roc_on: (shuō huà)
Author: roc_on
The next day there's an article in a scandal sheet insinuating that there may be something inappropriate going on between Delightful Jun and the Avatar.

Beila adopts a strategy of completely ignoring this insinuation until an interviewer asks her point blank, at which point she says, "No," and declines to elaborate further. Because there is nothing to elaborate on.

She shows up, exasperated, for her next firebending lesson.
fiery_delights: (Default)
Author: fiery_delights
"Somebody sure lit a fire under you," Jun observes.
roc_on: (juéde)
Author: roc_on
"Celebrity status: mixed bag," says Beila.
fiery_delights: (④ if you don't like it)
Author: fiery_delights
"Don't I know it. Anything you want to talk about?"
roc_on: (tǔ)
Author: roc_on
"Tips?" she asks. "I've been dealing with the press for a while, but this is the first time it's been colored quite this way."
fiery_delights: (⑤ let the show begin)
Author: fiery_delights
"Quite this way, meaning...? Not that I don't have a guess," he says wryly. "But I haven't actually seen it hit the news. Someone did try to interview me about you last night, but I flirted with him until he went away. Maybe he decided that was enough material."
roc_on: (kàn)
Author: roc_on
"There was an article about it; there wasn't much substance to it but it gave everyone the idea. I had an interview this morning and the lady tried to startle me, by asking me suddenly - I told her no."
fiery_delights: (⑧ lock me up)
Author: fiery_delights
He shrugs. "Telling them no only goes so far, I've learned. It doesn't bother me."
roc_on: (juéde)
Author: roc_on
"It bothers me. I've mostly managed to keep Dao out of the spotlight, but people know I have a boyfriend, and now a bunch of them think I'm cheating on him."
fiery_delights: (⑦ whip's gonna crack)
Author: fiery_delights
"Not necessarily," says Jun with a quirk of a smile. "Sorry - I wish I could give you tips on not letting the rumors get to you, but the fact is I've never cared."
roc_on: (kàn)
Author: roc_on
"...Not necessarily?"
fiery_delights: (⑩ coming here to dream)
Author: fiery_delights
"Not necessarily cheating on him," he elaborates.
roc_on: (shuō huà)
Author: roc_on
"I suppose they could be imagining we have some kind of open setup."
fiery_delights: (④ if you don't like it)
Author: fiery_delights
"It's been known to happen."
roc_on: (shuǐ)
Author: roc_on
"All right, maybe they don't think I'm cheating," sighs Beila. "It's still bothersome... at any rate, we have firebending to do."
fiery_delights: (⑤ let the show begin)
Author: fiery_delights
"That we do," Jun agrees.

On with the lesson! Beila is progressing nicely, even with all of her difficulties.
roc_on: (shuǐ)
Author: roc_on
When Dao picks her up, Beila relates the contents of this conversation to him.
thinklikethis: (⑥ guilty parts)
Author: thinklikethis
"...I don't know how to feel about this," says Dao.
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"You don't have to feel any way in particular about it, I just thought you should be up to date."
thinklikethis: (⑩ how should i)
Author: thinklikethis
"Well. But," he says. "I mean, you know Jun will sleep with practically anybody, right?"
roc_on: (shuō huà)
Author: roc_on
"I've heard. That and the fact that my previous teachers were women are probably why the rumors have started now instead of earlier. It doesn't mean I'm sleeping with him."
thinklikethis: (⑪ i am just a new boy)
Author: thinklikethis
"I know you are not sleeping with him," says Dao. "I'm pretty sure you'd tell me if you were."
roc_on: (kàn)
Author: roc_on
"...That's one way to phrase it, I guess? I'm not going to cheat on you."
thinklikethis: (⑥ guilty parts)
Author: thinklikethis
"He... did kind of point out... that that is not the only way for someone who is in a relationship to sleep with him," says Dao.
roc_on: (shuō huà)
Author: roc_on
"Ye-e-es, but by default, monogamy is the done thing."
thinklikethis: (⑫ you make me nervous)
Author: thinklikethis

"What if I want to sleep with him," says Dao, blushing fiercely.
roc_on: (tǔ)
Author: roc_on

Beila blinks.
thinklikethis: (⑨ nobody loves me)
Author: thinklikethis
Dao blushes some more!
roc_on: (kàn)
Author: roc_on
"Then - we would have to talk about that, I guess?" says Beila slowly. "Do you want to - like, actually in real life want to?"
thinklikethis: (⑦ who's gonna show)
Author: thinklikethis
"I definitely in-my-dreams want to," he says. "And, you know, it is a thing that could hypothetically happen. If you were okay with it and everything - I'm not going to cheat on you either. And I'm not completely sure that I would actually try it even if you were. But - now I'm thinking about it."
roc_on: (juéde)
Author: roc_on
"I guess I'd have to think about whether I'd be okay with it," says Beila after a pause.
thinklikethis: (Default)
Author: thinklikethis
"Okay," says Dao, continuing to blush.
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"It's really very cute when you blush."
thinklikethis: (④ no promises no demands)
Author: thinklikethis
"So you've said!"
roc_on: (juéde)
Author: roc_on
"This isn't a dealbreaker, right? If I say 'no, do not sleep with people who aren't me' we don't have a serious relationship problem on our hands?"
thinklikethis: (⑫ you make me nervous)
Author: thinklikethis
"Um... probably not, I guess?" he says.
roc_on: (shuō huà)
Author: roc_on
"...Can you elaborate on that?"
thinklikethis: (⑧ to this wreck)
Author: thinklikethis
"I can't think of a reason why it would be, especially since I'm not sure I would try to sleep with anybody else even if you said I could," he says. "But I don't know for sure, I haven't really thought about it yet."
roc_on: (shuǐ)
Author: roc_on
"Okay. Keep me posted, please, if you do think about it."
thinklikethis: (⑥ guilty parts)
Author: thinklikethis
"Of course."
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis
Snuggle! Snuggle snuggle. Beila is snuggly.
roc_on: (shuǐ)
Author: roc_on
She is!

"Might be a little premature," she murmurs, "to talk about whether you're going to be sleeping with people who aren't me. We haven't really talked about you sleeping with people who are me."
thinklikethis: (③ no one can tell us we're wrong)
Author: thinklikethis
"That... is true," says Dao. "Should we talk about that?"
roc_on: (kě yí)
Author: roc_on
"Maybe." In a tone that means obviously.
thinklikethis: (⑤ hit me with your best shot)
Author: thinklikethis
"Wow, yes, let's talk about that," says Dao.
roc_on: (xiào)
Author: roc_on
She laughs and nuzzles him again. "It is something that could happen. I love you, you know."
thinklikethis: (⑥ guilty parts)
Author: thinklikethis
"Yes, I do know that! I love you too," he says. "Sleeping with people who are you sounds like a great idea."
roc_on: (kuài)
Author: roc_on
"That sounds like consensus to me."
thinklikethis: (③ no one can tell us we're wrong)
Author: thinklikethis
Dao beams.
roc_on: (xiào)
Author: roc_on

thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis
Snuggle kiss!
roc_on: (shuǐ)
Author: roc_on

A couple of days later, when they're hanging out with milkshakes on the roof of the milkshake place (because roofs are awesome, that's why) Beila says, "So, I think I could pretty well live with it if you wanted to sleep with other people, as long as I knew who it was ahead of time - no surprises - and I wasn't neglected or anything."
thinklikethis: (④ no promises no demands)
Author: thinklikethis

He grins and kisses her.
roc_on: (gāoxìng)
Author: roc_on
Kisses! Milkshake-flavored kisses.
thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis

"I love you," he declares.
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"I love you."
thinklikethis: (③ no one can tell us we're wrong)
Author: thinklikethis
More kisses.
roc_on: (méi)
Author: roc_on
Kisses, kisses. Milkshake-sippage.

"So are you going to proposition him or just think about it in extreme detail?"
thinklikethis: (① hysteria)
Author: thinklikethis
"I am going to think about it in extreme detail for sure," he says, giggle-blushing.
roc_on: (kě yí)
Author: roc_on
"You're adorable. You're so adorable."
thinklikethis: (④ no promises no demands)
Author: thinklikethis
"I am adorable." He kisses her.
roc_on: (gāoxìng)
Author: roc_on
Kisses. If their milkshakes melt she can refreeze them. Kisses kisses.
thinklikethis: (⑤ hit me with your best shot)
Author: thinklikethis
Kisses! So many kisses. Adorable kisses.
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"It would probably," kiss, "embarrass you if I actually mentioned this to him at some point, wouldn't it?"
thinklikethis: (③ no one can tell us we're wrong)
Author: thinklikethis
"...Yeees," he says, "but I think it would embarrass me much less than trying to talk to him myself."
roc_on: (kě yí)
Author: roc_on
"Do you want me to?"
thinklikethis: (④ no promises no demands)
Author: thinklikethis
"Maybe," he says shiftily. "I don't not want you to. It would be an acceptable amount of embarrassing. And if he laughs at me I won't have to see him do it."
roc_on: (kuài)
Author: roc_on
"I really don't see him laughing at you."
thinklikethis: (⑤ hit me with your best shot)
Author: thinklikethis
"Really really?"
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"Well, not in a mean way. He might laugh in a 'that's adorable' kind of way?"
thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis
"He can totally laugh in a 'that's adorable' kind of way!"
roc_on: (xiào)
Author: roc_on
"I'll bring it up if I see a conversational opening and you don't desperately contact me to change your mind before then, how about. And I will report on his laughter situation."
thinklikethis: (⑥ guilty parts)
Author: thinklikethis
"You are my favourite girlfriend," says Dao. "Of all the girlfriends I have had. Who are all you."
roc_on: (kuài)
Author: roc_on
"I would be really disappointed in myself if I didn't manage that, considering that."
thinklikethis: (③ no one can tell us we're wrong)
Author: thinklikethis
"I meant it in a nice way, not so much a literal way."
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"I will take it as it was meant." Pause. "And tease you about the literal interpretation, as you have just seen."
thinklikethis: (⑤ hit me with your best shot)
Author: thinklikethis
"Yes! Yes, I did just see that. That is a thing that just happened."

He hugs her.
roc_on: (xiào)
Author: roc_on
Hugs. "You are so observant."
thinklikethis: (④ no promises no demands)
Author: thinklikethis
"Yes I am."

Observant and snuggly.
roc_on: (shuǐ)
Author: roc_on
Very much so.

So anyway, Beila has firebending lessons pretty regularly. She appears at her next one, humming.
fiery_delights: (③ i want it to roar)
Author: fiery_delights
"You're cheerful today," observes Jun. "That's nice."
roc_on: (gāoxìng)
Author: roc_on
"It's a nice day out, I have a roc, I'm the Avatar, my father gave my mother a lovely bouquet of flowers and she grinned about them all morning, it's been a nice time to be me." She cracks her knuckles.
fiery_delights: (② never know what hit you)
Author: fiery_delights
"I was right, that is nice. Time to make fire!"

She's been progressing pretty well in her studies, picking up more and more of the basics and putting them together with increasing complexity. Jun encourages her to take it slow and pay attention to the element, to put as much precision into her form as she can manage, and to take a break every so often and think about what she's learning.

"Your control is improving," he comments at one such interval. "Faster than I expected, with that precision issue you have. Good work."
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"Thanks! I have been practicing."

(She has incentives. 'Cause on the one hand she's not very patient, but on the other, hasty kink has got to be the most embarrassing way to burn down a house ever.)
fiery_delights: (⑤ let the show begin)
Author: fiery_delights
"I can tell! If you keep it up, in a few weeks I might teach you how to do wings. You'll want very good control for that, for obvious reasons, but it's not that hard if you can get the trick and there's limited potential for disaster down here even if you screw it up. Plus it'll be a good way to get further practice in keeping your air separate from your fire. Does that sound like fun?"
roc_on: (Default)
Author: roc_on
"Wings sounds like excellent fun! I don't suppose they do anything for actual flying, of course. Cosmetic wings still sound like fun."
fiery_delights: (② never know what hit you)
Author: fiery_delights
"Strictly cosmetic. But if I ever invent a way to fly with firebending, you'll be the second person to know."
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
fiery_delights: (③ i want it to roar)
Author: fiery_delights
"It would be!"
roc_on: (kuài)
Author: roc_on
"The wings will look awesome, anyway, I can already fly by other means. So I'll keep it up."
fiery_delights: (⑦ whip's gonna crack)
Author: fiery_delights
"They will look awesome. You could even try the wings while flying - someday, not soon, and probably not with the roc. The roc might object. Not to mention any fellow passengers."
roc_on: (kuài)
Author: roc_on
"I'd want to be really sure of not setting my glider on fire, too, and not have my boyfriend with me, he'd squeak more than Liqing would if I surprised him. I can probably fly glider-free if I figure out how to activate the Avatar State, but I don't have that down at the moment."
fiery_delights: (② never know what hit you)
Author: fiery_delights
"That sounds to me like a great incentive to learn how to control the wings really, really well. Separately, I advise not surprising your boyfriend with fire."
roc_on: (Default)
Author: roc_on
"Yeah, only prearranged fire with the boyfriend. I believe it was shortly after I met him that I actually, in words, promised not to lob a fireball at his head. It was my first day with waterbending, I flicked a droplet at him." Pause. "Oh, by the way, he has a crush on you and I have his permission to mention this so he doesn't have to figure out how to say something himself."
fiery_delights: (③ i want it to roar)
Author: fiery_delights
"That's adorable," says Jun. "Does he want free tickets to a show? I bet he'd like free tickets to a show."
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"I'm sure he would be pleased to receive free tickets to a show, yes."
fiery_delights: (① it's gonna be loud)
Author: fiery_delights
"He can have them, then! In the meantime, back to work. I want to see how steady you can get those long fire blasts."
roc_on: (gāoxìng)
Author: roc_on
"You got it."

She gets back to work.

And later, she presents Dao with his free ticket. "He did not laugh. He thought it was adorable."
thinklikethis: (⑤ hit me with your best shot)
Author: thinklikethis
"...knowing this guy's reputation, that might actually mean I could end up sleeping with him," says Dao. "I am kind of nervous. But I'm totally using my free ticket. Do you want to come too? It says you can come too."
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"I'll come if you like."
thinklikethis: (⑥ guilty parts)
Author: thinklikethis
"I don't know, is it weird if I flirt with your teacher in front of you? It might be weird. I don't want it to end up being weird."
roc_on: (shuǐ)
Author: roc_on
"I think all the weirdness is in the flirting and none of it is in the 'in front of me', and I have already dealt with that weirdness that there is."
thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis
"Then you can totally come! I don't know if I want you to, I don't think it makes much of a difference to my personal experience of flirting with Delightful Jun. As long as it is not weird."
roc_on: (Default)
Author: roc_on
"I think I will come and watch the pretty firebending. It's educational."
thinklikethis: (① hysteria)
Author: thinklikethis
"Okay," giggles Dao. "Wow. I'm going to flirt with Delightful Jun."
roc_on: (kě yí)
Author: roc_on
"You are adorably anticipatory about this."
thinklikethis: (③ no one can tell us we're wrong)
Author: thinklikethis
"If you were going to flirt with a kinda famous very pretty guy you had a crush on I'm sure you'd be adorably anticipatory too."
roc_on: (méi)
Author: roc_on
"But I am not going to do that, and so I am not."
thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis
"Well, I am going to do that." He giggles. "Wow."
roc_on: (kuài)
Author: roc_on
Beila laughs and ruffles Dao's hair.
thinklikethis: (⑤ hit me with your best shot)
Author: thinklikethis
Dao beams at her.

He chooses to go to the show that is a few days later.
fiery_delights: (⑨ i feel so strong)
Author: fiery_delights
It's one of the prettiest ones yet. Jun creates beautiful streamers of flame that ripple and hang in the air for a moment before fading away, in every colour from red through orange to yellow to white to blue. And in the course of his exquisitely choreographed routine, he burns off successive layers of his elaborate outfit - blue and white and yellow and orange and red, the outer layers gauzy and translucent with trailing edges, the inner layers more substantial and close-fitting.

When he spins out of the ashes of the red kilt, there turns out to have been nothing else underneath it.

The audience is mainly pleased with this development.
thinklikethis: (① hysteria)
Author: thinklikethis
Dao blushes like mad.
roc_on: (kě yí)
Author: roc_on
Beila rolls her eyes and pecks Dao on the blushy, blushy cheek nearest her.
thinklikethis: (⑩ how should i)
Author: thinklikethis
He leans into her a little, because she is extremely reassuring. And. And wow.
fiery_delights: (③ i want it to roar)
Author: fiery_delights
Jun goes right back to his gorgeous firebending with hardly a pause. And it is gorgeous.

He doesn't do the lightning trick to drop the curtain this time, but he does do the wings.
thinklikethis: (⑤ hit me with your best shot)
Author: thinklikethis
"He's amazing," sighs Dao.
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"He is an excellent firebender and an excellent entertainer," chuckles Beila. "If he were about a decade younger maybe I'd have a crush on him too."
thinklikethis: (⑥ guilty parts)
Author: thinklikethis
"He's only something like forty," Dao says defensively. "...Which is more than twice my age, but not much more. Um. Okay, so maybe he's old. He's still pretty!"
fiery_delights: (⑩ coming here to dream)
Author: fiery_delights
Jun comes out in front of the stage, wearing one of his beautiful embroidered robes, to say hello to tonight's small crowd of fans as everyone else files out.
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"You want me to hang out while you go flirt with him, or head out?"
thinklikethis: (⑩ how should i)
Author: thinklikethis
"I don't know," he says. "I'm indecisive. I might just sit here wondering if he is wearing anything under that until everyone else has left."
roc_on: (kuài)
Author: roc_on
"At a guess, probably not," chuckles Beila.
thinklikethis: (① hysteria)
Author: thinklikethis
Dao squirms a little in his seat.

"He is unfairly attractive."
roc_on: (kě yí)
Author: roc_on
"Are there rules?"
thinklikethis: (③ no one can tell us we're wrong)
Author: thinklikethis
"Noooo. But look at him! All - pretty, and good at firebending, and stuff."
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"He's gonna teach me the wings trick," she volunteers.
thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis
Dao spontaneously hugs her.
roc_on: (xiào)
Author: roc_on
thinklikethis: (Default)
Author: thinklikethis
fiery_delights: (③ i want it to roar)
Author: fiery_delights
Jun's little crowd of fans has dwindled down to nothing. He and Beila and Dao are the only people left.

He grins at them.
thinklikethis: (① hysteria)
Author: thinklikethis
Dao squirms and hides his face in Beila's shoulder briefly.

Then he says, "Iiii'm going to go flirt with Delightful Jun now!"

And he gets out of his seat.
roc_on: (Default)
Author: roc_on
Beila kicks back in her seat, since she hasn't been told whether to stay or go.
thinklikethis: (⑦ who's gonna show)
Author: thinklikethis
Dao says something that is too quiet for Beila to hear.
fiery_delights: (① it's gonna be loud)
Author: fiery_delights
Jun says sunnily, "Nope."
roc_on: (méi)
Author: roc_on
Well, now she's curious. She can ask him later.
thinklikethis: (④ no promises no demands)
Author: thinklikethis
Dao says something else that is too quiet for Beila to hear.
fiery_delights: (③ i want it to roar)
Author: fiery_delights
"Sure," says Jun, and he waves cheerfully to Beila and leads Dao up the steps and through the door to the backstage area.
roc_on: (kuài)
Author: roc_on
Well, that looks like her cue to head home.

She sees Dao before Jun, the next morning; they are getting brunch.
thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis
When she arrives to pick him up, he seems to have a slight problem where he cannot stop grinning.
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"You're in a good mood."
thinklikethis: (③ no one can tell us we're wrong)
Author: thinklikethis
"I am," he says, hugging her. "Hi!"
roc_on: (kě yí)
Author: roc_on
"Hi!" Hugs. "How'd it go? I couldn't hear what you actually said to him."
thinklikethis: (④ no promises no demands)
Author: thinklikethis
"It was," he says, "delightful. I'm delighted."

He kisses her on the cheek and hugs her some more.
roc_on: (kuài)
Author: roc_on
"Delight is good!" They proceed in a brunchly direction.
thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis
"Delight is good. Delight is awesome. Jun is awesome."
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"You are adorable."
thinklikethis: (③ no one can tell us we're wrong)
Author: thinklikethis
"You know what? Yes," he says. "Yes I am."

He hugs her again.
roc_on: (kě yí)
Author: roc_on
Beila laughs. She hugs him. "Are you going to tell me what you said? All I heard was him answering you."
thinklikethis: (⑥ guilty parts)
Author: thinklikethis
"Oh, that." He blushes. "It was just - I don't know. Things."
roc_on: (Default)
Author: roc_on
thinklikethis: (⑦ who's gonna show)
Author: thinklikethis
"He seemed to think I was cute, anyway."
roc_on: (kě yí)
Author: roc_on
"That is probably because you are cute."
thinklikethis: (④ no promises no demands)
Author: thinklikethis
"People do keep telling me that!"
roc_on: (xiào)
Author: roc_on
"You should bow to the overwhelming public opinion."
thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis
"No," he says, contrarily.
roc_on: (méi)
Author: roc_on
"Why not?"
thinklikethis: (③ no one can tell us we're wrong)
Author: thinklikethis
"Because why is overwhelming public opinion a reason to do anything?"
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"Well, sometimes it's not, but when there's enough of it, it undergoes a mystical transmogrification into 'common sense'."
thinklikethis: (⑥ guilty parts)
Author: thinklikethis
"It is not common sense that I'm cute," says Dao.
roc_on: (kuài)
Author: roc_on
"Is too!"
thinklikethis: (① hysteria)
Author: thinklikethis
"Is not!"
roc_on: (gāoxìng)
Author: roc_on
"It iiiiiis though."
thinklikethis: (⑤ hit me with your best shot)
Author: thinklikethis
"Nooooo. I don't want to be famous and have everyone in the world thinking I'm adorable!"
roc_on: (méi)
Author: roc_on
"Well, you've avoided significant public attention this long, although if you keep sleeping with celebrities I don't know how long that will last."
thinklikethis: (① hysteria)
Author: thinklikethis
"I can't help that you're both so great!"
roc_on: (kě yí)
Author: roc_on
"I am not going to stop being great to assist you in protecting your anonymity," she teases.
thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis
"Good! That would be a terrible solution."
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"Completely terrible." Here is the brunch place. Beila wants sticky buns.
thinklikethis: (③ no one can tell us we're wrong)
Author: thinklikethis
Sticky buns sound like a great idea to Dao!

Mmm. Brunch. It's so brunchy.
roc_on: (Default)
Author: roc_on
Brunchy brunch. "I am pleased to report that I am not having unexpected unpleasant reactions to the thing."
thinklikethis: (⑤ hit me with your best shot)
Author: thinklikethis
"Yay!" says Dao. "It would be terrible if that happened."
roc_on: (tiān)
Author: roc_on
"Certainly it would be inconvenient, yes."
thinklikethis: (⑥ guilty parts)
Author: thinklikethis
"You'd feel bad, and I'd feel bad, and then maybe I wouldn't get to do the thing anymore and that would also be bad."
roc_on: (kuài)
Author: roc_on
"Yep. Happily not the case." She leans carefully over their sticky buns to kiss him.
thinklikethis: (② the pleasure's all)
Author: thinklikethis
He grins and kisses her back.

"I love you," he says happily.
roc_on: (gāoxìng)
Author: roc_on
"I love you too."
thinklikethis: (① hysteria)
Author: thinklikethis

Om nom sticky buns.