mute_pen: (transforming)
Author: mute_pen
The castle is livable indefinitely. Etty flies over the space around it, but she's not as fast as the Baron was in his owl form, and she can't fly for very long if she's hungry and can pack nothing if she travels as a swan; she doesn't range farther than she can travel in a half-day, and she doesn't find Astgabels or anyone who knows where it is. (Not many people are willing to talk to a girl in a feather dress from out of nowhere, but a few are.) She flies home to Nona after each failed journey. They feast on what appears on the dining table. They snuggle. They pick through the library. Etty writes her thoughts. They sleep, curled up together in Nona's bed.

One morning they wake up together and are lying there in comfortable silence when Etty scoots up and kisses Nona.
growcrooked: (① allow me the pleasure)
Author: growcrooked
She makes a surprised little noise, grins, and kisses back.
mute_pen: (private)
Author: mute_pen
The Baron kissed her, sometimes, sort of, and Etty is making sure this is very different. Etty is the one starting the entire procedure - that might need to be the case for a while until she's sure she's processed everything - and it's slow and sweet and gentle. Also, Nona is not her father. Nona is not even a little bit her father.


She should probably tell Nona about the - "Um, I like kissing you," Etty murmurs, "but - don't surprise me? Till I say different?"
growcrooked: (⑤ all we need is spark)
Author: growcrooked
"Okay," says Nona, and she snuggles up.
mute_pen: (flight)
Author: mute_pen
growcrooked: (② turn out the lights)
Author: growcrooked
Snuggles! Snuggly snuggly warm lovey happy snuggles. Mmm.
mute_pen: (private)
Author: mute_pen
Best kind.
growcrooked: (⑦ in the air)
Author: growcrooked
Time passes.

Kisses are, in general, a pleasant addition to snuggles. Nona is pleased about them. As requested, she offers no surprises... about that.

A few weeks after the onset of kisses, Nona yells from her bedroom, "Etty I found a thing! Come see!"
mute_pen: (not broken)
Author: mute_pen
Etty comes and sees. "What'd you find?"
growcrooked: (⑥ i'm your black swan)
Author: growcrooked
She is standing in the doorway of her bedroom, only it is no longer the doorway of her bedroom. The other side of the door is now a room containing a lot of people, many of whom seem to be celebrating something, and many of those are wearing little or no clothing.

"I found a place!" says Nona triumphantly.
mute_pen: (lake)
Author: mute_pen
Etty is rather taken aback by the strangeness of the door. And the nudity. "Have you been casting peculiar spells?" she asks.
growcrooked: (① allow me the pleasure)
Author: growcrooked
"Nooo," she giggles. "This place just does that. It's called Milliways and it has a door that goes to all different places and today it came here. And there's somebody I want you to meet!" She sticks her head through the door. "Celo? Celo, where'd you run off to?"
mute_pen: (escape)
Author: mute_pen
"Celo?" asks Etty quizzically.
growcrooked: (⑦ in the air)
Author: growcrooked
"Celo's a nymph," Nona explains. "He's from a different world. They have a lot more magic there, and all kinds of horrible things but some that sound pretty nice, and nymphs are a kind of person that comes out of a field of plants and has to have sex with men a lot or they'll die. But Celo says me and him are a lot like each other, and I think he's right. I think he's that other world's version of me."
mute_pen: (exhale)
Author: mute_pen
That's a lot to take in.

"...Oh. That's... really interesting actually," says Etty. "...What else do you have in common, is he - okay?"
growcrooked: (⑬ get ready for the lady)
Author: growcrooked
"He's... more okay than me," says Nona. "He's been away from his - it wasn't his father, he doesn't have one, but his - person like that - for way longer. But he had a lot of the same not-okay stuff happen."
mute_pen: (lake)
Author: mute_pen
Etty shivers. "Okay. Why are so few people in there wearing clothes?"
growcrooked: (⑨ all revved up)
Author: growcrooked
"There's some kind of thing happening," Nona says vaguely. "Celo said it'd been going on for a few hours already when he got here, and that was a few hours ago. He likes it because it means he blends in more; he can't wear clothes because his mother's a goddess and she said nymphs aren't allowed."
mute_pen: (hair)
Author: mute_pen
"His mother's a goddess? And - he had a person like the Baron, anyway?"
growcrooked: (⑩ not that kind)
Author: growcrooked
"It's complicated," says Nona.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
A naked man of about Nona's apparent age, with a vaguely Nona-ish face and long curly vaguely Nona-ish hair, arrives at the door. He is carrying two large mugs, one of which he hands to Nona; then he kisses her familiarly on the cheek.

"Hi!" he says to Etty. "You must be Etty! I'm Celo."
mute_pen: (exhale)
Author: mute_pen
Etty nods. "That's me. Hello."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Nice to meet you," he says. "Wow, yeah, you're definitely another one of Bella. You wanna come in? I need the door so I can go to my world and get the person I know who I think is one of you."
mute_pen: (escape)
Author: mute_pen
"...There's more of me?" Etty steps inside, tucking herself under Nona's arm. "Yes, please - I'd like to meet - her? Is it a her?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Yeah, her name's Bella," he says. He closes the door and opens it again, and on the other side is a hallway; he leeeeeeeeeeans as far out as he can, looking at another door a short distance down the hall. "Bella! Hey! You in? I found a thing!"
subtly_artistic: (egotism)
Author: subtly_artistic
I love how you're so specific. What is it?
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
It's a - look, just come here, he laughs. You'll like it, I promise.
subtly_artistic: (astral)
Author: subtly_artistic
All right, all right. Up she gets, and out of her room, and, "Kheez!"
mute_pen: (not broken)
Author: mute_pen
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Celo beckons, grinning. "C'mon in! Can't hold the door forever, it's rude and stuff."
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
"What in the screaming abyss is this place?"
mute_pen: (hair)
Author: mute_pen
"I don't know. Before the door opened on part of our castle."
subtly_artistic: (astral)
Author: subtly_artistic
"You have a castle?"
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
"...Yes. But you wouldn't want it the way we got it."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Celo shuts the door behind Bella.

"Should I go get more hot chocolate?" he wonders. "Anybody want some?"
mute_pen: (escape)
Author: mute_pen
"What is hot chocolate?"
subtly_artistic: (detection)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella blinks at her. "Yeah, hot chocolates for us too."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Cool," says Celo, and off he goes through the crowd.

If anyone is looking, he stops to give a guy a blowjob on the way.
growcrooked: (⑨ all revved up)
Author: growcrooked
Meanwhile, Nona is peering curiously at Bella.
subtly_artistic: (egotism)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella waves at her. "So, I'm Bella, who are you?"
mute_pen: (exhale)
Author: mute_pen
Etty was looking, but she soon stops and turns her face into Nona's shoulder. This would not be her kind of party if it weren't apparently the only way to visit versions of her from other worlds.
growcrooked: (⑥ i'm your black swan)
Author: growcrooked
Nona wraps her arms around Etty and murmurs, "I love you," into her hair.

To Bella, she explains matter-of-factly, "I'm who Celo is in our world. I'm not a nymph, I'm a sorcerer's daughter, but he was the same way with me that the man who planted Celo's garden was with him. My father kidnapped Etty and put a curse on her and then we killed him."
subtly_artistic: (catapsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Well, I'm who Etty is in my world, I guess, and I'm a subtle artist - I have mind magic, I don't use it without permission except that I can always tell if an unshielded person is around - and me and Celo go to school together. Although we don't share any classes."
mute_pen: (transforming)
Author: mute_pen
"You're a scholar?"
subtly_artistic: (dream)
Author: subtly_artistic
"...I think calling myself a scholar would suggest it's less common than it is to go to school where I'm from. I'm a student. I'm going to be a mental healer." She pauses, peering at Etty. "I... haven't taken any classes on mental healing yet, but you seem to be not in great shape, and if we're as alike as we look, maybe I could do something?"
mute_pen: (exhale)
Author: mute_pen
"...That would depend on what you were going to do."
subtly_artistic: (missive)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Talk to you. Look at anything you wanted to show me."
growcrooked: (⑧ i am your specialty)
Author: growcrooked
Nona hugs Etty some more.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Celo comes back with another pair of mugs. He hands one to Bella and one to Etty.
subtly_artistic: (suggestion)
Author: subtly_artistic
mute_pen: (private)
Author: mute_pen

Blink blink.

"This is delicious."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"I know!" says Celo, beaming. "I love this place."
mute_pen: (transforming)
Author: mute_pen
"It is such a strange place. What is it?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"I'm not really sure," says Celo. "Some kind of interplanar bar or something. I tried to ask a couple people but mostly they're interested in the party, and I like the party too, so I didn't pester anyone about it."
subtly_artistic: (detection)
Author: subtly_artistic
"An interplanar bar. I guess stranger things have happened. It just appeared to you?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Yeah! And then I saw her coming out of the door," he gestures to Nona, "and - I don't know, does she look like me to you? She looks like me to me. She looks a lot like me. And we compared histories and she's pretty much me, you know, accounting for species and stuff."
subtly_artistic: (apopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"She looks like you could be siblings," decides Bella after a long look at both faces. "Awfully similar siblings." She turns to Etty. "We should compare life histories."
mute_pen: (flight)
Author: mute_pen
"All right. I can't remember my name, but I can remember everything else."
subtly_artistic: (metafaculty)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella goes first. Parents, little town in Blackwater, subtle artistry, school, introspection, her questions -
mute_pen: (flight)
Author: mute_pen
"Our questions," inserts Etty when she hears them.
growcrooked: (① allow me the pleasure)
Author: growcrooked
Celo and Nona simultaneously giggle.
subtly_artistic: (suggestion)
Author: subtly_artistic
Heh. And school and her inauspicious first meeting with Celo and the business with the elves and what she's at liberty to share about the business with Callahan. That's pretty much the story of her life.
mute_pen: (exhale)
Author: mute_pen
Etty's story is shorter and less pleasant. Parents, unremarkable upbringing, figuring out that she only yearned after women and not men, getting picked up by a giant owl and cursed, meeting Nona, turning into a swan (she demonstrates), the hurt and the violation and the terms of his immortality and their ultimate victory. Poking around at sorcery, flying over the countryside looking for home.
subtly_artistic: (dream)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella hugs her, partway through this recitation.
growcrooked: (⑦ in the air)
Author: growcrooked
Nona hugs her as soon as Bella has stopped.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"I could hug you too," says Celo.
mute_pen: (lake)
Author: mute_pen
Etty's reaction to this offer is silent but extremely dubious.
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
"No," translates Bella.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"I got that," says Celo. He hugs Nona instead.
subtly_artistic: (prescience)
Author: subtly_artistic
"...Etty, you're not going to like this and I guess Nona didn't warn you, but nymphs, like Celo, don't predominantly recognize each other by face, but by an - involuntary - read of their - sexual characteristics, basically. He's working on 'squinting' but he's not very good at it yet."
mute_pen: (diminished)
Author: mute_pen
Etty peers mistrustfully at Celo.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Celo throws up his hands, takes his hot chocolate, and leaves their little cluster by the door to head for the other obvious door in the room.
growcrooked: (⑬ get ready for the lady)
Author: growcrooked
"We could go that way too," says Nona. "It leads to a nice little lake and a forest and some things, and it's a lot - quieter out there. Not as many people."
mute_pen: (lake)
Author: mute_pen
"That sounds better - but -"
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
"He already saw you. Unless something changes, he can't get any new information," says Bella, shaking her head. "Otherwise do you think I'd hang around him? I can't even block it with subtle arts." She follows the nymph to the outdoors.
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
Etty goes after her alt.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
By the time they get outside, Celo is not visibly nearby.
mute_pen: (exhale)
Author: mute_pen
Etty and Bella sit next to each other on the grass.
subtly_artistic: (apopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
I can relay you conversation, if you want. And I explained that you've already got what you're going to get off her.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
I got that she's you plus trauma and some different stuff, he says. I didn't look at which stuff was different. Which means you're wrong, by the way, I could slip up and see her properly anytime, it's just easier not to when I already know somebody. And I knew about the trauma already; Nona didn't exactly say, but - it was just obvious. So whatever. Why even talk to me? I'm just the nymph. Give me a shout when somebody needs a good fuck.
subtly_artistic: (reddopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
[Name], what'd you want me to tell her? I couldn't not tell her. I'm sorry I got it wrong, I'll let her know, it'll make her feel better. I wish Nona had warned her but she didn't.

"Apparently he was squinting some and didn't get everything," Bella reports quietly. "He's going to stay away, at least for the time being. He says you look like me plus trauma and some details he didn't get."
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
Etty nods.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
The way you said it, it ended up feeling like you were using me to hurt her, Celo sighs. And I know perfectly well that's not what you were aiming for, but it's what you hit.
subtly_artistic: (dream)
Author: subtly_artistic
I - don't understand why that would be, but I am sorry I upset you.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
I know.

He sighs.

Just - the way you ended up telling her was pretty much the perfect way to make sure she came off the worst from hearing it no matter what I'd actually read. And it's me who's the problem even if you're the one telling her about it. So I end up feeling like I'm a club you're hitting her over the head with, even though I know you didn't mean it that way.
subtly_artistic: (empath)
Author: subtly_artistic
I was trying to present it neutrally.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
You should maybe work on that, he says.
subtly_artistic: (dream)
Author: subtly_artistic
What would you have wanted me to say?
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Ask me privately if I'd got anything off her, and if I hadn't, which I pretty much didn't, lead with that. It's nicer that way.
subtly_artistic: (telekinesis)
Author: subtly_artistic
Okay. If we meet any - more of me - then I'll do that. I didn't realize you were that accomplished at squinting.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
I've been getting better, I just don't run and brag to you about it every time I manage not to catch somebody, he says.
subtly_artistic: (apopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
Understood. Pause. I wouldn't expect her to "look" that much like me the way you said she did. I mean, we're the same, but she's gay and traumatized and I'm straight and not-traumatized, are those not relatively overwhelming features?
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
I told you before you're too hung up on the information part, didn't I? There's a lot more to it than just - features, like that. Stuff that doesn't tell me anything directly, and doesn't really turn into words. And on that level you're almost the same. It's like... if you saw somebody you knew, and then you saw them again and they'd been beat up pretty bad and they were wearing totally different clothes and had different-coloured hair, you'd still recognize them, wouldn't you? It's a little like that.
subtly_artistic: (missive)
Author: subtly_artistic

Meanwhile, Etty's talking about what it's like to fly.

D'you want me to relay what we're talking about to you?
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
subtly_artistic: (catapsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella sets herself up as a relay. "I'll bounce everything we're saying to Celo," she informs her alt and Nona.
growcrooked: (⑦ in the air)
Author: growcrooked
"How's that work?" she says curiously. "I don't think your magic is the same as ours at all. There's less - drinking blood and peeing on things, from what I've heard."
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
"...Ew? The subtle arts aren't like that. Some of the darker arcana might be, I guess, but I'm only a dabbler in arcane magic. I know nothing about divine magic to speak of - well, except common knowledge for my world, which I guess might be more than you have - but I don't think that involves any of that. My subtle arts are just a matter of me being able to focus my mind in certain ways that tend to produce effects in the world. Usually in minds, mine or others' - it's pretty trivial for me to talk to people mind-to-mind from a reasonable distance - but I have a little bit of telekinetic potential that I'm working on training, too."
mute_pen: (escape)
Author: mute_pen
"That sounds much different from what we have."
growcrooked: (⑤ all we need is spark)
Author: growcrooked
"Yeah, we have to drink blood and pee on things and similar," says Nona. "And by we I mean I." She gives Etty's hand an affectionate squeeze. "And we don't have all different kinds of magic like that, and I don't think we have anything that'll let you have a conversation with someone's mind - do we, Etty?"
mute_pen: (hair)
Author: mute_pen
Etty shakes her head. "Not that I've found. It's all about - material objects, mostly, and a few curses that affect the mind like the one I was under."
subtly_artistic: (missive)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Do you want me to see if I can find your name in there somewhere?" offers Bella.
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
"I'm pretty used to 'Etty', now, but I'd like to know who I used to be," says Etty.
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Okay. I'll avoid looking at anything else in enough detail to learn the contents."
growcrooked: (Default)
Author: growcrooked
Nona hugs Etty. It just seems like the thing to do.
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
Etty leans on Nona and waits for Bella to work her magic.
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
"I can't find any memories of your actual name," Bella reports eventually, "but I can find the residue of what was blocked off when the curse was still active. It forbade you to use any name besides Odette - which you got partly around with the nickname - and forbade you to know the existence of the name Isabel, but you should be able to re-learn it now."
mute_pen: (escape)
Author: mute_pen
"It's like yours," observes Etty. "I think I'll just go on being called Etty. Otherwise it would be confusing, and besides, 'Isabel' doesn't feel like mine anymore."
growcrooked: (② turn out the lights)
Author: growcrooked
"It's pretty," says Nona.
subtly_artistic: (metafaculty)
Author: subtly_artistic
"I wonder why they're so similar but not exactly the same."
mute_pen: (private)
Author: mute_pen
"Isabella like your name sounds like a foreign sort of name to me. Isabel is Diotalandish," suggests Etty.
growcrooked: (⑦ in the air)
Author: growcrooked
Nona corroborates this with a nod.
mute_pen: (transforming)
Author: mute_pen
"It is interesting how we are so alike, but come from such different worlds," says Etty. "I wonder if everyone has a match."
subtly_artistic: (apopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"I don't know. It also seems like a strange coincidence that you have Nona who's like Celo and Celo knows me."
growcrooked: (⑥ i'm your black swan)
Author: growcrooked
"Celo said it seems to him like you and him are connected in some sort of Fate-ish kind of way," Nona offers.
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
"One of his teachers said something that made it sound like she thinks so. Celo," she adds, aloud and also relaying telepathically, almost as though he were there, "have you got any other reason to think so?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
If Callahan thinks something's up, then something is probably up, he says. Even if she's wrong about exactly what or what it means.
subtly_artistic: (dream)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella relays this, and then, "But we don't know anything beyond that."
mute_pen: (escape)
Author: mute_pen
"Do you have guesses?"
subtly_artistic: (missive)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Celo thinks she expects us to kill a god," offers Bella.
growcrooked: (⑨ all revved up)
Author: growcrooked
"Are you going to?" wonders Nona.
subtly_artistic: (reddopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"No! I'd get myself killed, or worse. Hubris is a bad idea."
mute_pen: (lake)
Author: mute_pen
"Are they doing a good job, then? The gods you have?"
subtly_artistic: (empath)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Hubris is a bad idea," repeats Bella firmly.
growcrooked: (③ write it in your diary)
Author: growcrooked
"Okay," says Nona.
subtly_artistic: (astral)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Is it not a bad idea where you come from?" Bella asks Etty tentatively.
mute_pen: (exhale)
Author: mute_pen
"There are churches, and people talk about God - only the one - smiting people, sometimes, but I don't think he exists, because people say he's all-powerful and all-knowing and all-good," shrugs Etty. "I don't think there's anything other than other people to punish hubris. But if it's so dangerous where you're from maybe I shouldn't invite you back with us to help me do things with your magic. In case hubris being a bad idea follows you there."
growcrooked: (⑥ i'm your black swan)
Author: growcrooked
"I don't want any more gods than the one we probably haven't got," Nona confirms. "It seems like they'd just get in the way."
subtly_artistic: (missive)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Well -" Bella's speaking very carefully now. "They are the source of divine magic. Celo can heal because of his mother, even if she isn't attentively intervening each time. And no drinking blood is necessary."
mute_pen: (not broken)
Author: mute_pen
"That seems helpful of them," says Etty.
growcrooked: (⑧ i am your specialty)
Author: growcrooked
"I still don't want any," says Nona.
subtly_artistic: (apopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Apart from punishing hubris they're generally a positive or neutral force in the world, I think," Bella says. "And they aren't all-powerful or all-knowing - and only a couple of them claim good, let alone all-good."
mute_pen: (escape)
Author: mute_pen
"And they definitely exist."
subtly_artistic: (temple)
Author: subtly_artistic
"At least some of them are blindingly obvious. There are some more controversial ones."
growcrooked: (⑦ in the air)
Author: growcrooked
"Do you want to talk about something else?" wonders Nona.
subtly_artistic: (missive)
Author: subtly_artistic
"It might be more comfortable, yeah."
mute_pen: (flight)
Author: mute_pen
"Tell us more about your world's magic."
subtly_artistic: (metafaculty)
Author: subtly_artistic
And lo, the conversation did become a thaumatology lecture.
growcrooked: (⑥ i'm your black swan)
Author: growcrooked
Nona is fascinated!
mute_pen: (flight)
Author: mute_pen
Etty is more fascinated!
subtly_artistic: (euphoria)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella is not actually equipped to teach Thaumo 101 but she will do her best!
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Even I didn't know some of this stuff, Celo comments.
subtly_artistic: (metafaculty)
Author: subtly_artistic
I read a lot.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
You're kind of awesome.
subtly_artistic: (detection)
Author: subtly_artistic
I kind of am!

Bella intersperses Celo's remarks to her audience.
mute_pen: (not broken)
Author: mute_pen
Etty giggles.
growcrooked: (④ takes a little friction)
Author: growcrooked
Nona giggles, too.
subtly_artistic: (suggestion)
Author: subtly_artistic

Eventually Bella exhausts her knowledge of the subject in general, but she can go on with lots of practical examples of how magic is used in her world. This eventually segues into an overview of the sentient species - humans are determined to be about the same between worlds after a quick consultation, but then there's nymphs.

"Celo's actually the only male nymph in the world, or at least the only one I ever heard of; usually they're female. They exist in the wild, but some of them are sort of domesticated, because their associated fields - or in Celo's case a garden - can be cultivated to better yields with work most people find less objectionable. So to speak."
growcrooked: (⑩ not that kind)
Author: growcrooked
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Nona says after a few puzzled seconds.
subtly_artistic: (telekinesis)
Author: subtly_artistic
"I mean," says Bella, rolling her eyes, "that in addition to all the usual effects, nymphs improve their respective plants when they have sex. So if you have some guys who want to grow, say, rice, but they don't feel like actually farming rice, they can try to get a rice nymph and have a lot of sex with her and never need to pick up a gardening implement until it's harvest time."
growcrooked: (② turn out the lights)
Author: growcrooked
"Oh!" she says, comprehension dawning. "Huh. He didn't tell me that."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Well, yeah, 'cause it's a different kind of sex that does the gardening, giggles Celo. You're welcome to explain that too.
subtly_artistic: (metafaculty)
Author: subtly_artistic
"He says he didn't mention it because it's only sex with men that improves the plants," says Bella.
mute_pen: (lake)
Author: mute_pen
"...Wait," says Etty slowly.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Way not true, there's girls with dicks and I get the usual goodies out of them, Celo points out.
growcrooked: (⑦ in the air)
Author: growcrooked
"Hmm?" says Nona.
subtly_artistic: (catapsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Clarification, it's - Etty?"
mute_pen: (hair)
Author: mute_pen
"Nona? Did you...?"
growcrooked: (⑬ get ready for the lady)
Author: growcrooked
"Yes," she says, puzzled. "Of course I had sex with him. He's lovely. You already know how much I like to fuck myself - I thought you didn't like hearing about it, or I would've said something earlier. Why are you upset?"
mute_pen: (diminished)
Author: mute_pen
"I thought - that -"
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Khersis Dei. You cheated on her," says Bella wearily.
growcrooked: (⑫ leave me alone)
Author: growcrooked
"What's that mean?" she asks, bewildered and unhappy.
subtly_artistic: (reddopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"You don't know what it - okay," says Bella, putting a hand over her eyes and engaging Explaining Humans Mode in spite of Nona being a human already. "By default, if two humans are being all snuggly and lovey with each other, they don't also have sex with anyone else. If they do it anyway, that's called "cheating". People make different arrangements, sometimes, and obeying the rules of a different arrangement isn't cheating, but apparently you didn't make one with Etty, and the only reason this hasn't bitten you before is because you live in a castle in the middle of nowhere. This is not a small deal; people end decades-long marriages and kill each other over cheating. It is a form of betrayal. The fact that you apparently aren't familiar with the word is probably a mitigating factor."
growcrooked: (⑭ love hurts)
Author: growcrooked
"Oh," says Nona in a small voice.
mute_pen: (diminished)
Author: mute_pen
Etty scrunches in towards herself.

"I know I'm being," she murmurs, "slow."
growcrooked: (⑪ just some heartache)
Author: growcrooked
"What?" says Nona, mystified again.
subtly_artistic: (astral)
Author: subtly_artistic
"She thinks you got fed up with waiting for her to have sex with you," translates Bella.
growcrooked: (⑮ caught in my)
Author: growcrooked
"What," says Nona. "No! What? I just - he offered, and I like him. I didn't know it would upset you! I didn't know you'd even have an opinion on it at all, you don't on what I do by myself! I didn't mean to upset you," she sniffles.
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
"When it's yourself it's just - you," murmurs Etty. "Not you and somebody else. I - I guess you didn't know."
growcrooked: (⑧ i am your specialty)
Author: growcrooked
"I didn't know at all," she says. "I'm sorry."
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
subtly_artistic: (apopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"...And now I'm wondering to what extent Celo acting like a nymph is because he's actually a nymph. Is monogamy something you could even do?"
growcrooked: (⑥ i'm your black swan)
Author: growcrooked
"I do it really easily when I'm in a castle in the middle of nowhere!" she says, hugging herself.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
She'd have a seriously hard time with it, says Celo. Like maybe dealbreakingly hard. We're a lot alike that way.
subtly_artistic: (empath)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella reports this assessment.
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
Etty looks at her knees.
growcrooked: (⑮ caught in my)
Author: growcrooked
Nona hugs herself some more.
mute_pen: (exhale)
Author: mute_pen
"I love you," Etty murmurs.
growcrooked: (⑭ love hurts)
Author: growcrooked
"I love you too," she says. "I'm sorry. Is it - will we be okay?"
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
"I need to think."
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella has a notebook on her. She flips it to a clean page, hands it over with a pen.
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
Etty takes a moment to figure out the unfamiliar writing utensils, but eventually she's scratching away.
growcrooked: (⑮ caught in my)
Author: growcrooked
Nona curls up on the ground and doesn't say anything.
subtly_artistic: (dream)
Author: subtly_artistic
"You going to be okay, Nona?"
growcrooked: (⑬ get ready for the lady)
Author: growcrooked
"I don't know," she mumbles.
mute_pen: (hair)
Author: mute_pen
"You didn't know it would hurt me," murmurs Etty, reaching out to touch Nona's hand.
growcrooked: (⑮ caught in my)
Author: growcrooked
"Well, now I don't know if you're going to love me anymore," she says, sniffling.
mute_pen: (diminished)
Author: mute_pen
Etty squeezes her hand.

She writes faster.
subtly_artistic: (reddopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
Remind me not to even think about ever being a sex therapist.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Don't even think about being a sex therapist, Celo says obligingly. Sucks for Nona, though. I'd want to give her a hug, but her girlfriend might knife me.
subtly_artistic: (missive)
Author: subtly_artistic
Etty isn't going to knife you. For one thing, she doesn't have a knife. At what point during the proceedings did you find out that Nona had a girlfriend?
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
It didn't really happen like that, he says.
subtly_artistic: (dream)
Author: subtly_artistic
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
I mean it's not like we were going along and she was like, 'By the way, I have a girlfriend'. I just kind of... gradually picked up on stuff. I obviously didn't pick up on the fact that Etty was going to be upset that we'd had sex, or I would've, you know, told Nona.
subtly_artistic: (apopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
When did you figure out that Etty was like me?
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
I had half a suspicion, and then I got a look at her and it was just obvious.
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
I'm not sure what to expect her to conclude from the thinking she's doing.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
No? Nothing like it on your end?
subtly_artistic: (dream)
Author: subtly_artistic
I haven't been motivated to consider it.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
So you don't secretly wanna date me? he says whimsically.
subtly_artistic: (catapsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
Is dating even a thing nymphs do?
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Ask me if I care, he giggles.
subtly_artistic: (telekinesis)
Author: subtly_artistic
Fine, is dating even a thing you do?
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Not yet, he shrugs. I was joking, anyway.
subtly_artistic: (telekinesis)
Author: subtly_artistic
Thought so.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
He giggles again.
subtly_artistic: (dream)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella waits, while Etty writes.
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
Etty pauses to ask Nona a question.

"If there are ever more people around - all the time, not just here - how much do you need to do this...?"
growcrooked: (⑨ all revved up)
Author: growcrooked
"I don't know," she says. "Do you mean how much of it do I need to do? I definitely don't know that. Or how strongly do I feel about doing it? I'm not sure I know that either. I know how I feel about never ever doing it again, though, and it's really really bad."
mute_pen: (lake)
Author: mute_pen
"I meant the first thing."

Write, write.
growcrooked: (⑮ caught in my)
Author: growcrooked
Nona curls up and has some more sads.
mute_pen: (diminished)
Author: mute_pen
"I'm sorry," murmurs Etty. "I just - I don't want anybody but you, and I don't - understand."
growcrooked: (⑦ in the air)
Author: growcrooked
"I don't understand either," says Nona. "I don't understand why it's such a thing the way it is."
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella will Not Be A Sex Therapist some other day, apparently. "She doesn't want anybody but you. For a monogamous person that's connected with - depth of feeling, commitment. If Etty heard a reliable prophecy about the future that said she slept with somebody who wasn't you, she'd assume this meant that in the prophesied future, you'd broken up or that she didn't like you much anymore or something was unsatisfactory about the relationship - correct me if I'm wrong, Etty."
mute_pen: (Default)
Author: mute_pen
"You're not wrong."
growcrooked: (⑪ just some heartache)
Author: growcrooked
"Oh," says Nona. "That's not - no. At all. No. How much I love you doesn't have anything to do with how I feel about anybody else."
mute_pen: (diminished)
Author: mute_pen
"I don't understand how that works."
growcrooked: (⑭ love hurts)
Author: growcrooked
"I don't understand how not that works," says Nona.
subtly_artistic: (missive)
Author: subtly_artistic
Can you be of any help here? Bella asks Celo.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
You're the telepath, he points out. Ask Nona if you can read her, then explain her to Etty and then maybe explain Etty back to her because you seem to have Etty pretty well figured out. I'm a nymph; what I know about monogamy amounts to 'don't fuck it'.
subtly_artistic: (empath)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Celo suggests that I could read Nona and then try to explain you to each other," says Bella.
growcrooked: (⑥ i'm your black swan)
Author: growcrooked
"Sure," says Nona.
subtly_artistic: (apopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Is there anything I should not look at?"
growcrooked: (⑦ in the air)
Author: growcrooked
She shrugs. "There's some stuff you might not like, but I don't think there's anything I'd be upset about you knowing."
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic

Bella touches her temple and reads.
growcrooked: (⑩ not that kind)
Author: growcrooked
Nona is mostly wondering what she should be thinking about. How do you explain something when you don't understand the thing it's supposed to be different from? Loving Etty and having sex with Celo don't have anything more to do with each other than loving Etty and masturbating do. Slightly less, actually.
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella picks her way through thoughts. She gets a brainful; the detail isn't graphic but it's not something she'd have asked for.

"...Okay," she murmurs eventually. "What I'm getting amounts to - you would be just about as bewildered if Etty were deeply hurt by you trying hot chocolate - you don't have so much a sex drive, an impulse to be lovey with someone, as you do an arbitrary number of these things that may or may not be operative at any time, and Etty gets her very own over here -" Bella gestures - "and it's just completely failing interact with whatever you do with Celo -" gesture far away from the first. "Am I putting that into words in a recognizable way?"
growcrooked: (⑥ i'm your black swan)
Author: growcrooked
"Yeah," she says. "I guess. Do most people just have the one impulse to be lovey and they can only point it at one person at a time? That's weird. I think I have - well, one per person I feel lovey about."
subtly_artistic: (missive)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Most people at least approximate the one-impulse model," confirms Bella.
mute_pen: (escape)
Author: mute_pen
Etty nods.

She looks at what she has written, which includes notes on what Bella reported.

"Is there a way I can see what you see?" she asks Bella.
subtly_artistic: (missive)
Author: subtly_artistic
"...Difficult. But not impossible. If Nona doesn't mind. I don't think I can do that and filter content at the same time, so Nona will have to present me with anything she wants to show you, on purpose, specifically."
growcrooked: (⑦ in the air)
Author: growcrooked
"Okay!" says Nona. "...What do you want me to show you? Specifically?"
mute_pen: (exhale)
Author: mute_pen
"I'm not sure. I don't know what there is."
subtly_artistic: (telekinesis)
Author: subtly_artistic
Not a sex therapist, not a -

Today, a sex therapist. Okay. Fine.

"I'm gonna tentatively recommend," says Bella, "how you feel about Etty. I think that's probably the best thing."
growcrooked: (⑥ i'm your black swan)
Author: growcrooked
"Okay," says Nona agreeably. "There's a lot of that."
subtly_artistic: (Default)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Concentrate on some for me and I'll do my best to bounce it."
growcrooked: (⑨ all revved up)
Author: growcrooked

She thinks about Etty. That's easy.

She thinks about how much it hurt to know she made Etty upset, and how much it scares her that Etty might not like her anymore, and how much she wants Etty to be safe and happy and okay. She thinks about the lovely warm feeling she gets when they snuggle, and the other lovely warm feelings she gets when they kiss. She thinks about - Etty. Just Etty. Lovely warm snuggly Etty.
subtly_artistic: (astral)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella focuses, hard, and reads and projects, and these are two things that are not her natural affinity and she has to do them at the same time, but she can just - about - manage.
mute_pen: (private)
Author: mute_pen
Etty makes a soft noise, almost like the trill she sometimes does when she's happy and a swan.
growcrooked: (② turn out the lights)
Author: growcrooked
Awww, does she like it?

Nona blossoms.
mute_pen: (flight)
Author: mute_pen
She does like it!
subtly_artistic: (empath)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella can't keep this up for long.

She falters; the bounce stops.
growcrooked: (⑥ i'm your black swan)
Author: growcrooked
Nona hugs Etty, then turns to Bella and holds out her arms.
subtly_artistic: (dream)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella shakes her head. They are not hugging friends.
mute_pen: (transforming)
Author: mute_pen
Etty will take another hug! If Nona wants!
growcrooked: (⑧ i am your specialty)
Author: growcrooked

mute_pen: (private)
Author: mute_pen

Then Etty goes and re-reads her notes, and then she carefully tears those pages out of Bella's notebook and offers it back, with the pen.

"It'll be okay," Etty says to Nona.
growcrooked: (⑭ love hurts)
Author: growcrooked

More hug.
mute_pen: (not broken)
Author: mute_pen
Plenty of hug.
subtly_artistic: (metafaculty)
Author: subtly_artistic
This is really cute. Celo gets a picture, too.
growcrooked: (② turn out the lights)
Author: growcrooked
So much hug!
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
subtly_artistic: (apopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella goes back into the bar to ask someone relatively unoccupied for more information about how this place works. She comes back armed with the results, shares with the group, and budgets a few more hours to stay and talk to Etty before it'll be ruinous to her sleep schedule - the holiday will be over soon and Celo will thereafter be in violation of Milliways rules, anyway. Any of them may find a door again in the future, so it's not necessarily goodbye forever; even if they aren't there at the same time they'll be able to leave notes at the bar.
mute_pen: (escape)
Author: mute_pen
Etty and Nona have clothes and no pressing obligations at home, but Etty thinks she'll probably leave when Bella does.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Celo thinks that if there's going to be rules about him not being naked in a little while, he's going to make the best of the time he's got. He goes back inside.
mute_pen: (not broken)
Author: mute_pen
Etty and Bella start writing down things about each other to take home. They fill most of the notebook in the hours left of the bar holiday, and then they hug each other, and they head for the door.

Etty leaves first.
growcrooked: (⑥ i'm your black swan)
Author: growcrooked
Nona finds Celo to say goodbye to him, and then she leaves too.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Which leaves Celo standing by the doorway with Bella.

"Guess we should head out too, huh?" he says.

"Guess you should," agrees a voice from behind them.
subtly_artistic: (astral)
Author: subtly_artistic
...Bella looks over her shoulder.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Coach Callahan grins.

Celo rolls his eyes.
subtly_artistic: (catapsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"What is going on?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Meet anybody interesting?" inquires the coach.
subtly_artistic: (metafaculty)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Besides you?"

(One of the things Bella learned about the bar is that it is very safe. To a first approximation, you don't get in here if you're going to be violent to other patrons. To a second approximation, there is very good security.)
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"I'm a sweet, harmless little girl and don't let anybody tell you different," says Callahan.

Celo snickers.
subtly_artistic: (apopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
Bella will be busy restraining the urge to unethically mind-read Callahan over here.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Callahan pats Celo on the shoulder and pushes past him to walk out the door, which opens on somewhere other than their dorm, for her.
subtly_artistic: (catapsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
When the door closes, Bella says, "I'm so confused."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"No shit," says Celo.
subtly_artistic: (apopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"I'm also excruciatingly tempted to just look."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"I don't know why you're not, but in case 'she might kill you' isn't one of the reasons already: she might kill you," says Celo.
subtly_artistic: (empath)
Author: subtly_artistic
"That's a reason. Also it would be unethical."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Yep," he says. "And she might kill you."
subtly_artistic: (reddopsi)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Yes. I do not at all doubt her ability to kill me."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Good, 'cause she could so do it," says Celo.
subtly_artistic: (empath)
Author: subtly_artistic
"Anyway." Bella pushes open the door. It is their hall again.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Out they go, into their hall.