elspeth is gone, might well stay gone till Jane is fixed, because time is only synced up due to Jane. And Bella cannot fix Jane. Elspeth might find a door after fifty years have gone by in Aurum.

Bella makes the revised announcement by brainphone to everyone except Jake.

Jake she tells in person. Jake she clutches by the shoulders while he sobs and shakes. Jake she offers to put to sleep so Elspeth will not come home to find him having done something regrettable. Because she will, eventually, come home. Jake she tucks into bed like she's his mother and sends into dreamless nothing so he doesn't have to suffer however long his imprint will be vanished where he cannot follow.

And then she goes to Edward and, because she is a vampire, she does not cry, but she does sob.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Well, damn," says the Joker. "I hope her majesty's okay."
temporal_affairs: (if i could sleep)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Her Majesty'll cope. She'll be in a lousy mood but she'll cope. We're probably not embarking on any ambitious projects for the time being, we'll just hum along. Jacob, on the other hand - I hope she has him handled somehow or Her Highness comes home to a dead wolf."
manofmyword: Sitting calmly on the floor, leaning against a wall. (⑺ gonna enjoy this)
Author: manofmyword
"Elsie's Downside," the Joker points out. "If he gets dead he'll probably see her before the rest of us."
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Possibly unimprinted," Nathan points out. "Probably not a wolf anymore. It'd wreck the pack and be all kinds of complicated to fix. Besides, Jane's offline; unless Elspeth expects Jake to off himself she won't know to look."
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"Well, I'm not going to recommend it."
temporal_affairs: (run that by me again)
Author: temporal_affairs
"I bet Bella tucked him away for a long nap," says Nathan. "But just in case, I'm going to check."

He inquires.

"Yep," he says, "and wow, she's snippy, I wouldn't try anything resembling humor with her till Elsie's back or -" He tilts his head, tries a long time horizon. "Shit, eleven years. I think..." He tries a few more timer checks. "I think we're looking at eleven years no princess."
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"Mm, remind me to avoid her, then," he says. "When appropriate."

He gives his sweetheart a kiss.
temporal_affairs: (lovable rogue)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Will do. I think maybe you wanna funnel coins up through somebody who can get near Her Majesty without getting snarled at. His Majesty or Alice maybe."

manofmyword: Sitting calmly on the floor, leaning against a wall. (⑺ gonna enjoy this)
Author: manofmyword
"Gotcha. Not that I mind a little snarling, but I don't think I'd improve her mood any."
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Probably not."
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
Snuggle time? The Joker thinks it is snuggle time.
temporal_affairs: (shiny)
Author: temporal_affairs
It is always snuggle time!
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
That is true. That is extremely true.

The Joker also suspects that it may soon be minting time.
temporal_affairs: (heheh)
Author: temporal_affairs
Might it? How interesting.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
Yes. Yes, that.
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
After about a week and a half, there is a knock on their door while they are supplying Kerron with breakfast.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker beckons to the door, which opens.
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
It's Rosalie. "Bella wanted to ask me to pick up coins this week," says Rosalie. "You can check with her if you don't want to hand over big ones to random people, but I don't really recommend it."

Little Henry is close at her heels, his hand in his mother's.
manofmyword: From the side, serious. (⑿ is it the scars?)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker shrugs. He pulls a plain red drawstring bag out of thin air, full of his last two weeks' worth of coins and made to release them only to Golden, and hands it over to Rosalie.

"She doing okay?" he asks.
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Not great," says Rosalie. She takes the bag, lifts up Henry and sets him on her hip. "She's competent as ever, but she's taking more personal time by a factor of about twenty, delegating more, brainstorming less. She knows Elspeth's alive, so it's not as bad as I've heard she was when she thought Edward was dead."
manofmyword: Gesturing, explaining. (⑾ never start with the head)
Author: manofmyword
"Sorry to hear it," he says. "Best I can probably do for her is stay out of her way, so—" he shrugs; gestures to the bag of coins.
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Yeah, she's basically only talking to her favorite handful of people," sighs Rosalie. "I'll probably be by again in a week or two."
manofmyword: Sitting calmly on the floor, leaning against a wall. (⑺ gonna enjoy this)
Author: manofmyword
"Fine by me."
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
Rosalie waves, and lets herself out, taking coins and child with her.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker hugs his sweetheart and sighs.
temporal_affairs: (darkened)
Author: temporal_affairs
His sweetheart hugs back.
colorshapes: (curious)
Author: colorshapes
"If I got lost in another world would you be grumpy like Her Majesty?"
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"I'm not the grumpy type," he says, ruffling his munchkin's hair. "I'd be sad, though."
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
"So would I," says Nathan.
colorshapes: (watching the shapes)
Author: colorshapes
"Well," says Kerron, "I guess I better not get lost."
manofmyword: Leaning out of a moving police car, eyes closed, hair blowing in the wind, having fun. (⑹ where did they get that car)
Author: manofmyword
"Better not," the Joker agrees. "But don't worry too much about me if you do, okay? Your mummy's a patient kind of guy."
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
"And we told you about how one of me got stuck where the princess is now for a hundred years," Nathan adds, "and I was fine, because I knew you'd be fine. Wherever you are, you concentrate on being fine."
colorshapes: (know how I fit)
Author: colorshapes
"Okay!" says Kerron, tracing colorshapes with his eyes and then nodding.
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker scoops up Kerron and hugs him.

"Atta munchkin," he says.
colorshapes: (daddy's boy)
Author: colorshapes
"Mummy, do you just forget my name a lot?"
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
"Never once," he says, grinning. "Why? Getting tired of 'munchkin'?"
colorshapes: (mummy's son)
Author: colorshapes
"I'm getting bigger!" Kerron says.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"Are ya? I hadn't noticed," he teases.
colorshapes: (daddy's boy)
Author: colorshapes
"I am! I'm bigger."
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"Well, tell you what," says the Joker. "If you want me to stop calling you munchkin, you let me know, and otherwise if you get taller'n me I'll quit all by myself."
pina_colada: (jokespawn)
Author: pina_colada
Kerron can do that!

It takes him a little shy of four years.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
Gosh, that's fast.

The Joker doesn't say anything about it directly. But coming from the Joker, well - 'Kerron' is all that need be said. It's just about the first time he's ever used the name.
pina_colada: (morning person)
Author: pina_colada
Kerron grins when he hears it.

"Hi yourself, Mum."
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker grins back. "Congrats."
pina_colada: (aww c'mon)
Author: pina_colada
"If I'd stopped growing when I was six foot nothing would I just be a munchkin for all eternity?"
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"Until you decided not to be."
pina_colada: (yeah?)
Author: pina_colada
Kerron snorts good-naturedly. "Yanno, your thing with names, probably not actually genetic?"
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"You never know," he says serenely.
pina_colada: (jokespawn)
Author: pina_colada
"Pfft. You gonna do that if I ever supply you with a grandkid?"
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
"Only one way to find out."
pina_colada: (natespawn)
Author: pina_colada
"Not any time soon, Mum," Kerron snickers.
manofmyword: Laughing maniacally. (⑴ ahahahaha!!!!!)
Author: manofmyword
He cackles.
pina_colada: (meditative)
Author: pina_colada
"By the way, Addy wants me to ask again if I have any combo-platter siblings on the way," says Kerron, rolling his eyes.
manofmyword: Gesturing, explaining. (⑾ never start with the head)
Author: manofmyword
"Nnnnot," says the Joker, "anytime soon."
pina_colada: (not cool)
Author: pina_colada
Kerron's eyes refocus a bit and he says, "You know, I think I'm gonna tell Addy to ask her own damn questions from now on."
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
"You do that," he laughs.
pina_colada: (over here)
Author: pina_colada
"And I'm gonna start looking at apartments in Safesun, maybe move in with Brandon."
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"Okay," says the Joker. He smiles. "I'll miss ya. But I won't miss ya."
pina_colada: (natespawn)
Author: pina_colada
"I know, Mum," Kerron laughs.
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker hugs him.
pina_colada: (morning person)
Author: pina_colada
Kerron chuckles and hugs back.
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword

"I love my ex-munchkin," he says, letting go.
pina_colada: (jokespawn)
Author: pina_colada
"Your ex-munchkin loves his mummy."
manofmyword: Laughing maniacally. (⑴ ahahahaha!!!!!)
Author: manofmyword
Awwwwwwwwwwwww! Kerron's mummy beams.
pina_colada: (natespawn)
Author: pina_colada
"And your ex-munchkin," says Kerron, "is going to go play StarNova with Lily like he said he would, because otherwise you will have a slightly punctured ex-munchkin and that wouldn't be fun for anybody."
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"See ya," he says cheerfully.
pina_colada: (over here)
Author: pina_colada
Kerron mock-salutes and heads out the suite door.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker spends some time awwing to himself.
temporal_affairs: (lovable rogue)
Author: temporal_affairs
Nathan comes home from doing a batch of timings a couple minutes later. "You're in a good mood," he remarks.
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
"Kerron's moving out," he says, grinning.
temporal_affairs: (mischief)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Goodness gracious. If that makes you this happy why didn't we get rid of him months ago, babe?" teases Nathan.
manofmyword: Laughing maniacally. (⑴ ahahahaha!!!!!)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker laughs and hugs him.

"We'll kick the next one out at four and a half," he says, completely and entirely joking.


Not about the 'next one' part.
temporal_affairs: (heheh)
Author: temporal_affairs
Hugs! Slightly squishing hugs. "Will we now."
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
"Nope," says the Joker. "And we're not having another kid until Kerron's had his own place for, oh, at least a year."

He does his level best to squish Nathan right back. It isn't effective, but it's snuggly.

"We made a person," he sighs. "And he loves us. Isn't that just the best thing?"
temporal_affairs: (shiny)
Author: temporal_affairs
"It's fantastic, babe."
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
Snuggle snuggle kiss.
temporal_affairs: (mischief)
Author: temporal_affairs
Kisses! That's one of Nathan's favorite things!
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
Yes indeed. The Joker knows that.

He is also aware of some of Nathan's other favourite things.

And it just so happens that their ex-munchkin is going to be out for a while.
pina_colada: (meditative)
Author: pina_colada
Kerron doesn't move out very promptly. Brandon goes back and forth about whether he wants to move, whether he wants to move to Safesun, whether he wants to move with Kerron. Lily briefly considers joining them and ultimately decides against it. Henry is invited but he's got two younger siblings (Parker and Lindsay) whose childhoods he doesn't want to miss, and a doting mother who would mope for a week if he moved out a moment before reaching the age-stalling mark anyway.

Kerron and Brandon eventually pick a place. Just two days after Kerron turns five, they move into it. Kerron hugs his parents goodbye, even though teleportation is cheap, and goes to argue with Brandon about how they should program the windowshade.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker was right. He misses Kerron, but he doesn't miss him.

In fact, he kind of maybe celebrates. By having sex with Nathan. For three days straight.
temporal_affairs: (mischief)
Author: temporal_affairs
Only three? That's not even going to come close to beating any records.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
He's not competitive! And sleeping is fun.
temporal_affairs: (if i could sleep)
Author: temporal_affairs
Snuggling while the Joker sleeps is fun.
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
It is, that's true! It's snuggly and fun!

You know what else is fun?

More sex. And teleporting to new and interesting places. And having sex in them.
temporal_affairs: (heheh)
Author: temporal_affairs
They could have sex in an awful lot of places over the course of this celebration, couldn't they?
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
They could!

And they do.
temporal_affairs: (lovable rogue)
Author: temporal_affairs
Nathan is wholly on board with this program.
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
Good, because it would be so much less fun without him!

It goes on for a while.

Gradually, though, the Joker starts doing other things with his waking hours. Sewing, visiting friends, checking up on the ex-munchkin (with love but not with any regularity). He sleeps with some people who aren't Nathan. He makes himself a multitude of gorgeous dresses for both his shapes, and wears them until they are destroyed in the course of his sex life, and then sews them up as good as new or better and wears them again. He tells stories to anyone who wants stories told, and as Kerron's agemates can attest, he is an excellent storyteller.

If Nathan happens to be keeping an eye on the best time to have another kid, it's just over ten months after Kerron moves to Safesun.
temporal_affairs: (lovable rogue)
Author: temporal_affairs
Nathan does idly check that. On a much longer timescale than that - he was thinking maybe fifty years - and -

"Babe, for some reason the best time in the next century to knock you up again is in April."
manofmyword: Laughing maniacally. (⑴ ahahahaha!!!!!)
Author: manofmyword
He cracks up.

"Put it on the calendar, then," he says, and gives Nathan a kiss.
temporal_affairs: (shiny)
Author: temporal_affairs
Nathan mimes putting an X on a wall calendar, taps his temple, and kisses his mate.
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
temporal_affairs: (mischief)
Author: temporal_affairs
April arrives. Right after March, even! What a surprise!
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker finds himself
yourheartstrings: (⑹ listen baby)
Author: yourheartstrings
spending more and more time in the appropriate shape.
temporal_affairs: (lovable rogue)
Author: temporal_affairs
"This afternoon, three-fifteen and four seconds," Nathan comments one morning. "If you were wondering about more precision. Though next-best options are clustered around then, so I don't think exactitude matters much."
yourheartstrings: (⑸ and I'm fine)
Author: yourheartstrings
"Mmm, how about we just fuck until then," the Joker suggests, "and you can tell me when to wish."
temporal_affairs: (mischief)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Can't scare me."

And lo, the plan came to fruition.

"Nowish, babe," Nathan murmurs at three-fifteen and three seconds.
yourheartstrings: (⑵ 'cause they found new toys)
Author: yourheartstrings
The Joker wishes herself able to have kids again. And then goes right back to what they have been doing all day.
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
The egg craving should kick in a few hours later.
yourheartstrings: (⑷ i wanna hold you)
Author: yourheartstrings
"French toast time," the Joker announces, snuggling up to Nathan.
temporal_affairs: (shiny)
Author: temporal_affairs
Nathan laughs. "Of course it is. Your opinion on names about where it was last time?"
yourheartstrings: (⑹ listen baby)
Author: yourheartstrings
"Don't remember," he says serenely. "Did I have an opinion?"
temporal_affairs: (shiny)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Not really. Aedyt-or-Payl, then?" says Nathan, patting his mate's belly. "We should tell Kerron tomorrow noonish."
yourheartstrings: (⑵ 'cause they found new toys)
Author: yourheartstrings
He laughs and kisses Nathan's cheek. "Sure."
temporal_affairs: (shiny)
Author: temporal_affairs
"I love you."
yourheartstrings: (⑷ i wanna hold you)
Author: yourheartstrings
"I love you too, sweetheart."

She conjures herself a big plate of French toast.
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
Noonish the next day arrives. Nathan prompts the Joker when this occurs.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
[Guess what,] he says merrily into a brainphone call with Nathan and their child.
pina_colada: (yeah?)
Author: pina_colada
[You conjured an old-fashioned deep-sea diving bell and I need to come see the new species of shark you've just discovered?] Kerron replies, who has inherited his father's habit of wild guesses in response to prompts like this.
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
[Nope, although good idea,] he laughs. [We're having another kid.]
pina_colada: (morning person)
Author: pina_colada
[Hah. 'Course you are. Empty nesters,] teases Kerron. [Due in, what, three weeks?]
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
[Yep! You are the first to know - well, third - blab it all over town or keep it a surprise, whichever makes you happy.]
pina_colada: (natespawn)
Author: pina_colada
[Come by Safesun after Rosalie slices and dices you, the local vibrant hybrid community'll throw the kid a party.]
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
[Will do!]
pina_colada: (meditative)
Author: pina_colada
[Whatcha gonna name it?]
temporal_affairs: (heheh)
Author: temporal_affairs
[Aedyt, since you're not using that one, if it's a girl, Payl for a boy,] supplies Nathan.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
[And pumpkin, until they're taller than me or start complaining.]
pina_colada: (jokespawn)
Author: pina_colada
[Good, munchkin was my adorable childhood nickname. But you better not have too many or you'll run out of cute words that end in -kin and have to call somebody "gherkin" or something.]
manofmyword: Laughing maniacally. (⑴ ahahahaha!!!!!)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker giggles.
temporal_affairs: (lovable rogue)
Author: temporal_affairs
[Are you unable to envision your mum affectionately addressing a small child as "gherkin"?] asks Nathan.
pina_colada: (eugh)
Author: pina_colada
[On second thought,] Kerron says, [yeah, I can totally imagine that.]
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
[Who, me? Never.]
temporal_affairs: (heheh)
Author: temporal_affairs
Nathan snickers both aloud and by brainphone.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker hugs his sweetheart and beams un-innocently.

He continues going about his life. People can notice his pregnancy all by themselves. He'll worry about getting an appointment with Rosalie when Nathan says it's time to.
taste_tester: (you're interesting)
Author: taste_tester
Addy notices when they cross paths at the northerly of the two African-continent capitals.

"Ooh," she says. "I wonder what's cooking."
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"Wait 'n see," the Joker says serenely.
taste_tester: (are you sure?)
Author: taste_tester
"I will do. I seem to recall you spent your last pregnancy female. Was the utter conventionality of it suffocating?"
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
"You know me," he says. "I'm just full'a surprises."
taste_tester: (this could be good)
Author: taste_tester
"Like a piñata," Addy suggests.
manofmyword: Laughing maniacally. (⑴ ahahahaha!!!!!)
Author: manofmyword
He laughs.
taste_tester: (pretty please?)
Author: taste_tester
"When's a good time for a tasting?"
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
"When our little pumpkin is four days old, apparently," says Nathan. "Come find us then."
taste_tester: (you'll like me when you get to know me)
Author: taste_tester
"You bet!"
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker hugs his sweetie.
taste_tester: (level with me)
Author: taste_tester
"I shall see you then," says Addy, waving at the Joker's midsection, and she boops Nathan's nose and then strolls off.
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
Nathan snorts and hugs his sweetie right back.

The time comes to make an appointment with Rosalie.

The time comes to attend it.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker hasn't felt like swapping back again, so he is still unconventionally shaped for a pregnant person.
temporal_affairs: (shiny)
Author: temporal_affairs
Rosalie has known the Joker long enough by now not to do more than raise an eyebrow. She slices, she dices! Now how much would you pay? (Her services are free.)

She presents them with a baby girl.

"Hi there, Aedyt," says Nathan. "Welcome to the world."
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"Hiya, pumpkin," says the Joker, snuggling his newest offspring. "Aren't you a cutie."
temporal_affairs: (shiny)
Author: temporal_affairs
Nathan kisses her forehead.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker does likewise!
pina_colada: (morning person)
Author: pina_colada
There is a party with the vibrant hybrid community! It is vibrant and communal and partylike and well-attended by hybrids.
taste_tester: (opulent and almost chocolatey)
Author: taste_tester
And then Aedyt is introduced to Addy.

"Ooh, another twofer," says Addy, rubbing her palms together in glee. "You should have a hundred kids, it'll be great."
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Are you going to tell us what she does?" inquires Nathan.
taste_tester: (you'll like me when you get to know me)
Author: taste_tester
"Tastes like cinnamon and nutmeg is what - okay, okay. I'm gonna call it - editing? Aedyt here is never gonna need an eraser or food coloring or a seam-ripper in her life. Cinnamon's the ingot part that does the editing, nutmeg's the witch part that'll tell her what she can edit so she doesn't have to do it by trial and error. Magical equivalent of proprioception," diagnoses Addy.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"Neato," says the Joker, hugging the baby. "My little pumpkin pie."
taste_tester: (pretty please?)
Author: taste_tester
Addy grins. "Soon as she walks and talks I want to do magic lessons just like with Kerron," she says.
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"We'll see what pumpkin thinks of that," the Joker says agreeably.
temporal_affairs: (lovable rogue)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Yes, it may be that she'd prefer to study the ocarina," remarks Nathan archly.
taste_tester: (Default)
Author: taste_tester
"I do hope you'll present the notion fairly," says Addy.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
"Where's the fun in that?" He grins. "Nah, I'll be nice, I'll be nice."
taste_tester: (what if I ask nicely?)
Author: taste_tester
"Thank you. I'm not allowed to play with minting, this is all the fun I get, you know."
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Mhm," says the Joker.
temporal_affairs: (lovable rogue)
Author: temporal_affairs
In due time, little Aedyt walks and talks.

And Nathan says, "Do you remember how Addy wants to give you magic lessons?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Yes," says little Aedyt. "Because I'm a pumpkin pie." (She grins at her mummy.)
temporal_affairs: (run that by me again)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Right. Do you want to set up some of those? Now's when, if you want to do it."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
temporal_affairs: (Default)
Author: temporal_affairs
"All right then."
taste_tester: (this could be good)
Author: taste_tester
Addy is notified. Addy is thrilled!

Addy sits Aedyt down. "Have you done anything with your magic yet?" she asks, booping her nose to copy the powers for the purposes of the lesson.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
She nods.

"When Mummy tells stories!" she says.
taste_tester: (now there's an arresting idea)
Author: taste_tester
"Ooh, I bet the illusions are very editable," says Addy, nodding. "Anything else?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"No-o," says Aedyt, shaking her head.
taste_tester: (this could be good)
Author: taste_tester
"Let's play with some other stuff, then," says Addy, and she produces an imperial pamphlet. "What do you suppose could do with this?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Aedyt pokes the pamphlet.

One letter of the title gradually becomes pink.
taste_tester: (you'll like me when you get to know me)
Author: taste_tester
"That's one thing," agrees Addy, beaming. "What else?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
The next letter becomes blue. The one after that becomes purple.
taste_tester: (level with me)
Author: taste_tester
"What about things besides colors? Could you make the letters into different letters?"

(Addy couldn't, but she's not sure if that's because her power source can't do that or because her power source is still illiterate.)
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
The pink V undergoes partial mitosis and becomes a W.
taste_tester: (pretty please?)
Author: taste_tester
Addy applauds, updates her power-copy, and says, "What else?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Aedyt frowns in concentration at the pamphlet.

She pokes it again.

The colour changes reverse themselves one by one; then, with another poke and somewhat more difficulty, the W merges back into a V.
taste_tester: (are you sure?)
Author: taste_tester
Addy turns a page. This page has an illustration. She watches Aedyt expectantly.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Aedyt contemplates the illustration.

Then she rubs her finger over the page and erases part of it.
taste_tester: (pretty please?)
Author: taste_tester
"Ooh," says Addy. "Do you think you could put it back?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"I dunno," she says.

She tries!

It doesn't go back as neatly as the things she undid before.
taste_tester: (level with me)
Author: taste_tester
"Hmm," says Addy. "But you remember how it was, don't you?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Yeah," she says, frowning at it. The pamphlet will not be allowed to defeat her!

She reverts back to the erased version, then pokes the page again. The erased part returns to its original state.
taste_tester: (you'll like me when you get to know me)
Author: taste_tester
Addy grins and pokes her in the forehead again. "What else do you think you could do?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"I dunno!" says Aedyt.
taste_tester: (i don't think so)
Author: taste_tester
"Hmmm," says Addy. She can think of a dozen slight variants - but she can't do any of them till Aedyt does, and she doesn't want to confine this extremely young mind towards a single way of thinking about her magic. "Well, there's letters, and there's pictures, and there's paper..." she says leadingly.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
She pokes the pamphlet again.

Its pages come unstuck.
taste_tester: (pretty please?)
Author: taste_tester
Addy grins at her and claps.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Aedyt beams!
taste_tester: (what if I ask nicely?)
Author: taste_tester
Magic lessons are ongoing. They mostly involve Addy gently suggesting things to try and encouraging Aedyt to come up with things to try, at first, and then when the original scope of the power is pretty well mapped Addy starts pushing her on fine detail work and speed and editing "blind" - restoring things she hasn't seen originals of, filling in blanks with context-appropriate things regardless of whether the context makes any sense to Aedyt, doing the sorts of things photo-editing software can't actually do like remove a person to show what was behind them.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Aedyt finds her magic lessons fascinating, and frequently practices outside of 'class'. Especially with mummy. She has great fun practicing magic with mummy.
taste_tester: (you'll like me when you get to know me)
Author: taste_tester
Addy is very encouraging of extracurricular practice!
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Her mummy helps her think of all kinds of interesting little changes to make to the world around her. Like, say, unlocking doors. Or turning on lights. Even when the lightbulb doesn't actually work. Some of them, like moving the hands on an old clock, are hard until she gets the trick and then really easy; others, like duplicating soap bubbles, stay tricky even with practice.
taste_tester: (now there's an arresting idea)
Author: taste_tester
Addy could not be more thrilled. She gets Aedyt extravagant birthday presents. Fiddly ones with lots of tiny moving parts.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Aedyt takes to calling Addy "Auntie Addy". She also, as she grows older, gets interested in art. Drawing, painting, sewing, sculpting, glassmaking, pottery, jewelry, embroidery, beadwork - any kind of thing that you make with your hands, she's all over. And she gets pretty good at them, too.
taste_tester: (this could be good)
Author: taste_tester
Of course she does! Addy approves. And comes up with obscure new art forms to interest her in.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
It becomes increasingly obvious that she's probably never going to run out of new things to do with her power.

Her power is not the only thing in her life, though. She also has a family! She has a mummy and a daddy and a brother who lives in Safesun, and she loves them all very much.
pina_colada: (morning person)
Author: pina_colada
Her brother thinks she's adorable. He picks her up a lot, and makes her loaded Belgian waffles for breakfast, and teaches her board games and how to do card tricks. "I'll know if you're planning to cheat," he teases her.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"I never cheat," she protests, and one of his checkers mysteriously changes colour from red to black.
pina_colada: (jokespawn)
Author: pina_colada
Kerron laughs and doesn't move a checker till she fixes it.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Which she does. That was not cheating, that was joking. She is well aware of the difference.

Card tricks are fun, too, although she cheats shamelessly at those.
pina_colada: (Default)
Author: pina_colada
If she doesn't want to learn to do them right that's her business. They are, after all, tricks.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Hey, using magic to pretend to do magic runs in the family!
pina_colada: (jokespawn)
Author: pina_colada
She comes by her dishonesty honestly!

Safesun also has the important amenity of a beach. It amuses Kerron to pick his sister up and fling her some thirty feet into the water from the sand.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
It amuses Aedyt too. Sometimes she demands that he do it many times in a row. It is like flying!
pina_colada: (Default)
Author: pina_colada
It is like that! Kerron will toss her all afternoon if that suits her. It's Brandon's idea to play catch with her in the role of the ball.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Aedyt finds this hilarious.
pina_colada: (Default)
Author: pina_colada
She's not particularly aerodynamic, but everybody involved is adept enough to get her to the next recipient without her landing on the sand once.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Best game!
temporal_affairs: (lovable rogue)
Author: temporal_affairs
Nathan, ever opportune, shows up to fetch his daughter while she is midair over the point at which he lands his teleporting. He catches her by the ankle and holds her upside-down. "Learning to fly, pumpkin?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
She giggles and gives him an upside-down hug.

"We're playing catch!" she says brightly.
temporal_affairs: (mischief)
Author: temporal_affairs
"Are we," chuckles Nathan, and he twirls her once around his head and flings her neatly to Kerron, who catches her neatly.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Wheeeeeeeeee," says Aedyt.
temporal_affairs: (shiny)
Author: temporal_affairs
"You ready to go home, pumpkin?" Nathan asks.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Yeah," she giggles, hugging her brother. "Bye, Kerron!"
pina_colada: (natespawn)
Author: pina_colada
"Seeya later, Aedyt," says Kerron, and he flings her back in Daddy's direction.
temporal_affairs: (shiny)
Author: temporal_affairs
And home they go. Home is currently Lisel, Norway.
pumpkin_pie: (⑧ sunglow)
Author: pumpkin_pie
Home can be lots of places! Aedyt wouldn't have it any other way, really. She likes following the capital around, and she likes the occasional day or two spent in Mummy and Daddy's place in New York, and she likes it when Mummy decides that the solution to her millions of hobbies crowding up all their homes is to build her a house on a cute little asteroid and put all of her stuff there, then give her a teleportation power so she can visit whenever she wants. Mummy's good like that. He fixes things.