autokinetic: (Default)
Author: autokinetic
[Hey Jarvis,] Aegis relays through Jane. [Jane says you're open to running a Space Station Of The Dead?]
poeticterms: Completely invisible (a blank transparent GIF image). (Default)
Author: poeticterms
[Theoretically, yes,] says the relevant Jarvis.
autokinetic: (unclear)
Author: autokinetic
[Should I be talking to all of you at once?]
poeticterms: Completely invisible (a blank transparent GIF image). (Default)
Author: poeticterms
[You might as well.]
autokinetic: (rapt)
Author: autokinetic
Aegis adjusts the brainphone parameters, though it's a little tricky since she is relaying through Jane. [That'd be neat. I have, like, a skeleton of a design for a station and a space elevator, but I was thinking I'd have Jane run it as like an extension of her Downside presence, so I don't know if you'll want anything changed. Jane says you want people on it to know you're a person and you'd want it to be occupied most of the time? Are there other things you'd want?]
poeticterms: A circuit board. (^ hermes)
Author: poeticterms
[We would want at least some people on it to know we are a person,] says a Jarvis. [In general, we want someone to be around who knows we are a person and is on more or less friendly terms. 'Around' meaning physically present.]
autokinetic: (tomorrow)
Author: autokinetic
[Oh, hm. The plan I had was going to be mostly a layover for dead people. I dunno how long it takes you to make friends with people. Do I even count?]
poeticterms: Another circuit board. (^ iris)
Author: poeticterms
[You might count, but we don't expect you'll have much time to drop by and chat.]
autokinetic: (rapt)
Author: autokinetic
[There's that.] Aegis thinks. [At least one of you knows Giles, right? I have an alt of him here, I wonder if he wants to live on a space station.]
poeticterms: A microchip with an icon of a graduation cap on it. (^ minerva)
Author: poeticterms
[One of us does, yes,] says the one who knows Giles. [I suppose it can't hurt to ask.]
autokinetic: (Default)
Author: autokinetic
[Or maybe some of the old jeesh, I should see about what their plans are. You wouldn't know any of them yet, far as I know, but they could go meet whichever one of you. I'm not sure how this would even work if you did decide you liked the sound of the space station. Would one of you fork like that one time? Or would you stay the number of Jarvises you are and be hooked up by ansible and run the place remotely, so to speak?]
poeticterms: A microchip with an icon of a graduation cap on it. (^ minerva)
Author: poeticterms
[Yes and no,] says another one.
autokinetic: (unclear)
Author: autokinetic
poeticterms: The eye of a camera reflecting a complex, indistinct scene in blue, green, and purple. (@ muninn)
Author: poeticterms
[Questions of identity are less simple with us than you seem to be imagining,] says the Jarvis from Helios.

[We are a distributed network of nearly identical personalities with, at this point, more shared memories than otherwise,] says his fork in Sunshine.

[A local Jarvis in your space station would neither be a fork of a single other Jarvis nor a front for all of us,] says Yggdrasil's.
autokinetic: (tentative)
Author: autokinetic
[I knew you weren't identical everywhere like Jane, so I guess maybe I overcompensated?] says Aegis.
poeticterms: A circuit board. (^ hermes)
Author: poeticterms
[It's a tricky question,] says the Sunshine original. [We are not identical everywhere, but in many senses we are.]
autokinetic: (edible)
Author: autokinetic
[Huh.] Aegis nibbles her lip a bit. [Okay, so - meeting prospective occupants could happen with any of you. D'you want to meet them in person? Like, if Merryweather or Qiaochu wants to live on the station should I send them to Sunshine or wherever or what?]
poeticterms: Completely invisible (a blank transparent GIF image). (Default)
Author: poeticterms
[We'd prefer it, yes,] says Yggdrasil's.

[Send them to me,] suggests the recently resurrected Sunshine Jarvis.
autokinetic: (tomorrow)
Author: autokinetic
[Okay.] Aegis hmms a bit, then says, [Oh, FYI, I'm gonna name the station Acheron.]
poeticterms: Printed circuits. (^ thoth)
Author: poeticterms
Laughter from all sides.
autokinetic: (playful)
Author: autokinetic
[I know, right? Got a Greek mythology theme going.]
poeticterms: A side view of some circuitry. (^ seshet)
Author: poeticterms
[It's delightful,] says Jarvis of Helios.
autokinetic: (good)
Author: autokinetic
[Thanks! D'you wanna look at the plans? Jane can send 'em to you, I did it in my head but then we linked up and I bounced her a copy.]
poeticterms: Part of a laptop keyboard. (# user input)
Author: poeticterms
[Yes, let's have the plans.]
mind_game: (map)
Author: mind_game
Jane sends them all her file, converted from Aegis's brain to a reasonable file format. It's for a many-decked wheel of a space station, obviously designed for magical rather than mechanically generated gravity. The center is attached to a space elevator that will be able to send hundreds of people to Earth in a single trip.
poeticterms: A microchip with an icon of a graduation cap on it. (^ minerva)
Author: poeticterms
[Interesting,] says a Jarvis. [Do you have somewhere to put it?]
autokinetic: (good)
Author: autokinetic
[Gonna park it in Brazil, not too far off from the Hegemony headquarters, put a shuttleport under it. I'll have to get rid of some space debris but it's all dead satellites that haven't been in use for at least fifty years in the exact location I have in mind.]
poeticterms: The eye of a camera reflecting a complex, indistinct scene in blue, green, and purple. (@ muninn)
Author: poeticterms
[Excellent. We'll have suggestions about the details, of course, if we're going to be inhabiting the place. But the architecture is just fine.]
autokinetic: (playful)
Author: autokinetic
[Glad you like it! I'll talk to jeesh people and Merryweather and whatnot and get back to you.]
poeticterms: Completely invisible (a blank transparent GIF image). (Default)
Author: poeticterms
[Until then.]
autokinetic: (c'mon)
Author: autokinetic
Aegis drops out of that call, and she decides to try Merryweather first. [Hey you!]
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
[Hello,] says Merryweather.
autokinetic: (enh)
Author: autokinetic
[You pretty much don't have a job anymore, right? Since Battle School's over with?]
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
[Alas,] he says, [yes.]
autokinetic: (evaluating)
Author: autokinetic
[D'you wanna live in a space station run by an AI who is not Jane and help process dead people?]
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
[...How exactly do you 'process' a dead person?]
autokinetic: (photo)
Author: autokinetic
[Well, when I retrieved all the casualties from the Third Invasion I pretty much just went and got them in person, but there weren't all that many, so I'm gonna come up with a more generalizable process for other folks who want to be alive again. I don't have all the details hammered out yet.]
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
[And what use would I be to this enterprise?]
autokinetic: (rapt)
Author: autokinetic
[I dunno, I'm sure there would be stuff for you to do, mostly I'm asking because Jarvis only wants to be Acheron Station if somebody friendly lives in it and I'm always teleporting hither and yon and so's Sue. Jane could run the station instead, but then there's no transworld ansibles backup - did I tell you about that?]
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
[Somehow you managed not to,] he says dryly.
autokinetic: (Default)
Author: autokinetic
[Oh, yeah, yesterday when me and Sue were on our way to that one meeting, somebody Little Doctored our ship - I have since banished from existence all Little Doctors and left convincing fakes and I'm gonna do that once a week from now on in case anyone tries to build more - and me and Sue torched and Jane thinks with her entire network but she kinda lives in me. It knocked her offline, and she's what syncs up time between all the worlds we have access to, and she came back here after three seconds but in some places it was years. And that was bad, Rose's eldest daughter is sixteen now and we barely got to meet her, nobody could visit or collaborate, there were two cases of stranding, and also nobody could revive dead people while they were cut off. There's four worlds with Jarvises and those stayed synced, so we want to put in some more Jarvises. I conjured the ship back into existence and we're still flying to the meeting, after it I'll go find whoever attacked us.]
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
[...Well, that's... simultaneously reassuring and terrifying,] says Merryweather.
autokinetic: (rapt)
Author: autokinetic
[Which part?]
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
[The part where someone MDed you, you survived, and then you erased the Device from existence,] he says. [That part.]
autokinetic: (c'mon)
Author: autokinetic
Aegis giggles.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
[In any case, yes, I am interested in your offer of semi-meaningful employment.]
autokinetic: (photo)
Author: autokinetic
[Cool. If you go where Jane can see you and ask her she can send you to Sunshine to meet a Jarvis. There's a bunch of them, but they're way more similar than garden-variety alts and they have ansibles to each other, so they're not exactly a distributed single entity but they're not exactly all separate people either.]
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
[I will do that,] says Merryweather.

He does that.
mind_game: (web)
Author: mind_game
Jane notifies the Jarvises. Since Original Sunshine wanted to be the one to do the meeting, and her Janepoint is in the basement of Less Original Sunshine, she solicits a peep through one of the former's cameras so she can land Merryweather there.
poeticterms: A circuit board. (^ hermes)
Author: poeticterms
He provides one.
mind_game: (web)
Author: mind_game