small_magics: (welcome)
Author: small_magics
Aianon has made a plant in the open airless space above the surface of Thilanushinyel. It is a very, very large plant - some dragons will be attending the party, after all, even if Ansharil in particular is going to be assorted small things and stay on Sarion's person the bulk of the time.

The locals will be Sarion, her beloveds, their other beloved, the five conjured dragons (and their Bondmates, where applicable: Virgivere and Lissa), and Liselen - Magania has, as usual, declined, and so far no Bell party has featured Bell parents.

Amariah is bringing her boyfriend and spontaneous daughter and two of the spontaneous daughter's friends, as well as an Alethian instance of the Rupert template.

Shell Bell is bringing Pearl and Screwdriver.

Golden is bringing her usual large contingent, as usual not including her husband but including her daughter and daughter's grown fosterling (the other remaining at home) and his wolf, both mothers-in-law and one father-in-law, adopted siblings, staff members including the Joker and Nathan, and the children of the aforementioned.

Glass is bringing both wives, all three daughters, Kanim, and her cat. She invited Icarin and Valeria, but their parents are not willing to let them gallivant into other worlds unsupervised and had a scheduling conflict.

Stella's bringing a smattering of people including Alice, Anna, Sandy, Libby, Bridget, her college roommate Janine, and Lazarus.

Tab is bringing Aelise (but not Kers) and Luhan.

Etty is bringing only Nona.

Aether, likewise, brings no one but Celo.

Pattern comes with Ripper, Slipstick, Queenie, and Ghosty.

Aegis is accompanied by her four-bodied boyfriend, Merryweather, Whitlock, and Howlett.

Aurora comes with Brilliance, Lexi with her Device Persica, Agent Honey with her Device Adularia, and Beth.

Rose brings her husband and three children and her former apprentice, Luc.

Angela brings her husband, her four children, several of her friends, and some of those friends' children and grandchildren with and without wings. Keziah also brings a friend.

Juliet shows up with Soph, Minus, Red, Giles, James, Virginia, Minnie, Ike, and Val.

Cam brings Jellybean and Tilly and stops there.

And from unBelled worlds hail additional Sherlocks and Tonies, Darcy, Matilda, Pepper, and Eights.
segreant: (Default)
Author: segreant
Céleste is inspecting this space plant. It is nice, and has lots of parts, so there is a bunch of it to explore.
telesonorous: (⑧ blue sky)
Author: telesonorous
If she climbs around on the network of stairs spread over the walls of the main room, she might encounter a person perched on a cloud-pine branch and following them from the air.
segreant: (willpower)
Author: segreant
"Hi! You're not Yseult and you aren't Damaris! You must be Helen!" says Céleste, waving.
telesonorous: (① fly high)
Author: telesonorous
"Hi! You're very logical!" says Helen, waving back. "I am Helen. And you are..." (she peers) "...Céleste!"
segreant: (fine weather)
Author: segreant
"Yep," says Céleste. "I'm a rosebud. You're... something, I guess? Aren't you from the world with animal souls? Where's your one?"
telesonorous: (③ exquisite)
Author: telesonorous
"Kalavar's outside," says Helen. "I'm definitely a something. An etcetera, to be specific."
segreant: (think think)
Author: segreant
"Why an etcetera?"
telesonorous: (③ exquisite)
Author: telesonorous
"Cherubs, rosecubs, etcetera," she explains. "I'm the etcetera."
segreant: (mlle l'enchanteresse)
Author: segreant
"I guess. If I had an animal soul it would be a griffin," Céleste adds helpfully. "It only just settled into being anything instead of not working when I tried to see, a little while ago. But I already have one as a pet, so I don't want an animal soul one. Are you my age? That's weird. Even Damaris is older than me, and Yseult is a lot older."
telesonorous: (⑤ your honour)
Author: telesonorous
"I'm thirteen! Are you thirteen? If so, then we are the same age."
segreant: (you don't say)
Author: segreant
"I am thirteen! Jane said Keziah is too. We matched last time we saw each other too."
telesonorous: (④ hey you)
Author: telesonorous
"I wonder if that will keep happening," says Helen. "I guess it will automatically if the worlds don't unhook again."
segreant: (Default)
Author: segreant
"Yes, but we stayed matching even with the unhooking. I guess it could just be a coincidence. Our sisters don't match since the age gaps are different."
telesonorous: (⑦ shine on)
Author: telesonorous
"Yeah," says Helen, "I mean I wonder if it is a coincidence or if it's a Thing of some kind."
segreant: (willpower)
Author: segreant
"Dunno. Glass can tell about Things! We could ask her. Maybe we will."
telesonorous: (⑨ don't look so frightened)
Author: telesonorous
"Yeah, Glass does do that," says Helen. "She told me and my alts some Things about us already. Like that our daemons and coin colours are themed."
segreant: (mlle l'enchanteresse)
Author: segreant
"My coin color is this complicated - thing," says Céleste. She makes a triangle; it's divided into three parts, one sky blue, one bright gold (albeit without metallic sheen), and one white with a scallopped almost furlike pattern in it. "I don't know about Keziah."
telesonorous: (⑤ your honour)
Author: telesonorous
"Mine are like so," says Helen, and she displays a square: it seems to be filled with sprays of pine needles that are always backlit by sunlight no matter how you turn the coin. "Damaris has feathers and Yseult has leaves, but they all do the sunlight thing."
segreant: (everything i want)
Author: segreant
telesonorous: (② never gonna die)
Author: telesonorous
"I thought so too!" She disappears the square.
segreant: (think think)
Author: segreant
"Mine look sort of like a coat of arms, but it's not any real coat of arms."
telesonorous: (⑤ your honour)
Author: telesonorous
"Maybe it's yours," suggests Helen.
segreant: (fine weather)
Author: segreant
"Well, obviously it's mine. But it's not the Cygne coat of arms, we don't have one - and it's not Papa's Marche's either - it's not any one that existed before I started printing it on coins."
telesonorous: (⑥ out there)
Author: telesonorous
"So your coins gave you a coat of arms. Neat."
segreant: (did you just)
Author: segreant
"I guess. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with a coat of arms! I don't ride my griffin into battle."
telesonorous: (① fly high)
Author: telesonorous
"Would your griffin be amenable to being dressed up anyway?" giggles Helen.
segreant: (everything i want)
Author: segreant
"Oooh, maybe, I could make him pretty barding!"
telesonorous: (④ hey you)
Author: telesonorous
"And then you would have a use for your coat of arms," says Helen. "Perfect!"
segreant: (think think)
Author: segreant
"Yeah. I don't know, though, I've never tried to put clothes of any kind on Rainier. Perhaps he wouldn't like it."
telesonorous: (⑤ your honour)
Author: telesonorous
"You could try just a little bit of clothes," says Helen. "And if he's not bothered then you could try more, and if he's bothered then you could not."
segreant: (Default)
Author: segreant
"That is a good idea. First I will make him a scarf."
telesonorous: (② never gonna die)
Author: telesonorous
"That sounds really adorable," says Helen. "If he likes the scarf I want to see."
segreant: (marquise)
Author: segreant
"In person? Are you allowed to come visit Rêverie?"
telesonorous: (⑪ eclipse)
Author: telesonorous
Helen blinks. "Might I not be? Who decides?"
segreant: (splendide)
Author: segreant
"Your parents, I guess? It's okay for people to visit Rêverie, so years ago we had the older two cherubs over, but we couldn't go to them because people in Samaria don't know about magic."
telesonorous: (⑩ just another)
Author: telesonorous
"Kas doesn't really not allow things," says Helen. "I don't know about Amariah. I wonder if I should ask her." She contemplates this prospect.
segreant: (mindscape)
Author: segreant
"Doesn't not allow things? What, at all?"
telesonorous: (⑨ don't look so frightened)
Author: telesonorous
"Pretty much."
segreant: (think think)
Author: segreant
"I guess Papa doesn't make most of our rules, but Maman does..."
telesonorous: (⑧ blue sky)
Author: telesonorous
"If something's not a good idea, Kas says why," says Helen. "Or asks me not to do things. But if I wanted to do something anyway, he wouldn't stop me."
segreant: (a good book)
Author: segreant
"Maman explains things too, but they are still rules even if I still want to do them after she explains."
telesonorous: (⑦ shine on)
Author: telesonorous
"Yeah, Kas doesn't do rules," says Helen.
segreant: (think think)
Author: segreant
"I guess that could be nice, but I'm mostly embarrassed by times I did things Maman said not to when I was littler. That I didn't think to be embarrassed of back then. If I did more of them I would be more embarrassed."
telesonorous: (⑥ out there)
Author: telesonorous
Helen shrugs. "I like the way I grew up. I wouldn't want to swap childhoods with anybody."
segreant: (marquise)
Author: segreant
"You liked not having your one of Maman around?"
telesonorous: (⑨ don't look so frightened)
Author: telesonorous
"I liked some parts. Like having a secret mom, that was kind of fun. I didn't like that everyone was sad about her being gone. I liked going places with Kas, and baking cakes in the wilderness, and not having rules except with the clan. I didn't like getting kidnapped. But I like the whole thing, and how it made me turn out me instead of some alt of me, enough to want to keep it."
segreant: (you don't say)
Author: segreant
"I don't know how I'd be if Papa had raised me by himself."
telesonorous: (⑥ out there)
Author: telesonorous
"Me neither," says Helen. "And I don't know how I'd be if my secret mom had not disappeared and not been a secret. Well. I guess I wouldn't exist, that's kind of an answer."
segreant: (not fun unless)
Author: segreant
"You'd probably exist at some point! I mean, Yseult and Damaris do."
telesonorous: (⑪ eclipse)
Author: telesonorous
"I wouldn't exist now. I might not exist in the next three hundred years. I might not exist ever."
segreant: (think think)
Author: segreant
"I guess. My parents had us slower than Angela and Micaiah had our alts."
telesonorous: (⑤ your honour)
Author: telesonorous
"And a bunch of other Jokers and Bells haven't had any kids yet at all. I'm not even sure I have the whole list - Stella and Alice, Aegis and Sue, Jellybean and Cam, Aianon and Sarion, Brilliance and Aurora... I wonder if Brilliance and Aurora can have kids, isn't he not even biological? I guess magic solves a lot of things, but I don't know what solving that would look like in the first place."
segreant: (splendide)
Author: segreant
"I guess they'd just wish her pregnant with one of you?" shrugs Céleste. "Since they know it'd be a you if it were just solved all by itself."
telesonorous: (⑧ blue sky)
Author: telesonorous
"Well, but what if Brilliance wanted to be more involved in the process? Kas made himself pregnant with me. When it's just that two people can't have kids the traditional way because they don't have the right combination of parts or aren't species that normally go together, I can imagine fixing that with magic, but I can't imagine what you would even wish for to get a kid out of someone who isn't a kind of thing that reproduces." She shrugs. "I guess it's not my problem."
segreant: (willpower)
Author: segreant
"...Maybe they would make a Device that was a you like Jane is a Device now? I don't know if Devices are babies ever, though, and people who want kids seem to think it is important that they spend some time being babies."
telesonorous: (⑦ shine on)
Author: telesonorous
"Maybe it wouldn't be important for Devices, since they don't," says Helen.
segreant: (you don't say)
Author: segreant
"Maybe. Aurora's a human, though."
telesonorous: (④ hey you)
Author: telesonorous
"Yeah, I mean maybe it wouldn't be important for kids who were Devices to be babies if Devices don't do that," she says. "But I don't know that much about Devices anyway. I haven't actually met the other Jokers. They'll probably get around to mobbing me in a few hours."
segreant: (think think)
Author: segreant
"Probably. I don't know where they all are now, and I told Maman I had lost track of Papa, and she said that was probably for the best."
telesonorous: (⑧ blue sky)
Author: telesonorous
"...Yeah, I bet they're off somewhere having... fun," says Helen.
segreant: (you don't say)
Author: segreant
"I know, I don't want to think about it though."
telesonorous: (⑤ your honour)
Author: telesonorous
"In fairness, we don't actually know that they're not baking an enormous cake," says Helen. "Or making each other silly costumes. I'm now imagining Kas dressed up as a frog and it's really funny."
segreant: (did you just)
Author: segreant
"...Now I'm imagining Papa being fluffy and dressed up as a bird, at the same time."
telesonorous: (① fly high)
Author: telesonorous
Helen giggles. "Fluffy bird! We should tell them, they'll do it."
segreant: (everything i want)
Author: segreant
"He would be like a weird layered griffin. Rainier would be ashamed of him."
telesonorous: (② never gonna die)
Author: telesonorous
She giggles some more.
segreant: (mlle l'enchanteresse)
Author: segreant
"And -" Whatever Céleste was about to say get cut off; she turns around. "There's... something coming."
inherpiety: (fear not)
Author: inherpiety
A moment later, her angel alt lands on the nearest balcony.

They look at each other, and then in the direction of the something that is coming.
jellyinthemix: (⑧ cuppa tea cuppa tea)
Author: jellyinthemix
The stairs on which Céleste is standing enter a closed section about a dozen steps below the gathering. Someone emerges from that archway, sipping his tea as he climbs.
inherpiety: (dim)
Author: inherpiety
The Griffins look at each other again, then approach him tentatively, stepping in sync.
jellyinthemix: (⑤ do go on)
Author: jellyinthemix
"...Er. Hello," he says.
segreant: (marquise)
Author: segreant
"We can fix that," they say at the same time.
jellyinthemix: (⑨ librarian sensibilities)
Author: jellyinthemix
"Fix... what?"
inherpiety: (fear not)
Author: inherpiety
"Your arm," says just Keziah.
segreant: (think think)
Author: segreant
"Have you ever done this before, because I haven't."
inherpiety: (takeoff)
Author: inherpiety
"No, but I can tell you can fix it, too."
jellyinthemix: (⑦ a moment's thought)
Author: jellyinthemix
"What about my arm? What—oh, not that bloody thing again," he says.
segreant: (willpower)
Author: segreant
"It's okay! We can fix it and then it won't bother you again!"
jellyinthemix: (⑫ they can just stay dirty)
Author: jellyinthemix
"Fix it how," he says.
telesonorous: (⑪ eclipse)
Author: telesonorous
"I'm really confused," says Helen.
inherpiety: (angelic)
Author: inherpiety
Keziah snaps her fingers. "Oh! I was wondering if I'd ever get an ingot power! Maybe this is it!"
segreant: (Default)
Author: segreant
"Oh, and then it makes sense that we both do it, too."
telesonorous: (⑨ don't look so frightened)
Author: telesonorous
Helen looks from the Griffins to Giles and back to the Griffins.

"...Should I just go away instead of asking?"
jellyinthemix: (⑪ oh dear)
Author: jellyinthemix
"Yes, sorry, please and thank you," says Giles.
segreant: (a good book)
Author: segreant
"You should let us fix it, though. You don't have to tell us how you got it on you."
jellyinthemix: (⑩ under control)
Author: jellyinthemix
"What precisely do you mean to fix?"
inherpiety: (distracted)
Author: inherpiety
"...The thing on your arm. It's... all..."
segreant: (a good book)
Author: segreant
"Gooky," suggests Céleste.
inherpiety: (look closer)
Author: inherpiety
"Yeah, it's really gooky."
jellyinthemix: (⑨ librarian sensibilities)
Author: jellyinthemix
"And you want to get rid of the... gook," he says, "and you have some very good reason to think that will be an improvement?"
segreant: (not fun unless)
Author: segreant
"...Well, we haven't tried it before. There isn't any gook around at home."
inherpiety: (gaslight)
Author: inherpiety
"But we can tell that we are anti-gook," says Keziah firmly.
jellyinthemix: (⑪ oh dear)
Author: jellyinthemix
"I'm not entirely sure I want to be the first test subject," says Giles. "The, ah, thing on my arm has seen quite enough ill-considered decisions already. Do we have anything more to go on here than... gooky feelings?"
segreant: (mlle l'enchanteresse)
Author: segreant
"Well, we could ask Maman? Or her one of Maman. Or some other Maman, there are lots."
jellyinthemix: (⑥ one way or the other)
Author: jellyinthemix
"Yes, all right," sighs Giles. "Let us by all means ask a Bell."
inherpiety: (but what if)
Author: inherpiety
"But which one?"
segreant: (you don't say)
Author: segreant
"I'll call mine," shrugs Céleste.
beheld_beauty: (Default)
Author: beheld_beauty
Presently Rose teleports in. "What is going on?"
jellyinthemix: (⑧ cuppa tea cuppa tea)
Author: jellyinthemix
"I'm not quite sure," says Giles. "According to these girls, I have... 'gook'... on me."
beheld_beauty: (inspecter)
Author: beheld_beauty
"...Are they correct?"
jellyinthemix: (④ better than nothing)
Author: jellyinthemix
...He sighs. "Almost certainly."
beheld_beauty: (à gauche)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Well, then, perhaps Lazarus could look at the three of you and tell us more."
jellyinthemix: (⑧ cuppa tea cuppa tea)
Author: jellyinthemix
"Ah, yes. And where is Lazarus?"
beheld_beauty: (calme)
Author: beheld_beauty
"I'll find him." She ruffles Céleste's hair and teleports Lazarusward.
nonbird: (8. nor little nor a bird)
Author: nonbird
"Hello!" says Lazarus.
beheld_beauty: (Default)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Hello. Céleste and Keziah appear to have materialized ingot powers telling them there is unspecified 'gook' on Giles. Before doing anything about any of this I thought it would be wise to consult you; will you come look at them?"
nonbird: (a. well hmm)
Author: nonbird
"Oh, of course," says Lazarus.
beheld_beauty: (inspecter)
Author: beheld_beauty
"Thank you." Teleportation.
nonbird: (5. better make it good)
Author: nonbird
These stairs are getting a little crowded.

Lazarus peers at Giles.

"...You have a... something," he says. "It's definitely a something. A very subtle something."

He turns to look at the Griffins.

"And you have ingot powers!"
inherpiety: (want)
Author: inherpiety
"That's what we thought! We can fix him, right? We think we can fix him."
nonbird: (7. I've got a theory)
Author: nonbird
"It... seems that you can fix him," he says. "At least, you can definitely do something, and you're definitely calibrated to expect that it's a positive something, and ingot powers don't really lie... actually," he says, "in a very distant sort of way, you remind me of a unicorn I met recently. You especially," he indicates Keziah, "but it's not much of a difference. You're both... purifiers, I could say. You clean things up."
inherpiety: (distracted)
Author: inherpiety
"I'm like a unicorn?"
segreant: (you don't say)
Author: segreant
"But we're the Griffins."
nonbird: (2. a baker's dozen)
Author: nonbird
"I don't think your ingot powers know that," says Lazarus. "It's just a comparison, anyway. But yes... let me look at you again." He turns back to Giles.
jellyinthemix: (⑪ oh dear)
Author: jellyinthemix
"If you must."
inherpiety: (justify)
Author: inherpiety
"Gooky," mutters Keziah.
jellyinthemix: (⑬ too painful)
Author: jellyinthemix
"Yes, thank you, I'd noticed," says Giles, somewhat irritably.
nonbird: (6. proving more intricate)
Author: nonbird
"You have a... connection to... something," says Lazarus. "I might be able to get more details if we were in your world. But it's definitely hostile, although very dormant, and it's definitely the kind of thing that the girls' ingotry can get rid of for you. There shouldn't be any unforeseen side effects, unless you were depending on your connection to a malevolent force or entity for something."
jellyinthemix: (⑥ one way or the other)
Author: jellyinthemix
"Not especially," says Giles. He sighs. He looks around for somewhere to put his tea, discovers a lack of any such place, and sets it down on the stairs in front of him very close to the wall. "All right, you may... de-gook me."
segreant: (willpower)
Author: segreant
The Griffins converge on his arm, and each hold it in both hands, interspersed, like they choreographed it in advance.

And they do - something.
inherpiety: (fear not)
Author: inherpiety
It isn't quite painless, but it hurts in a good way - like removing a splinter or draining an abcess.

And there is a vaguely chilly clean feeling left behind after they're done.
jellyinthemix: (⑦ a moment's thought)
Author: jellyinthemix
Giles frowns slightly and rubs his shoulder.

"Thank you," he says.
inherpiety: (angelic)
Author: inherpiety
"You're welcome," says Keziah brightly. "All gone."
jellyinthemix: (⑧ cuppa tea cuppa tea)
Author: jellyinthemix
"I'm just going to..."

He turns away, turns back, picks up his tea, turns away a second time, and heads down the stairs in the direction from which he came.
segreant: (fine weather)
Author: segreant