pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
"Do you think I should try out for swim team?" Andi asks her sister.

"I don't know, do you want to be on the swim team?" inquires Bella.

"Maybe, I don't know. It could be fun, and I'd get to be in the pool a lot."

"Then sure, go for it." Bella bites into her grilled cheese.
palmofyourhand: (② from the beginning)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Hello," says Ethan.
pandion: (lock)
Author: pandion
"Hi, Ethan," says Andi. (Just because she no longer plans to accompany him to school dances doesn't mean he is not welcome to talk to her in his yummy accent.)
palmofyourhand: (③ my love flowed for you)
Author: palmofyourhand
"I have been to the tea shop," he says, taking one of the remaining seats at their table. "I have sampled the tea. The tea was delicious. Thanks for the tip."
pandion: (still)
Author: pandion
"You're welcome, I'm glad you liked it!"
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Oh, you told him about that place Renée goes?"
pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
palmofyourhand: (④ in heaven hell or earth)
Author: palmofyourhand
"And I am ever so grateful," says Ethan.
pandion: (Default)
Author: pandion
"What kind did you get?"
palmofyourhand: (⑤ from our victory)
Author: palmofyourhand
He answers. At length. In detail. In his yummy accent.
pandion: (Default)
Author: pandion
instar: (cat)
Author: instar
Bella steps on her foot.
pandion: (frown)
Author: pandion
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Sorry. You know me. So clumsy I have to sit out of gym."
palmofyourhand: (⑪ one more hole in space)
Author: palmofyourhand
Ethan raises his eyebrows at Bella.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"It's true, I sit out of gym, ask anyone."
pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
"She's barely functional," sighs Andi, "falls down the stairs, trips on nothing, she can only do gym if it's something like pull-ups where at least no one else will sue when she inevitably injures herself."
palmofyourhand: (⑧ keeps the human soul)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Sorry to hear that," says Ethan.
pandion: (lock)
Author: pandion
"Yeah. I'm not clumsy like that, I might try out for swim team."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"I'm actually not terrible in the water. It's just ordinary human locomotion that gives me a problem. But I do not care to be on the swim team."
palmofyourhand: (⑤ from our victory)
Author: palmofyourhand
"That makes two of us," laughs Ethan. "Not that I have anything against swimming. It's the 'team' part I don't care for."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"I think the swim team is less teamlike than, say, the basketball team."
pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
"Yeah, it's more like just a bunch of swimmers, it's not like it's water polo."
palmofyourhand: (④ in heaven hell or earth)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Eh," says Ethan, "still not my thing."
pandion: (still)
Author: pandion
"Fair enough. I think I will try out, though. Maybe I'll make it, maybe I won't."
palmofyourhand: (② from the beginning)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Good luck."
pandion: (thought)
Author: pandion
palmofyourhand: (③ my love flowed for you)
Author: palmofyourhand
He smiles.

He has an attractive smile.
pandion: (skepticism)
Author: pandion
He doooooooes.

instar: (doe)
Author: instar
"Sorry - who's that? I don't think I've seen her before?"
palmofyourhand: (⑩ even deserts burn)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Who's who?" inquires Ethan.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"The girl over there wandering around." Bella waves at her.
hold_infinity: (⑪ a new cloud coming)
Author: hold_infinity
The girl spots the wave, looks confused, and then approaches.
palmofyourhand: (⑪ one more hole in space)
Author: palmofyourhand
Ethan glances at her.

"I don't know her either," he says.
pandion: (do tell)
Author: pandion
"Hi! Are you new?" Andi asks the girl. "I'm Andi, and this is my twin sister Bella, and that's Ethan."
palmofyourhand: (② from the beginning)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Hi," Ethan adds.
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
"...well, what're the bloody odds," says the girl. "I'm Robin. Pleased to meet you all. Can I sit? I'm sitting."

She sits. Next to Ethan, across from Bella.
pandion: (laughter)
Author: pandion
"Ooh, you're British too, that's neat."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"You are welcome to sit."
hold_infinity: (① has the dawn)
Author: hold_infinity
"Good," she says, grinning at Bella.
palmofyourhand: (① ever seen your eyes)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Aren't we a regular embassy," says Ethan.
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"What brings you to Phoenix, Robin?"
hold_infinity: (⑫ black moon is rising)
Author: hold_infinity
"How many people would you like to guess have asked me that today?" says Robin.
pandion: (lock)
Author: pandion
"You should print flyers," suggests Andi.
hold_infinity: (③ took a storm before)
Author: hold_infinity
...She laughs.

"Yeah, brilliant. Why didn't I think of that?" she says, only partly sarcastic.
pandion: (laughter)
Author: pandion
"Because your mom doesn't keep large stacks of colorful paper around the printer to make pretty handouts for kindergarteners?"
hold_infinity: (⑤ see all the profit)
Author: hold_infinity
"Right. That must be it."
pandion: (do tell)
Author: pandion
"Our mom does. If you want to make pastel-colored flyers I can help."
hold_infinity: (④ the greatest show)
Author: hold_infinity
"Thanks," she says. "I'll keep it in mind."
pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
"Is there something you wish people would ask you instead? Like, 'what is your favorite color' or 'where did you get your shoes' or 'so what electives are you in'?"
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
"Do you like the shoes, or was that a random example?" she laughs. (Her shoes are a pair of sturdy black boots, suitable for stomping on things.)
palmofyourhand: (② from the beginning)
Author: palmofyourhand
"I like the shoes," Ethan volunteers.
pandion: (laughter)
Author: pandion
"They're pretty keen shoes! They don't really go with anything I own so I don't need to go get a pair of my own, but you rock them."
hold_infinity: (③ took a storm before)
Author: hold_infinity
"I do," Robin agrees.
pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
"So did we just miss your existence for the first couple weeks of school or are you brand new?"
hold_infinity: (⑦ take a look around)
Author: hold_infinity
"Brand new," she admits.
pandion: (lock)
Author: pandion
"Ooh. Are you having any trouble catching up with stuff?"
hold_infinity: (⑩ we never learn)
Author: hold_infinity
"I was never that good in school even before I moved to another country," she sighs.
pandion: (frown)
Author: pandion
hold_infinity: (⑧ here and there)
Author: hold_infinity
"Ouch is right."
palmofyourhand: (⑧ keeps the human soul)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Maybe you just need a little help," says Ethan. "A crash course. How To Pass Classes In America."
pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
"Is the school system really that different?"
palmofyourhand: (④ in heaven hell or earth)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Parts of it."
hold_infinity: (⑥ wanna be my string)
Author: hold_infinity
"The spelling's going to make me want to punch something, I can just tell," says Robin.
instar: (ermine)
Author: instar
"They shouldn't mark you down for putting extra U's in things, but never let it be said that I expect all teachers to do what they should."
hold_infinity: (⑪ a new cloud coming)
Author: hold_infinity
"Yeah, that would make far too much sense."
pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
"I'd wonder what Mom would do with a British kid but her students aren't usually literate yet in any dialects at all," muses Andi.
hold_infinity: (⑦ take a look around)
Author: hold_infinity
"Your mum teaches little kids?" she guesses.
pandion: (lock)
Author: pandion
"Yeah, kindergarten."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"I was theoretically eligible to skip into first grade directly, but Mom wouldn't let me go past her without having me for the year, and besides, would've split me up from Andi."
hold_infinity: (⑥ wanna be my string)
Author: hold_infinity
"Wouldn't want that," she says, glancing between the twins.
pandion: (smooth)
Author: pandion
"Yeah, Bella totally carries me in English class. I have more tolerance for math though."
hold_infinity: (⑤ see all the profit)
Author: hold_infinity
"English class, there's a joke," snorts Robin.
palmofyourhand: (⑤ from our victory)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Don't mock the colonials," says Ethan.
pandion: (laughter)
Author: pandion
"The Redcoats are mocking, the Redcoats are mocking!"
instar: (ermine)
Author: instar
palmofyourhand: (① ever seen your eyes)
Author: palmofyourhand
Ethan snickers.
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin giggles.
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"I don't even know why it's called English class. In elementary school it was Language Arts, and a decent fraction of the literature we study is translated from other languages, we're doing a chunk of Dostoevsky in December."
pandion: (do tell)
Author: pandion
"Not the entirety of Dostoevsky? Just like his arm or something?"
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"A passage from the middle of a novel," snorts Bella. "Not the whole thing, no room in the schedule."
hold_infinity: (① has the dawn)
Author: hold_infinity
Meanwhile, the Redcoats
palmofyourhand: (① ever seen your eyes)
Author: palmofyourhand
are cracking up.
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
pandion: (laughter)
Author: pandion
"I should go into standup, clearly."
palmofyourhand: (② from the beginning)
Author: palmofyourhand
Ethan giggles.
hold_infinity: (③ took a storm before)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin snickers.
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"I think you're more conversationally funny than monologue-funny," Bella tells Andi. "Maybe you could translate it, though."
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
"His arm," says Robin, and giggles harder.
pandion: (laughter)
Author: pandion
"Dostoevsky's Arm sounds like a band name. They would play incomprehensible electronica!"
hold_infinity: (① has the dawn)
Author: hold_infinity
She is now laughing so hard she has to lean on Ethan to stay arguably upright.
palmofyourhand: (① ever seen your eyes)
Author: palmofyourhand
He is not much less giggly than that. But he manages not to fall over.
pandion: (do tell)
Author: pandion
"It could be a whole crossdisciplinary unit. We could dissect his arm in bio. Except he only has two, so we'd have to do in groups."
palmofyourhand: (⑥ could be anything)
Author: palmofyourhand
Ethan splutters.
pandion: (skepticism)
Author: pandion
"Ew," says Andi as she thinks about this in more detail.
instar: (ermine)
Author: instar
"Also he's been dead for a while now, I believe, so that would be more of an archaeology project."
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin cackles.
pandion: (lock)
Author: pandion
"And archaeology is a college thing," agrees Andi, nodding smartly. "Way too advanced for us sophomores."
hold_infinity: (⑤ see all the profit)
Author: hold_infinity
She giggles some more, but now manages to sit upright under her own steam.

"Sorry," she says, patting Ethan on the arm.
palmofyourhand: (⑤ from our victory)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Not a problem," says Ethan.
pandion: (lens)
Author: pandion
"You okay there?"
hold_infinity: (① has the dawn)
Author: hold_infinity
"Of course I am," says Robin.
pandion: (smooth)
Author: pandion
"Good, I haven't killed anybody with laughing so far and don't wanna start."
palmofyourhand: (② from the beginning)
Author: palmofyourhand
Ethan grins.
pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
"So what class do you have after lunch?" Andi asks Robin.
hold_infinity: (③ took a storm before)
Author: hold_infinity
"Archaeology. I mean, English."
pandion: (lens)
Author: pandion
Andi giggles. "Us too, that's cool."
hold_infinity: (⑤ see all the profit)
Author: hold_infinity
"Hopefully they'll keep the severed arms to a minimum."
palmofyourhand: (⑤ from our victory)
Author: palmofyourhand
"But who doesn't love a good severed arm?"
pandion: (laughter)
Author: pandion
"The people the arms belong to, probably. The better the severed arm the less they like it, they probably wouldn't miss a terrible arm that much."
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin starts giggling again.
palmofyourhand: (③ my love flowed for you)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Au contraire," says Ethan, "I'd think a badly severed arm is more worth complaining about. All that mess and unnecessary discomfort."
hold_infinity: (④ the greatest show)
Author: hold_infinity
...Robin sporfles.
pandion: (brow)
Author: pandion
"No, you have to distinguish between the arm, and the severing," says Andi. "If the arm is good and the severing is bad that's the worst for the arm, um, donor."
hold_infinity: (⑤ see all the profit)
Author: hold_infinity
"Pfffffffffffff," says Robin.
palmofyourhand: (④ in heaven hell or earth)
Author: palmofyourhand
"I think our girl's sprung a leak," remarks Ethan.
pandion: (lock)
Author: pandion
"I don't have my bicycle repair kit, can't help you."
palmofyourhand: (① ever seen your eyes)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Well, nobody cut off her arm, that'll only make it worse."
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
She thunks her forehead against his shoulder and cackles helplessly.
pandion: (laughter)
Author: pandion
"I don't have my hacksaw either anyway, I'm going to get marked down for coming to school unprepared."
hold_infinity: (① has the dawn)
Author: hold_infinity
Giggle giggle.
palmofyourhand: (② from the beginning)
Author: palmofyourhand
"You've gone and done it again. She'll never recover at this rate."
pandion: (checking)
Author: pandion
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"Dying of laughter is very uncommon."
hold_infinity: (③ took a storm before)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin continues to snicker.
palmofyourhand: (③ my love flowed for you)
Author: palmofyourhand
"She may not die of laughter, but she might die laughing," snorts Ethan.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"What would she die of, then?"
palmofyourhand: (⑤ from our victory)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Car crash. Thirty years from now. Still giggling," Ethan predicts.
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"Oh, let's give her till she's eighty at least. I like the image of a little old lady who can't stop laughing because of jokes told in the tenth grade."
pandion: (laughter)
Author: pandion
"She'll keep trying to tell all the other little old ladies in the nursing home what's so funny but she won't be able to stop laughing long enough to do it!"
hold_infinity: (⑤ see all the profit)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin covers her face with her hands and wheezes.
palmofyourhand: (② from the beginning)
Author: palmofyourhand
"There, there," says Ethan, patting her on the shoulder.
pandion: (do tell)
Author: pandion
"We can all sit very still and wait for you to calm down if you want," offers Andi.
palmofyourhand: (③ my love flowed for you)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Even though it wouldn't be any fun at all."
hold_infinity: (④ the greatest show)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin nods. And leans on Ethan's shoulder again.
pandion: (skepticism)
Author: pandion
Andi sits very still. (Well, she eats.)
instar: (butterfly)
Author: instar
Bella also sits mostly very still and eats.
hold_infinity: (⑦ take a look around)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin gradually recovers. Soon she is also eating!
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"You all right?"
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
"Yeah, I'm fine."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"Good. So. Welcome."
pandion: (Default)
Author: pandion
"What she said."
hold_infinity: (① has the dawn)
Author: hold_infinity
"This is the most welcomed I've felt all day."
pandion: (brow)
Author: pandion
"Everyone else is falling down on the job then."
hold_infinity: (③ took a storm before)
Author: hold_infinity
She snorts.
palmofyourhand: (③ my love flowed for you)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Lucky you found us," says Ethan.
pandion: (lock)
Author: pandion
"The Redcoat Welcoming Committee!"
palmofyourhand: (② from the beginning)
Author: palmofyourhand
He laughs.
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin grins. "Yeah, you're a special bunch, you are."
pandion: (do tell)
Author: pandion
"I promise not to steal your tea and throw it in any harbors."
palmofyourhand: (④ in heaven hell or earth)
Author: palmofyourhand
"And if you do, you'll just have to tell her about your mother's favourite tea shop," says Ethan.
hold_infinity: (④ the greatest show)
Author: hold_infinity
"Is there even a harbour close enough to throw it in?"
pandion: (lens)
Author: pandion
"Not really. There's, like, ponds. If you go way south and I think a little west and a little bit into Mexico there's the Gulf."
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
"All right. My tea is safe," says Robin. "Now what's this about a tea shop?"
pandion: (smooth)
Author: pandion
"Oh! Mom gets her tea from this one store and it's already Redcoat-approved," Andi gestures at Ethan, "so apparently it's not, like, secretly inferior Yankee tea or anything." She names the shop and its location.
hold_infinity: (① has the dawn)
Author: hold_infinity
"Good to know," says Robin. "Thanks."
pandion: (still)
Author: pandion
"You're welcome! I wouldn't want you to go into horrible tea withdrawal."
hold_infinity: (⑤ see all the profit)
Author: hold_infinity
"Yeah, and neither would anyone else," says Robin.
palmofyourhand: (① ever seen your eyes)
Author: palmofyourhand
"Are you very scary when you're in tea withdrawal?"
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
She grins. "You bet."
pandion: (brow)
Author: pandion
"What happens, do you get weird undercaffeinated paranoia and start trying to stab people?"
hold_infinity: (③ took a storm before)
Author: hold_infinity
"Nah, I just get grumpy. Terrifyingly grumpy."
pandion: (laughter)
Author: pandion
"Terrifying grumpiness! I'm scared!"
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
"You should be," laughs Robin.
pandion: (checking)
Author: pandion
"I tremble in fear that you will grumble at me and, um... rebuff social pleasantries. It'll be horrible."
hold_infinity: (④ the greatest show)
Author: hold_infinity
She snorts.
pandion: (lock)
Author: pandion
"I'd never recover. It's a good thing I told you about the tea shop."
hold_infinity: (⑤ see all the profit)
Author: hold_infinity
"Damn right."
pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
"Anything else you need to know about lest you become grumpy?"
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
"Nah. As long as there's tea."
pandion: (Default)
Author: pandion
"Noted." Andi mimes writing this down.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
Bella elbows her.
hold_infinity: (① has the dawn)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin laughs.
pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
"Do you have English with Ms. Hawthorne or are you in a different section from me?"
hold_infinity: (⑧ here and there)
Author: hold_infinity
"Yeah, Hawthorne."
pandion: (still)
Author: pandion
"I can show you where it is," Andi says, glancing at the clock. "The rooms are numbered funny down that hall."
hold_infinity: (③ took a storm before)
Author: hold_infinity
"Brilliant. You're a lifesaver."
pandion: (lens)
Author: pandion
The bell rings.

"This way." Off go all three girls.