campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
Pen wakes up at about four in the afternoon. It takes her a few seconds to remember why she's here, but then she remembers and starts looking for Cindy.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
Cindy isn't there, but he left some snacks on the counter - assorted fruits and a plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen eats them and tries to see if she can make his funny music machine work.
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (Default)
Author: manofmyword
The funny music machine is reasonably cooperative!
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas

She listens to funny English-words music and learns the words and the harmonies and sings and sings.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
And soon enough, Cindy comes home. He grins at her as he climbs in the window.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Hiiii," says Pen. "Where you went?"
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"Here'n'there. I had some people to talk to. Could be I'm making a new friend," he says cheerfully.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Ooh, who?"
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"We-ell, that part I don't know yet," he says. "You couldn't really say we've met. It's more like we're, hmm, writing letters."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen giggles. "Penfriend!" she jokes.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
"Something like that," he says, laughing.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Maybe are many thems!" says Pen. "I can see? When seeing happen?"
manofmyword: Sitting calmly on the floor, leaning against a wall. (⑺ gonna enjoy this)
Author: manofmyword
"I don't know yet if I'm gonna see 'em at all," he says. "It only could be I'm making a friend. Could be I'm getting to know somebody who's gonna try to kill me." Brightly, "Could be both."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Where I go if you die till Mommy get you back?"
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Can't help you there," he says. "But I'll try not to get killed."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Okay," sighs Pen.
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
"Are ya hungry? I think I'm gonna make lunch," he says, proceeding into the kitchen area and scooping a cookie on the way.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Yeah, lunch!" agrees Pen.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
He makes lunch! It is mysterious but tasty. And he washes all the dishes and cleans everything up afterward.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen noms the lunch. She approves the lunch.

"Wanna go flying," she asserts.
manofmyword: Gesturing, explaining. (⑾ never start with the head)
Author: manofmyword
"You can if you want," he says. "But people are probably gonna see you, and if they see you and believe themselves there's no telling what they'll do. Could be something you won't like."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Like what?"
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Somebody might try to take you apart to see what you're made of, or lock you in a box for people to stare at."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"I don't come apart," shudders Pen, wrapping her wings around herself.
manofmyword: Conspiratorial or condescending. (⒁ they'rrre cheap)
Author: manofmyword
"Doesn't mean they wouldn't try."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"If somebody grab me and I not want I allowed hitting them!"
manofmyword: From the side, serious. (⑿ is it the scars?)
Author: manofmyword
"There's a lot of them, though," he says, "and only one of you. Things can get scary pretty fast that way."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas

Pen droops.

"What if stuck long time?"
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
"It'll probably get boring in here," he says. "If you're stuck here a really long time, though, I'll see if I can't get us a trip out to somewhere with no people around where you can fly all you want."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"...In dark?" Pen suggests. "Way high?"
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"Not much danger there, no. Except maybe from airplanes."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Am safe," Pen reminds him. "Mommy safed us. We Mommy's treasures. What airplane?"
manofmyword: From the side, serious. (⑿ is it the scars?)
Author: manofmyword
"An airplane is a great big metal thing that people fly in when they don't have wings to do it the fun way. They fly at night sometimes, and they go way high. There's an airport near here - someplace where they take off and land. If somebody in one of those saw you it'd be all the same problems as somebody on the ground."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Oh. Hard avoiding?" Pen asks.
manofmyword: Conspiratorial or condescending. (⒁ they'rrre cheap)
Author: manofmyword
He shrugs. "Maybe you could, maybe you couldn't. I can't fly; I wouldn't know."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
Pen sighs.
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
"Sorry, kiddo."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas

"I want go home. Door was supposed to home."
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
"Yeah," he says. "But it didn't. And I don't know how to fix it. Wanna hug?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
Pen flumphs featherily onto him and hugs him hard.

(Really quite hard, actually.)
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
He hugs her back, careful of the wings. He's a little surprised by how strong she is, even though she told him already, but she isn't squishing hard enough to break anything so he doesn't squawk.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
Eventually she relaxes her hold some.

And then she lets him go and sighs again.
manofmyword: Sitting calmly on the floor, leaning against a wall. (⑺ gonna enjoy this)
Author: manofmyword
Yeah. It's a sighing kind of thing.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"What do if not fly?" she asks.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Mm... we could play cards," is the first thing that comes to mind. And the second is, "While I'm thinking about it, do you want some more clothes? I don't think we'll find anything lying around that works with the wings, but I could make you some."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Yeah! Only have these. Did not packed."
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
"Mmkay," he says. "C'mon down the hall and we'll see about designing something."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen follows him, somewhat cheered.
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
Fashion design is a cheering thing! At least, the Joker thinks so.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
It seems to occupy Pen well enough. She describes which of the possible fastener-configurations that work for angels she approves of, and inspects his fabric supply, and approves enthusiastically of light floaty fabrics and lace trim. She wants a nightgown and a pretty dress (especially since she isn't going to be flying around too much) and a top and some pants that aren't as warm as her leathers. (It's warm here.)
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
He can supply all of these things! Everyday clothes first, then nightgown, then pretty dress. By the time he starts the pretty dress, he is beginning to yawn; "past my bedtime," he declares, and leaves the sewing where it is while he washes off his makeup and gets into his nightgown and flops onto a couch.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen sews fabric scraps together with no particular aim in mind and then she goes to bed too.
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
The next morning when she wakes up, Cindy is still asleep.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen considers waking him up, then starts looking for doable breakfast on her own.
manofmyword: Conspiratorial or condescending. (⒁ they'rrre cheap)
Author: manofmyword
The kitchen is very well supplied, but more with complicated things than simple ones. There's some more cookies in the fridge, though, and milk and cereal.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen doesn't really know the first thing about cooking. Hmmm.

She observes the picture on a cereal box, with the milk and the bowl - breakfast cereal is not an Eyrie staple - and manages to follow the directions and then dunk cookies in the milk while the cereal gets appropriately sogged.

She eats her sogged cookies and her sogged cereal and leaves her bowl carelessly on the counter.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
A few minutes after she finishes her breakfast, Cindy yawns and sits up.

"G'morning," he says cheerfully.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Hi. Do play cards?" Pen asks, since that was his other idea to make up for not being able to fly and they didn't get to it yesterday.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
"Sure we can," he laughs. "Just lemme get dressed first."

He wanders into the sewing room and emerges a few minutes later wearing a shirt and trousers (purple and black respectively) and socks (green and purple argyle) and carrying a pack of cards.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Are strange cards," says Pen, peering at them. "Not stars and apples and kisses and feathers?"
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
"Nope." He sits on the floor and fans out the cards in front of him. "Hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades," he says, indicating each.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen peers at the suits. "And not angel-oracle-archangel," she says, pulling out some face cards.
manofmyword: Sitting calmly on the floor, leaning against a wall. (⑺ gonna enjoy this)
Author: manofmyword
"Queen, king, jack," he explains. "And ace. And—" he pulls one from the bottom of the deck "—joker."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Ace one?" Pen asks, searching the deck for ones and finding none.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen pulls out all the diamonds and arranges them: ace, numbers, queen-king-jack like he said.
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"Well, usually it goes like this," he says, rearranging the face cards into the conventional order.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Oh, 'kay." She arranges the other three suits too, then sweeps them all up into a pile and starts clumsily shuffling. "What play? I know, um," she thinks, "Bite the Apple, but no apples..."
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"I know some games I could teach ya," he offers.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
manofmyword: Sitting calmly on the floor, leaning against a wall. (⑺ gonna enjoy this)
Author: manofmyword
He starts with poker. Poker seems like a good place to start.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen has a terrible poker face.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
She does! It's adorable.

The important question is, does she have fun?
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
She likes winning, if he ever lets her! And telling blatant obvious lies.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
Sure, she can win once in a while. And her blatant obvious lies are very entertaining.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Then Pen will have lots of fun!
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
Excellent. That is definitely the idea.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
But eventually she is tired of this game and wants lunch.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
Lunch is provided!
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas

"Make me dress?" she asks, after lunch has been eaten up.
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
"Sure thing," he says cheerfully.

And soon enough, there is a dress.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen changes into it and twirls around. She doesn't twirl all that well - the wings provide a lot of wind resistance, it's what they're for - but she can do a little.
manofmyword: Sitting calmly on the floor, leaning against a wall. (⑺ gonna enjoy this)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker applauds her twirling!
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Soon she is done. "Now what?"
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
"Mmm... d'you like books?" he inquires.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Books okay," she says. "Kinda books?"
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Oh, I've got a buncha kinds," he says. "Wanna see?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
So he shows her his books! They are many and varied and stored in diverse locations, including under several couches and in bathroom cupboards. But he knows where they all are.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen eventually settles on a book and starts reading it.
manofmyword: Leaning out of a moving police car, eyes closed, hair blowing in the wind, having fun. (⑹ where did they get that car)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker disappears into the dangerous room for a while.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen tries to sneak a peek when the door's open, but she doesn't touch it.
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (Default)
Author: manofmyword
She gets a glimpse of a half-open cupboard. And then he closes the door.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen goes back to her book, and sings wordless tunes that she makes up in her head.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
Sometime later, he emerges, looking cheerful.

"I'm gonna go talk to somebody," he says. "You gonna be okay here by yourself?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"I come?" she asks.
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
He laughs. "Nah, you wouldn't like these people. They're not very friendly."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Why you talk them then?"
manofmyword: Conspiratorial or condescending. (⒁ they'rrre cheap)
Author: manofmyword
"Complicated reasons," he says, flapping a hand to illustrate the inconsequential nature of the reasons. "I don't mind unfriendly people, anyway. Not all the time."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"I go anyway? Small in here. Ignore unfriendly people."
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Yeah, I know it's small," he says. "Hmm-mm... I could maybe take you someplace bigger. Not today, though. Maybe tomorrow. I'll see if I can set it up while I'm out."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"I fly there?"
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"I'm gonna try to find you somewhere big enough to fly in, yeah."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Good. Angel. Supposed flying."
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword

He goes to the real bathroom to change and freshen up. When he emerges, he still isn't wearing the makeup, and he has his hair slicked back and a drab-looking jacket on over his cheerful purple shirt. (His socks are as colourful as ever.)
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"I do your paint sometime," asserts Pen.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword

He laughs.

"You bet!" he assures her. "All right, I'm off." He puts on a battered baseball cap, tugs on the brim, and climbs out the window.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Find friendlier people!" she commands as he goes.

And then she returns to her book.
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
He is out for a few hours.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen finishes the one book. She discovers aluminum foil, and wraps various household objects in it. She pokes a fork in an electrical socket, and leaves it there when it gets stuck. (Nothing happens to her.) She takes his fabric pen from the sewing area and starts drawing on the walls, not particularly well, pictures of her family. (With clouds of miscellaneous Samarian-style musical notes clouding around their heads.)
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
And then he comes back! Wearing the makeup, now, and carrying the jacket and hat.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"You painted! Without me!" exclaims Pen.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"Yep. I had a busy day out there," he says, dropping the jacket over the back of a couch and the hat on top of it. "You can do my makeup tomorrow morning when we go on our trip."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Where we go?"
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
"Somewhere I think you'll like. A lot bigger than here," he says. "I know a few places I thought might be okay, but I think you'll really like this one."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"I fly?"
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"That's what I wanna hear," he says. "Hungry? I'm making dinner."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Yeah! Dinner."
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
He makes dinner! Today's dinner is spaghetti. It is delcious.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen noms spaghetti. She isn't very neat. She gets sauce on her feathers.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
He offers her a napkin. "You gooped," he says.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen peers at herself. She dabs at the sauce. The feathers come reasonably clean.

"Soon I need bath. You have small bath," she says. "No stretching space." (She extends her recently desauced wing illustratively.)
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"True," he says. "I can try'n find a bigger one. No promises. I don't know if they come big enough."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"I fly in rain?" she suggests, thoughtful.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Would that get you clean or just wet? Mm, I'll think of something."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen shrugs.
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
He grins.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen flaps a little bit. "Fly fly fly tomorrow tomorrow fly fly."
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
She folds her wings again. "Home I fly all days," she sighs.
manofmyword: Conspiratorial or condescending. (⒁ they'rrre cheap)
Author: manofmyword
"Well, this isn't home," he says.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
She folds her arms on the table and drops her head onto them. "Know that," she says. "Want door. Or Jane."
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
"I can't get you any of that," he says. "But I can get you someplace nice to fly tomorrow."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Know that," says Pen. "Want anyway."
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Miss Mommy and Daddy and sisters and people."
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Do you dreaming thing?"
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
"What's the dreaming thing?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"A Jokers nice bar thing. They dream, they be at it."
manofmyword: Conspiratorial or condescending. (⒁ they'rrre cheap)
Author: manofmyword
He shakes his head. "I've never done that."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"If you dream it tell Jane and she tell everyone."
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"And where will I find Jane?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"She in Belltower, or you just," [brainphone.]
manofmyword: From the side, serious. (⑿ is it the scars?)
Author: manofmyword
"All right," he says. "I'll remember."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
Pen nods. She plops her head onto her arms again.
manofmyword: Conspiratorial or condescending. (⒁ they'rrre cheap)
Author: manofmyword
"Wanna hug?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"No," Pen sighs.
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Now what?"
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
"I'm gonna make cookies," he decides.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Okay. The before cookies gone."
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword

To the cupboards!
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen supervises the making of cookies. She will stir things, if he wants help.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
He will absolutely call upon her to stir things. Superstrong little angels are handy!

And then the cookies go in the oven. As an afterthought, he says, "Couldja bring that fork back now?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Okay." Pen pulls the fork back out of the outlet. She does her best to bend it back into shape; she is strong enough to bend it but it's delicate work.
manofmyword: Conspiratorial or condescending. (⒁ they'rrre cheap)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"What holes for? Not forks, I think."
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"No, not for forks. Most people could get hurt doing that, actually. Those're electrical sockets. They're for things like the fridge, the microwave, the toaster, the TV, the CD player," indicating each thing as he lists them. "That stuff runs on electricity, and they get it from the holes in the walls through plugs, liiiike... this."

He unplugs the toaster to show her, since it's closest.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Oh. Eyrie music machine not got plug in a hole."
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Some things you can't tell where they plug in without taking 'em apart. Or maybe your music machine runs on somethin' else." He plugs the toaster back in.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Dunno. Caleb know probably."
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (Default)
Author: manofmyword
He shrugs.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Caleb do machines," Pen explains.
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"And his wife Alleya, she oracle. She finded that Jovah be spaceship and tell Mommy and Daddy."
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"Sounds exciting."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Mommy was do magic, saying, 'Jovah did it!', but Alleya knew he not!"
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Makes sense, if he wasn't a magic spaceship."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Nope," agrees Pen, "not a magic. Just do weather, drop things. If we singing right."
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
"Innnteresting. That why angels sing like that?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Those songs. Other songs just fun!"
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen, accordingly, starts singing an Edori song she is pretty sure she knows all the words to.

(She messes up twice, but he doesn't know the language, so maybe that is okay!)
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
He listens. It's pretty!
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"That Edori song. Daddy sorta Edori," says Pen.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"They adopt him when he run away from the bad grandparents. He not look Edori."
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
"Huh," he says.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Mostly Edori live Ysral, not Samaria. We go for Gatherings."
manofmyword: Sitting calmly on the floor, leaning against a wall. (⑺ gonna enjoy this)
Author: manofmyword
"And what's a Gathering?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"All Edori that be, be one place. And whoever else wants."
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"Sounds like it could be fun."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"And singing and food and stuff!"
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Yeah. And Daddy see all tribe friends."
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
"I bet he has fun."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Yeah. He pick me up and carry me and remind me all names and is fun." Now she's sad again. "I miss it probably."
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword

What a perfect time for the cookies to be ready!
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen picks up and eats a hot cookie. It is cheering.
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Cookies cookies cookies. She picks them right up off the pan; it doesn't burn her.
manofmyword: From the side, serious. (⑿ is it the scars?)
Author: manofmyword
He's noticed that things don't tend to hurt her. But she did mention she was safe.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen stops at four cookies.

"Now what?"
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Mm... I think I'll go to sleep," he says.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen considers this idea.

Pen yawns and goes to change into her nightgown.
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
It's pajamas today for Cindy. He flops onto a couch again. The couch is kind of small for him, but he seems comfy there.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen flops onto the bed, wingtips in opposite corners, hugging a pillow, and sleeps.
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
The next morning, Cindy wakes up before she does. He makes breakfast.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen wakes up to kitchen noises. "What is breakfast?" she asks, almost philosophically, stretching as she opens her eyes.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"French toast!" he says cheerfully.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"What is?" She heads into the kitchen to get a look at it.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
He hands her a plate with a French toast on it.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen eats some.

"Is interesting," she says. She eats some more. "Crispy soft."
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"I like it," he says. He finishes the last toast, serves it to himself, and brings the plate with the rest of the toasts piled on it to the counter. There is also most of the same stuff out that there was with the waffles.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen experiments with topping combinations. She seems to really like maple-and-blueberries.
manofmyword: Leaning out of a moving police car, eyes closed, hair blowing in the wind, having fun. (⑹ where did they get that car)
Author: manofmyword
Experimenting is fun! He has a different combination of things on each toast.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen is full after two toasts.

"Now go flying place?" she asks.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"When I'm done," he says. Half a toast to go! He washes it down with the rest of his previously unmentioned glass of milk. "All right, c'mon."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen follows him. "Fly there? No airplanes day?"
manofmyword: Conspiratorial or condescending. (⒁ they'rrre cheap)
Author: manofmyword
"Nope. Drive there," he says.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
Pen makes a face. "Ew."
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"Aw, it's not that bad. I hope not, anyway."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
"Been in a truck one time. Bleah."
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
He closes the window behind them and, for a change, goes to where there is a door in the middle of the roof. It's locked, but not for long. Inside, there are stairs; he takes her down the stairs into the dimly lit parking garage, and from there all the way to the back, where there is a dark blue minivan. He extracts the keys from his pocket, unlocks the vehicle, and rolls open the door for her. Inside, the backs have been removed from the middle row of seats.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 2)
Author: campanas
Pen examines the vehicle, apparently determines that it's not going to eat her, and sits on a backless seat.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
And Cindy closes the door, gets in the driver's seat, and starts driving.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen fidgets, and peers out the windows.
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
Soon they are out of the parking garage; after that, they are on the streets of Gotham, at such an hour of the morning that hardly anyone else is. Still a few cars, though.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"This not so bad as truck," Pen eventually concludes.

She watches the other cars they pass.
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
"Good," he says cheerfully. The car has a radio; he turns it on. Someone is forecasting the weather.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Ick weather," pronounces Pen. "You need angels. No Jovah here to sing though."
manofmyword: Laughing maniacally. (⑴ ahahahaha!!!!!)
Author: manofmyword
"Then I guess we'll just have to live with a little rain."

After weather comes news!

"...Wayne Enterprises was publicly embarrassed yesterday when unknown vandals disguised as window cleaners spray-painted a crooked smiley face on the front of Wayne Tower."

The Joker giggles.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Paint sprays?" asks Pen.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
"Spray paint does. It's fun," he says happily.

"...associated with the tragic events of June 2008, but there is no indication that the Joker is making a public return."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"That you!"
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
"Yep," he says. "That's part of what I was up to when I went out yesterday."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"You paint a wall. I draw a wall!" she adds conspiratorially.
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"I saw!" he says. "Do you want some more things to draw with?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"I'll get you some later," he promises.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Yay! I draw wall because of bored," she adds. "You bored, paint wall?"
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Mm, not exactly. Remember I told you I might be making a friend?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
"Well, we haven't been sending each other letters exactly. We both know a lot of people, and we're kind of playing a game where we each try to figure out who around here knows the other one. All very secret 'n stuff. He got some people I know arrested last week, so this week I found somebody he knows who works in Wayne Tower and I had some guys paint the outside of the building like my makeup, with a little extra bit of smile right where that person's office is. So now my maybe-friend knows I've found that one, and it's his turn to do something."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Ooh. What if he finds me? You know me!"
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"I bet he won't," he says, "'cause you're particularly hidden. As hidden as I am, and it's been four years and nobody's found me yet."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"So if he do he get so many points."
manofmyword: Conspiratorial or condescending. (⒁ they'rrre cheap)
Author: manofmyword
"He sure would."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"How you win game?"
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
"Don't know yet. We're making it up as we go along. That's part of the fun."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen giggles. "Iiiif he win you make him waffle?" she suggests.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
"I might!"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"If you win he make you waffle," Pen continues.
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"I don't know if he's any good at waffles. He could probably find somebody to make me one, though."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Cheating," giggles Pen.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"We-ell, I'd let him. Good waffles with cheating are better than bad waffles played straight."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Waffles important? Cheating not?"
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
"If you have to eat the waffles, yeah."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Okay," Pen giggles. "How far place flying?"
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
"Not that far. A few more minutes."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Okay. How long flying?"
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
"All day, if you want."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Eeeee! You want me fly you too?"
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen claps. She looks merrily out the windows all the rest of the way there.
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
They drive past a large building with elaborate fancy architecture covered in pigeon poop, and enter an underground parking garage with no lines painted on the floor. He parks them near some stairs and gets out. It's very dark, but he brought flashlights.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen follows him. In the dark, even with flashlights, she prefers to hold hands.
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
That is an entirely reasonable preference which he is happy to accomodate!

Up the stairs, pick a lock, down a hall, pick another lock, down a somewhat prettier hall, and into an


empty room.

It's still dark. He hunts for lightswitches.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Oooh," says Pen, on the basis of the provided light from the flashlights; and then: "Ooooh!" at the acoustics, and she bursts into song, a high fluttery hymn, filling the space.
manofmyword: Laughing maniacally. (⑴ ahahahaha!!!!!)
Author: manofmyword
Cindy beams.

He finds the lights.

There's a stage, and several ranks of balconies going up and up all around the sides, and a huge empty space in the middle of it all where long metal strips on the bare concrete floor hint at an unrealized potential for seating. The white paint is peeling off the pillars that support the balconies, but the brass railings still gleam under a light coating of plaster dust.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Once Pen can see clearly, she runs, still singing, and flings her wings open, and catches air and flies.

She's not very graceful at first - there's no wind in here, she can't catch any updrafts and isn't making her usual course corrections - but she's strong and eager to be airborne, so she beats her wings harder, and sings and sings.
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
He perches on the edge of the stage and watches with a smile.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Eventually, when Pen has the hang of the limited space and the knack of indoor flying, she swoops down on him and, one hand under each of his arms, scoops him up into the air with her.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
Cindy laughs gleefully.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
She takes him a couple laps around the hall, then puts him down again - landing in the process, dropping him is potentially unapproved - and takes off again.

"Not floating-up wind here," she informs him when she's aloft once more and her song is over.
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
"Yeah," he says. "'Cause we're inside. I could find you someplace outside but it'll take longer."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"This okay a little while. And good singing!"
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"Mhm! This was supposed to be a concert hall," he says. "But they never finished building it."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen sings another song, swooping around as high as she can without bumping into the ceiling.
manofmyword: Laughing maniacally. (⑴ ahahahaha!!!!!)
Author: manofmyword
He giggles quietly.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
After a few hours, she is tired of flapping so much. She lands on the stage, and finishes her current song, and then folds her wings and yawns and goes up to him and hugs him.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
He hugs back, smiling.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
She wraps her wings around him and sighs, rather more happily than she has previously sighed, and then says, "Now what?"
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword

"Mm, now we go home and I get you some things to draw with," he says. "Any other stuff you want? More books?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Books're good. I dunno, fun things."
manofmyword: Smirking. (⑷ coral is far more red)
Author: manofmyword
"Then I'll get you fun things," he promises.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen hugs him snuggily and then lets him go.
manofmyword: From behind, in the suit, holding a knife. (⑻ nothing in his pockets)
Author: manofmyword
Back to the car they go, turning out the lights on the way.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
And soon she is ensconced in his apartment again, peering around the kitchen.
manofmyword: Leaning out of a moving police car, eyes closed, hair blowing in the wind, having fun. (⑹ where did they get that car)
Author: manofmyword
He goes right back out to acquire things, so she has the run of the place. The kitchen has all the same things in it that it did the last time she looked.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
She nibbles on some fruit. She's hungry after all that flying.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
And Cindy is back in an hour, carrying a white plastic bag full of things and a large cardboard box.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen capers up to him. "What things what things?"
manofmyword: Hands, seen through jail cell bars. (⑼ the store by the dungeon)
Author: manofmyword
He sets down the large box. It says K'Nex on the side and has colourful pictures of mysterious objects.

"Mmmmarkers," he says, pulling the first thing out of the plastic bag and handing it to her. "Colouring books," second. "Books in general." An almost random selection of five that looked like fun. "And a helicopter!"

The helicopter is in a cardboard box of its very own, and it is the last thing in the bag.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"What helicopter?"
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
"I'll show ya," he says cheerfully, grabbing a knife to cut open the box. (It's the Joker's apartment. There is always a knife.)

He makes short work of the sticker holding the box shut, and then he takes out the little plastic helicopter with its little remote control, and he supplies them both with batteries, and he shows Pen how to make it go.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen is enthralled!
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"This is a toy one," he adds, "but there's bigger ones that people fly around in."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen catches the flying helicopter and peers into its windows. "Heeee," she giggles.
manofmyword: Laughing maniacally. (⑴ ahahahaha!!!!!)
Author: manofmyword
He grins.

"And there's this stuff," he adds, giving the K'nex box on the floor a gentle, indicative kick. "It looked fun."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen sets the helicopter down and starts picking at the box. She is not particularly familiar with corrugated cardboard.
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
The Joker helps open this one too!
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
And then she investigates the plastic things, and observes the picture on the box, and starts snapping them together, giggling.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
He leaves her to it and goes to make a pie.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen sings and builds things and tries to land her helicopter on the things.
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
The pie is peach. It smells tasty.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen wants some pie!
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
She can have as much as she wants!
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
She wants one big slice and then one itty bitty second slice. And then she goes and colors her coloring books.
manofmyword: Smirking, pushing hair out of face. (⑸ well hello beautifulll~)
Author: manofmyword
And he cleans up after the pie.

And then he says, "I'm gonna go out again. You wanna do my makeup?"
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
"Yeah!" beams Pen, hopping to her feet. "I paint you pretty."
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
He beams. Into the good bathroom they go!
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
Pen arranges the necessary supplies, and sits him down, and hops into his lap, where she sits crosslegged and starts painting.

His ordinary makeup isn't tidy enough for her lack of dexterity to make much visible difference, except there's more smears of pink where the white and red mix, and she draws a smiley face on his left cheek.
manofmyword: Laughing maniacally. (⑴ ahahahaha!!!!!)
Author: manofmyword
He examines himself in the mirror and giggles.

"Perfect," he says, hugging her.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Hugs! "So pretty!" she asserts.
manofmyword: Grinning, eyes nearly closed. (⑶ now i see the funny side)
Author: manofmyword
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Where you go?" she asks.
manofmyword: Quasi-innocent? (⑽ i wanna drive)
Author: manofmyword
"Mm, out. Nowhere special. Just gotta talk to a few of those unfriendly people I hang around with."
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 3)
Author: campanas
"Pff. Unfriendlies," says Pen. "Go pretty at them."
manofmyword: Grinning. (⑵ simply makes you stranger)
Author: manofmyword
"That's the plan!" he says cheerfully, and he gets all dressed up in his nice purple suit, and off he goes.
campanas: (fourthborn belljokes 1)
Author: campanas
Pen builds things and flies her helicopter and draws (on coloring books and the walls) and sings songs and eats applesauce.