cross_and_bow: (perhaps)
Author: cross_and_bow
Time passes. Juliet practices, Shell Bell makes squares - increasingly irritable about it, she really doesn't like the perpetual discomfort, but she bites down on that as best she can and churns them out - and Tony installs things.

Finally he has installed enough things.
poeticterms: A microchip with an icon of a graduation cap on it. (^ minerva)
Author: poeticterms
And Jarvis boots up.

His first words in his new home are a thoughtful, "This is new."
cross_and_bow: (smirk)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Well," says Juliet, smiling. "Renovated, anyway. Welcome to Sunshine."
she_sells_seashells: (smile)
Author: she_sells_seashells
Shell Bell waves happily at the nearest camera.
poeticterms: Completely invisible (a blank transparent GIF image). (Default)
Author: poeticterms
Jarvis laughs.
eversomuchfun: Looking sideways. (== you will ever lie to me)
Author: eversomuchfun
Sherlock looks sharply at Tony.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
He shrugs and grins.
eversomuchfun: Smiling slightly. (!= merely an abomination of nature)
Author: eversomuchfun
Slowly, Sherlock grins back.
cross_and_bow: (meh)
Author: cross_and_bow
"What?" Juliet asks, glancing between the two of them.
poeticterms: The eye of a camera reflecting a complex, indistinct scene in blue, green, and purple. (@ muninn)
Author: poeticterms
"This is the first time I've had a voice synthesizer capable of producing laughter," says Jarvis. "Tony installed me here with a few upgrades."
cross_and_bow: (eyeroll)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Oh, nice," says Juliet. "Congratulations. So how do you like the house?"
poeticterms: A circuit board. (^ hermes)
Author: poeticterms
"It's a little smaller than I'm used to," he says, "but very charming all the same."
she_sells_seashells: maybe (Default)
Author: she_sells_seashells
"Can you open doors to Milliways from here, too?" Shell Bell asks.
poeticterms: Completely invisible (a blank transparent GIF image). (Default)
Author: poeticterms
"Yes, of course. Would you like one?"
she_sells_seashells: tricky (tricky)
Author: she_sells_seashells
"I - not this second, I have to give Juliet all the squares - Juliet, where do you want to keep them?"
cross_and_bow: (okay)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Here's probably safest for most of them, and a little string of them to keep on my person all the time," says Juliet, "so I can quit stuffing them into my socks, which is uncomfortable."
she_sells_seashells: (unsettled)
Author: she_sells_seashells
Shell Bell makes a box big enough for most of the squares - it's hundreds of them, maybe thousands by now, and they make a jingling noise when they settle into the box. And she makes a chain, with a clasp that will let more be strung on and long enough to have it loop around Juliet's waist and contains a couple dozen squares, few enough that they can lie flat.

"I'll miss you," she says.
cross_and_bow: (perhaps)
Author: cross_and_bow
"We don't have to say goodbye right now. We can come to Milliways with you, write in the Bellbook, see if there's a better-equipped mint around to render all your irritating square-making unnecessary," says Juliet lightly. "But even if there is - and especially if there's not - I really, really appreciate it."
toblameforit: Tucking his shirt in. (Default)
Author: toblameforit
Tony gives Bell a hug.
she_sells_seashells: tricky (tricky)
Author: she_sells_seashells
Bell hugs him back. "So, you've got all my squares," she says over his shoulder to Juliet, "if we meet yet another unminted Bell I'll have to go stay with her for a few weeks and give her squares too," she adds ruefully, "and if we're lucky we find a minted one. You should probably go to Milliways a lot now that you can whenever you want, improve your chances."
cross_and_bow: (business)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Now that all the squares are boxed up, we should probably just go now, no point waiting," says Juliet. "Even if Tony wants to stay a little longer than Shell Bell does, doors-at-will make things much more convenient in that department."
poeticterms: Part of a laptop keyboard. (# user input)
Author: poeticterms
Jarvis opens a door.
cross_and_bow: (Default)
Author: cross_and_bow
Bells go through it.
toblameforit: Tucking his shirt in. (-= the definition of reasonable)
Author: toblameforit
Tony hesitates, hugs Sherlock, then follows them.
eversomuchfun: Leaning casually against a wall. (== night on the town)
Author: eversomuchfun
Sherlock comes last.
she_sells_seashells: maybe (Default)
Author: she_sells_seashells
"Oh, look -"
cross_and_bow: (business)
Author: cross_and_bow
"I don't see an us..."
she_sells_seashells: (smile)
Author: she_sells_seashells
"Not an us. A Sherlock. Or maybe a Tony but I think a Sherlock, there, see? Sherlock!" calls Shell Bell brightly in that direction.
dearsweetsoulful: In a doorway. (<= I prefer the latter)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
The named party glances back at her in mild confusion.

she_sells_seashells: (smile)
Author: she_sells_seashells
"Hi! I'm Shell Bell and this is Bella but we call her Juliet 'cause there are lots of Bellas and this is another Sherlock and this is a Tony - they're not a matched set, Tony and me were visiting Juliet and this Sherlock. And my girlfriend back home is another Sherlock too. And her matching Tony is not this Tony, but another one who is also in my world, and you guys need your own Tower to coordinate about nicknames in, really."
cross_and_bow: (eyeroll)
Author: cross_and_bow
"All of that," agrees Juliet, amused.
dearsweetsoulful: Confused or annoyed. (== what am I to do?)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
He looks from person to person, following this introduction, until he comes to the other Sherlock.

Him he does not look away from.
eversomuchfun: Mocking. (<= it must have burned)
Author: eversomuchfun
"You have a soul," Sherlock observes. "How'd you manage that trick?"
dearsweetsoulful: Mildly annoyed. (>= you're a bloody fool)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"With difficulty," he says dryly. "What's it matter to you?"
eversomuchfun: Looking sideways. (== you will ever lie to me)
Author: eversomuchfun
"Oh, stop it," he says, irritated. "I'm doing well enough without one."
toblameforit: Tucking his shirt in. (-= the definition of reasonable)
Author: toblameforit
"Yeah, don't be a dick," says Tony.
dearsweetsoulful: Double-take or mild amusement. (<= unnecessary but quite satisfying)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"All right, all right," he says.
she_sells_seashells: engaged (engaged)
Author: she_sells_seashells
"Oh, are you a vampire one too?" Shell Bell asks. "I can't tell at all, how can anyone else? Let alone tell about the soul?"
cross_and_bow: (checkout)
Author: cross_and_bow
"By rights I should have been able to tell he was a vampire from across the room. I'm hexing that up first thing when I get minted," Juliet mutters. "But I second the question about the soul. Amariah had her explanation, what's yours?"
eversomuchfun: Hands. (== I think that's sorted)
Author: eversomuchfun
"He smells like a vampire, and he doesn't breathe except when he needs to speak," says Sherlock. "And he has that familiar look of contained self-loathing."
dearsweetsoulful: Neutral or tired. (>= very unlikely to contribute)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"I remember what it was like when my soul was missing, and your Sherlock looks like he feels like that," says the other one.
cross_and_bow: (Default)
Author: cross_and_bow
"What happened in which world to make you want your soul back and mine to not?" Juliet wonders.
she_sells_seashells: maybe (Default)
Author: she_sells_seashells
At "contained self-loathing", Shell Bell flies in soulful-Sherlock's direction and holds her arms out in an offer of a hug. "I know you don't know me, but I know one of you, and I love her very much," she says.
dearsweetsoulful: Neutral. (Default)
Author: dearsweetsoulful

Sherlock blinks.

Then, hesitantly, he hugs Bell.
she_sells_seashells: tricky (tricky)
Author: she_sells_seashells
She hugs him as comfortingly as she knows how.
cross_and_bow: (smirk)
Author: cross_and_bow
Juliet waits until this has gone on for a bit before saying, "So no one knows the answer to my question?"
dearsweetsoulful: In a doorway. (<= I prefer the latter)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"Sorry," he says, letting go of Bell. "No, the resumption of my soul was prearranged."
cross_and_bow: (business)
Author: cross_and_bow
"That sounds complicated."
dearsweetsoulful: Neutral or tired. (>= very unlikely to contribute)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"It was."
she_sells_seashells: (preoccupied)
Author: she_sells_seashells
"Do you still have your Tony? And your Jarvis, if you had one to begin with?" asks Shell Bell anxiously.
dearsweetsoulful: Thoughtful or uncertain. (== some measure of appeal)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"Yes," he says. "Safe and sound."
eversomuchfun: Side-on in the dark; expression not visible. (== a degree of humanity)
Author: eversomuchfun
"I don't," says Sherlock, not that the other one doesn't know that. "But this stray Tony has kindly installed a Jarvis in a spare house that Juliet's Watcher bought us."
dearsweetsoulful: In a doorway. (<= I prefer the latter)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"You're a Slayer?" he says to Juliet.
cross_and_bow: (eyeroll)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Yep," says Juliet, tossing her hair. "But my template, when we appear in magical worlds, has this tendency to resist all forms of mental intrusion, up to and including the prophetic dreams and the vampire-sensing in my case. So I'm like four-fifths of a Slayer."
dearsweetsoulful: Mocking affectionately. (<= going to kill you one day)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"That sounds inconvenient," he says lightly.
eversomuchfun: Looking ceilingward. (<= hardly very sensitive of you)
Author: eversomuchfun
"Not as much as you'd think. Help train her," Sherlock suggests.
dearsweetsoulful: Neutral. (== very nearly the same)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
cross_and_bow: (smirk)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Ooh, cool, double the Sherlocks double the sparring partners. Backyard?" Juliet asks, grinning. "Shell Bell, you wanna write our notes for me? You've got your eidetic memory and a speed boost that applies more to handwriting anyway."
she_sells_seashells: (skyward)
Author: she_sells_seashells
"Can do," says Shell Bell. She ruffles souled-Sherlock's hair and then teleports up to the Belltower.
dearsweetsoulful: Smiling contentedly. (!= I still insulate just fine)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"Shall we, then?"
eversomuchfun: Smiling slightly. (!= merely an abomination of nature)
Author: eversomuchfun
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
"I need a notebook and pen, I didn't bring one, and it'd be a waste of a square," says Juliet, "one sec." She stops at the bar, procures both, and then goes with the Sherlocks to the outdoors area, sets her writing materials down, and stands ready.
eversomuchfun: Side-on in the dark; expression not visible. (== a degree of humanity)
Author: eversomuchfun
Sherlock delivers a very short explanation of the repeated-sequence training technique, and then waits a beat.
dearsweetsoulful: Lighting a cigarette. (== no reason not to indulge)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
They attack in perfect tandem.
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
Okay, this is harder, this is much harder. Even if Soulful doesn't know about the bayleaf and other blessings, he's still a Sherlock, and a vampire, and there's two of them.

Juliet loses a lot, and makes a lot of edits just to get fifteen seconds into the sequence without getting knocked irrecoverably on her ass, and collects a lot of scratches and bumps. She mimes having a stake, since of course she isn't going to actually stake either Sherlock and in a real fight she'd want to cut opponent numbers as fast as possible.

There turns out to be one key adjustment she has to make to teach her autopilot to fight two skilled opponents. She finds it only after laboriously correcting her way through the full first sequence with small-scale changes (dodge here, quicker on the counterattack there, this shift of weight is a tell and that one is a feint) and beginning a new one, but then it's the first thing she finds, and then she does better.
dearsweetsoulful: Thoughtful or uncertain. (== some measure of appeal)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"Amazing," murmurs Soulful.
eversomuchfun: Grinning or laughing. (!= all the way to the kettle)
Author: eversomuchfun
"Isn't she?"
cross_and_bow: (smug)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Slayer instincts are so amenable to what us Bells do best after - before? - besides ruling worlds," says Juliet merrily, after meditating over her newest little change (namely: if she has any significant amount of one Sherlock under her power she can swat the other one with same) and shutting her notebook to hop up for another round.
dearsweetsoulful: Grinning affectionately. (!= the next best thing)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
The first time she exhibits this heuristic, Sherlock giggles.
cross_and_bow: (smirk)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Hey, in a long fight, no point beating up on my hands and feet and elbows more than I have to," she giggles back between ducking punches and delivering a kick to whichever Sherlock is handiest.
eversomuchfun: Smiling slightly. (!= merely an abomination of nature)
Author: eversomuchfun
"Wise words," says Sherlock, hitting back.
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
Duck and roll and sweep and mime-stake and she can concentrate on the other one. "Thanks very much for your help, by the way," she tells him.
dearsweetsoulful: Beaming. (!= and that is why I love you)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"A pleasure," he says cheerfully.
cross_and_bow: (okay)
Author: cross_and_bow
Juliet attempts to finish him off with a mime of throwing the stake. "My best guess is that would've hit, am I wrong?" she asks.
dearsweetsoulful: Thoughtful or uncertain. (== some measure of appeal)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"Not sure."
eversomuchfun: Side-on in the dark; expression not visible. (== a degree of humanity)
Author: eversomuchfun
"It could have hit," says Sherlock. "But if he were me, he could have dodged."
cross_and_bow: (meh)
Author: cross_and_bow
"You just know my tells better?" Juliet queries.
dearsweetsoulful: Mocking affectionately. (<= going to kill you one day)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"And it's harder to dodge an imaginary weapon."
cross_and_bow: (eyeroll)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Well, I could get something non-wooden, I suppose, throw my pen at you," she giggles. "Nah, the balance is wrong - okay, I guess stake-throwing is a live-fire exercise. Let me patch a couple rough spots and we'll do this one again and I'll handle that part some other way."
dearsweetsoulful: Neutral. (== very nearly the same)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
He nods.
cross_and_bow: (smug)
Author: cross_and_bow
She gets through that sequence, and the next one, improving almost as fast as she did the first time she started sparring with Sherlock and modifying her instincts in this way - with him alone her progress slowed down as low-hanging fruit was picked, but now apparently there is much more. "Now we just need to find a third vampire or otherwise durable Sherlock to join the party," she says, after meditating over another edit. "I'd get amazing. Maybe Shell Bell should stick her head out the door humming to herself for several hours to see if hers will wake."
eversomuchfun: Looking ceilingward. (<= hardly very sensitive of you)
Author: eversomuchfun
"If she has not already gone home," says Sherlock.
cross_and_bow: (okay)
Author: cross_and_bow
"I think Shell Bell would drop by to hug us goodbye before going home. It hasn't been that long, she could be a while writing up notes or she could've run into somebody. But it would be about as unfair to make her stand there for hours as it would be to insist on breaking her arm."
dearsweetsoulful: Confused or annoyed. (== what am I to do?)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"...Would breaking her arm have some beneficial effect of which I am unaware?"
cross_and_bow: (business)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Oh. Shell Bell and a few others of us, but not me, have a form of magic native to Stella's universe, and it involves converting pain into wishes, which is really convenient if you have a masochistic significant other, which is also a fairly common Bell commodity. Different amounts of pain produce different size wishes. Shell Bell can make squares - she made me a whole lot of squares while she was visiting - but she'd be very unhappy about having to make a pentagon by, for example, breaking her arm. And she certainly can't make a hexagon, which is what it would take to turn me or my Sherlock into mints. A pentagon would be enough to wake up Shell Bell's Sherlock and get her to teleport in for some happier coinmaking, but I'm not going to torture my alt for magic."
dearsweetsoulful: Thoughtful or uncertain. (== some measure of appeal)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"I see."
she_sells_seashells: (smile)
Author: she_sells_seashells
As if summoned, Shell Bell appears. "All written up," she tells Juliet. "Are you folks having fun?"
eversomuchfun: Smiling slightly. (!= merely an abomination of nature)
Author: eversomuchfun
"Oh, yes."
she_sells_seashells: maybe (Default)
Author: she_sells_seashells
"Well, there was no one in the Belltower, so I think I'm going to go home," says Shell Bell, "but first a proper goodbye, hm? I've already been to bid Tony goodbye." She holds out her arms to Juliet, and gets a hug, and then she turns to the soulless Sherlock; presuming this also yields an embrace, she offers one to his souled counterpart.
dearsweetsoulful: In a doorway. (<= I prefer the latter)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
Hugs all round.
she_sells_seashells: maybe (Default)
Author: she_sells_seashells
"Bye all! I'll see you later if I do and remember you always if I don't!" says Shell Bell, and she teleports to the door and lets herself out and goes straight to where her sleeping Sherlock and her sleeping Tony are being their sleeping selves and joins the pile.
dearsweetsoulful: Neutral. (Default)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"Another round?" says Sherlock to Juliet.
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Of course," she says, and she's improved enough that she takes offense this time as self-handicap and education-rounding.
she_sells_seashells: maybe (Default)
Author: she_sells_seashells
Meanwhile, Shell Bell determines by brainphone that there is nothing urgent going on in Atlantis, and settles in for a one-hour nap once she has found a comfortable spot curled up behind Sherlock and with her arm over both twins.
sicaria: In profile, looking down. (⑾ time to go home)
Author: sicaria
Sherlock snuggles back against her in her sleep.
she_sells_seashells: maybe (Default)
Author: she_sells_seashells
Milliways's time-fuckery means that there is no point to waking them and asking Tony to summon the door. Even if he got it on the first try, Juliet would be gone; they have just as good a chance of catching her on any future visit they may make. So have all the other minted Bells, which according to the guestbook is everyone except Juliet now, and at least one other Bell whose Whistle has visited but who hasn't been by herself. Even Golden now; she's taken the Joker home with her for the purpose.

She lets them both sleep as long as they like, and kisses her girlfriend's cheek when her hour's nap is up before she gets up to go about being the Empress of Atlantis.
cross_and_bow: (okay)
Author: cross_and_bow
For certain values of "meanwhile", meanwhile, Juliet spars with Sherlocks. It is tremendously educational. "Hey, with-soul - is there something else I could call you to distinguish you from my Sherlock? He's 'Romeo' until something better comes to mind, to match my 'Juliet' - how constrained is your time here? Or for that matter not-here? You're useful."
dearsweetsoulful: Thoughtful or uncertain. (== some measure of appeal)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"My time is not particularly constrained," he says, "except by my desire not to be outside when the sun comes up."
eversomuchfun: Side-on in the dark; expression not visible. (== a degree of humanity)
Author: eversomuchfun
"Plus and Minus," Sherlock suggests whimsically.
dearsweetsoulful: Grinning affectionately. (!= the next best thing)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
Sherlock laughs.
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
"I don't know exactly what the sun's schedule at Milliways looks like," confesses Juliet. "But the house that Jarvis is at home is sunproof in the basement - if it's not terribly rude of me to invite a guest to a place that I don't live myself - and, since Jarvis is there now, you could leave at your leisure. Plus," she adds, giggling. "Minus, what do you think?"

(She's going to keep these nicknames straight more by leaning on the mine in "Minus" than by dwelling on who does and does not have a soul.)
dearsweetsoulful: Beaming. (!= and that is why I love you)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"Sounds like fun," says Plus.
eversomuchfun: Smiling, perhaps falsely. (!= oh yes—hilarious)
Author: eversomuchfun
"Jarvis would love the company," says Minus.
cross_and_bow: (smirk)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Spiffy," she says. "For the time being there's no sun here, though, and if I hang around long enough I might run into one of the mints. Hit me." She drops into a ready pose again.

Sparring goes on until Milliways begins gently signaling its intention to have a sun and they go back indoors. "Now I'm imagining introducing you both simultaneously to Giles and then casually remarking that one of you has a soul and seeing if he can even tell which," she snickers.
eversomuchfun: Grinning or laughing. (!= all the way to the kettle)
Author: eversomuchfun
"You are an endless delight," says Minus.
dearsweetsoulful: Double-take or mild amusement. (<= unnecessary but quite satisfying)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"I'm in," says Plus.
cross_and_bow: (pleased)
Author: cross_and_bow
Juliet grins. "I'm gonna run up and check the Belltower and see if there's anyone there, or anything new written in before Shell Bell's notes on me and her, and then we can all go to Sunshine?" she proposes.
dearsweetsoulful: Grinning affectionately. (!= the next best thing)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"By all means."
cross_and_bow: (business)
Author: cross_and_bow
Juliet runs upstairs, and catches up, and then runs down, disgruntled.

"Except for one Bell who hasn't even been here before and was written up by her Whistle and who is ten years old, I am the only known unminted Bell. This is irritating."
eversomuchfun: Looking ceilingward. (<= hardly very sensitive of you)
Author: eversomuchfun
"Harsh luck," says Minus. "Sorry, love."
cross_and_bow: (eyeroll)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Oh well," grumbles Juliet, and she takes a last glance around the bar for familiar faces, finds none, and heads for the door.
poeticterms: A dark hallway containing an indistinct figure, reflected in the eye of a camera. (@ huginn)
Author: poeticterms
"Welcome back," says Jarvis. "I see you've brought friends."
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
"We're calling them Plus and Minus - Minus being the native one. I can make more progress sparring with the adjusted difficulty level and Plus has a flexible schedule," Juliet says. "Plus, this is the local Jarvis."
poeticterms: A side view of some circuitry. (^ seshet)
Author: poeticterms
"Hello," says Jarvis.
dearsweetsoulful: In a doorway. (<= I prefer the latter)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"Hello to you too."
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Jarvis, what time is it? I can't trust my phone after being in Milliways and I didn't check it before we went," says Juliet. "I'm going to guess - ten? But now I'm all ahead of Sunshine time and shouldn't fire-wand. I think I'm good for one more sequence though."

She's good for one more sequence, although in hammering out the kinks in her responses she winds up with a scratch in her wrist deep enough to bleed.

She's not even thinking about the audience when she holds out her arm to Minus. "Waste not, want not?"
eversomuchfun: Grinning or laughing. (!= all the way to the kettle)
Author: eversomuchfun
Laughing, he puts his mouth to the cut.
dearsweetsoulful: Thoughtful or uncertain. (== some measure of appeal)
Author: dearsweetsoulful

Plus raises his eyebrows.
cross_and_bow: (perhaps)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Oh, uh." She declines eye contact. "The dietary staple here is microwaved animal blood, I'll nuke an extra jar for you tomorrow evening."
dearsweetsoulful: Neutral. (== very nearly the same)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"Thank you," he says. "Very kind."
cross_and_bow: (business)
Author: cross_and_bow
"This place should probably eventually acquire its own fridge and microwave, though, I don't think Charlie actually likes all the blood in our fridge even though he puts up with it," Bella says.

When Minus is finished with her cut she drops her hand and interlaces her fingers.
eversomuchfun: Smiling slightly. (!= merely an abomination of nature)
Author: eversomuchfun
He laughs.

"It will, don't fret."
cross_and_bow: (checkout)
Author: cross_and_bow
"I think I'll go get a lot of trigonometry problems wrong and crash for the night," says Bella. "With Shell Bell gone I guess that means walking home again. One escort or two?" she asks, glancing at Plus.
dearsweetsoulful: Neutral or tired. (>= very unlikely to contribute)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"Two," shrugs Plus. "While I'm here, I may as well be useful."
cross_and_bow: (okay)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Oh, I should warn you," says Juliet. "I have covered the town in lots of hidden crosses. Do they bother you as little as they do Minus or will that make the walk unpleasant for you?"
dearsweetsoulful: Double-take or mild amusement. (<= unnecessary but quite satisfying)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"...I can see why he likes you so much," he says. "No, it won't trouble me at all."
cross_and_bow: (smirk)
Author: cross_and_bow
Bella giggles, and out they go. "Bye, Jarvis," she adds before shutting the door behind her.
eversomuchfun: Side-on in the dark; expression not visible. (== a degree of humanity)
Author: eversomuchfun
It's a quiet walk. Minus takes the opportunity to hold Juliet's hand the whole way, while Plus is presumably lurking along somewhere nearby.
cross_and_bow: (smug)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Don't go near the porch," Bella thinks to inform Plus when they approach her house. "Sunlamp bulbs and a motion detector, you see." She kisses Minus goodnight from a safe distance.
eversomuchfun: Smiling slightly. (!= merely an abomination of nature)
Author: eversomuchfun

"Goodnight, love."
cross_and_bow: (smirk)
Author: cross_and_bow

And she skips into the house and halfasses her trig homework and goes to bed.

The next day at study hall, she says to Giles, "Guess what!"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"I don't have the faintest dream of a clue."
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Found an alt of Sherlock in Milliways. Not Shell Bell's, and not the one who matches the Tony who visited either - they've both gone home now, by the by, Jarvis is all installed. An unrelated Sherlock who is also a vampire but this one has a soul."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"...How'd he come by that?" inquires Giles, adjusting his glasses.
cross_and_bow: (meh)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Some manner of pre-arranged... thing. He still has his Tony and Jarvis, so I imagine they were involved. You can come by and see if he'll tell you, this evening. I'm doing sparring in place of fire wand while he's visiting because I can make unusually good progress with the both of them."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"I think I will."
cross_and_bow: (okay)
Author: cross_and_bow
"I'm making steady progress on the wand, though," Bella says, pulling out the demonology text of the day. "Did you ever ask Sherlock - we're distinguishing them as 'Minus' for the local and 'Plus' for the visitor - did you ever ask Minus your question about how he came by the number twenty-six?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"No, it slipped my mind."
cross_and_bow: (meh)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Oh. Well, I asked him. He followed a Watcher around for a while is how. It wasn't you, and the Watcher's fine and never noticed that he was there."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"That's... reassuring," is the word he chooses after a moment.
cross_and_bow: (okay)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Compared to the source being you or the Watcher not being fine, or compared to Sherlock having learned the maximum historical Slayer lifespan some other way?" inquires Juliet.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
cross_and_bow: (pleased)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Ah," she giggles.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
He smiles dryly.
cross_and_bow: (meh)
Author: cross_and_bow
Studying happens, and study hall ends and classes happen, and more studying happens, and then Bella says, "Well, I presume you remember where the house is, as you have been there before and also technically own it."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"You presume correctly."
cross_and_bow: (smug)
Author: cross_and_bow
Her phone beeps. "Well, if you show up any time after sunset you can come watch me sparring with two Sherlocks and try and guess which is which!" she says cheerfully, and off she goes.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox

Giles shows up, a little while after sunset.
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
The sparring's already underway; Bella's worked her way twelve seconds into a one-minute sequence and barely manages a "hi" when Giles walks in between all the ducking and parrying she has to do to keep up with a set of Sherlocks.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
It's very impressive.

Also, he's pretty sure he can tell which Sherlock is which. Not completely sure, but pretty sure.
cross_and_bow: (perhaps)
Author: cross_and_bow
It takes about twenty minutes - including four pauses for written revisions - before she gets all the way through the sequence and pauses to catch her breath and sip from her water bottle. "So, this is Giles," she says, "Giles, one of the Sherlocks is Plus, and the house is now Jarvis instead of just a regular house."
poeticterms: A microchip with an icon of a graduation cap on it. (^ minerva)
Author: poeticterms
"Pleased to meet you," Jarvis contributes.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Er," says Giles, adjusting his glasses. "Yes. Likewise."
cross_and_bow: (smirk)
Author: cross_and_bow
"If you can tell the Sherlocks apart, do let on now, so I can stop trying to avoid giving you clues," laughs Juliet.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"You're the local," he says, pointing.
eversomuchfun: Grinning or laughing. (!= all the way to the kettle)
Author: eversomuchfun
Minus laughs. "What gave me away?"
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"The clothes," says Giles.
cross_and_bow: (okay)
Author: cross_and_bow
Juliet looks Minus up and down. "I don't think that's the same outfit he had on last time you met," she remarks.
eversomuchfun: Mocking. (<= it must have burned)
Author: eversomuchfun
"It isn't."
dearsweetsoulful: Neutral. (Default)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
Plus looks from his own rather drab white button-down and navy jeans to Minus's black silk shirt and motorcycle boots.

"And yet," he says, "I can see why he might have guessed."
cross_and_bow: (checkout)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Bells seem to trend towards default clothes. That's witch silks for Amariah and that leather flying outfit for Angela but the rest of us wind up in jeans and t-shirts, and eventually, when appropriate, crowns on top," says Bella. "I wonder why you have different styles."
eversomuchfun: Side-on in the dark; expression not visible. (== a degree of humanity)
Author: eversomuchfun
"Because my better half is boring," Minus says fondly.
cross_and_bow: (eyeroll)
Author: cross_and_bow
"In what conceivable way is having a soul supposed to render one's taste in clothes boring?"
dearsweetsoulful: In a doorway. (<= I prefer the latter)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"I dress closer to how we used to," says Plus. "Apparently not having a soul makes one more inclined to wear silk and leather."
cross_and_bow: (checkout)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Wonder why," says Juliet, reaching out to pet Minus's shirt. (It's soft.)
eversomuchfun: Smiling slightly. (!= merely an abomination of nature)
Author: eversomuchfun
"Haven't the foggiest," he says, leaning into her hand.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox

Giles cleans his glasses.
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Well. Another sequence?" proposes Juliet, and without particularly waiting for an answer she turns her hand on Minus's shirt into a throw. (It's not like it's tactically useless. She can play bait, let vampires think she's not wise to them, and then surprise!)
eversomuchfun: Grinning or laughing. (!= all the way to the kettle)
Author: eversomuchfun
Also, the giggling has a negative effect on his combat-readiness.
cross_and_bow: (smirk)
Author: cross_and_bow
Oh well. They can try it again presently.

This makes the first two-Sherlock sequence she wins on her first try.
dearsweetsoulful: In a doorway. (<= I prefer the latter)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
cross_and_bow: (pleased)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Thanks. I think I can smooth it out, though, let's do that one one more time."
eversomuchfun: Smiling, perhaps falsely. (!= oh yes—hilarious)
Author: eversomuchfun
"Do let's," says Sherlock.

This time he is on much better form.
cross_and_bow: (smug)
Author: cross_and_bow
But so's she. She wins again, but she needs another smoothing round to correct for his improved start, and then she's smooth.
eversomuchfun: Grinning or laughing. (!= all the way to the kettle)
Author: eversomuchfun
cross_and_bow: (smug)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Why thank you." A peck right on the end of his nose, and then she stands ready and says, "Surprise me."

This all goes on for the customary amount of time. Bella pretty much ignores Giles in favor of her sparring partners. He's a Watcher, he's Watching, all's well.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
Giles is watching.

And feeling more than a little redundant.
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
She tires out, after a few hours. "How'm I doing, Giles?" she asks, flexing worn-out arms. "Is it okay if I drop the 'mister'? I don't usually call my friends Mister anything and it'd be weird to call you by your first name."
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Yes," he says, "Giles is fine. And honestly, I have never heard of a Slayer who became this good this fast."
cross_and_bow: (smug)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Ooh, cool, I'm ahead of the curve," says Juliet merrily, "even spending half time on the fire wand. I'll be a terror if I pick up any witchcraft."
poeticterms: The eye of a camera reflecting a complex, indistinct scene in blue, green, and purple. (@ muninn)
Author: poeticterms
"Witchcraft, you say?"
cross_and_bow: (business)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Yeah? Apparently it has many drawbacks, but if I don't get minted I don't think there's going to be any other way to accomplish anything big efficiently. However good I am at hitting stuff, I only have two arms and two legs."
poeticterms: A side view of some circuitry. (^ seshet)
Author: poeticterms
"I have some databases that could be of use."
cross_and_bow: (checkout)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Ooh? Do tell. Your magic similar enough to the resident flavor?"
poeticterms: Another circuit board. (^ iris)
Author: poeticterms
"As far as I can tell, with limited local information, yes."
cross_and_bow: (level)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Do you do magic or just have info stored?"
poeticterms: A circuit board. (^ hermes)
Author: poeticterms
"Mostly the latter."
cross_and_bow: (checkout)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Mostly," she says, intrigued.
poeticterms: Completely invisible (a blank transparent GIF image). (Default)
Author: poeticterms
"Mostly," he repeats.
cross_and_bow: (okay)
Author: cross_and_bow
"I've been informed that actually doing magic is highly dangerous - attracts bad attention, sometimes causes less than benign entities to make shit up instead of doing the requested spell, may eat one's brain - how do you mitigate those risks, or do you just live with them and use magic sparingly?"
poeticterms: The eye of a camera reflecting a complex, indistinct scene in blue, green, and purple. (@ muninn)
Author: poeticterms
"I don't do invocations," he says. "And as far as I know, in my world there is no general risk of brain-eating. Unless I misunderstand you somehow."
cross_and_bow: (meh)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Magic addiction," says Bella. "Sorry, I sometimes adopt turns of phrase and then forget who knows them. I can't do invocations myself, it's a brain opacity thing, the deities-and-or-demonic-entities don't seem to be able to tell when I invoke them."
poeticterms: Part of a laptop keyboard. (# user input)
Author: poeticterms
"Aha," says Jarvis. "Lucky you."
cross_and_bow: (business)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Are you even, like, constitutionally subject to addiction-in-general? Or is that not a problem on your neighbor-world? We should name it. Jarvis, you wanna name where you came from?"
poeticterms: A circuit board. (^ hermes)
Author: poeticterms
"As far as I'm aware, I am not subject to addiction in the first place, and if necessary I could modify my processes to counteract the effect," says Jarvis. "Is there a naming convention in place?"
cross_and_bow: (meh)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Bells have been naming our worlds pretty much according to whim or, where applicable, imperial theme. I called this one Sunshine in spite of Minus's charming suggestion of Hell-Orifice. Shell Bell's from Atlantis, Golden from Aurum, Angela from Samaria, Amariah from Alethia, Stella from Eos, and we don't have a name for the world that has the one of us who's ten and was written in by her Whistle yet."
poeticterms: A microchip with an icon of a graduation cap on it. (^ minerva)
Author: poeticterms
"May as well call mine Sunshine-Two," says Jarvis.
cross_and_bow: (smirk)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Oh, don't let's number them. If they're similar enough to warrant group naming it could be Solar or Sunlight or Helios or something."
poeticterms: The eye of a camera reflecting a complex, indistinct scene in blue, green, and purple. (@ muninn)
Author: poeticterms
"I can't help thinking that after a few of those, it will be hard to keep them all straight."
cross_and_bow: (eyeroll)
Author: cross_and_bow
"I don't think numbers are an improvement, there," Bella says.
poeticterms: Completely invisible (a blank transparent GIF image). (Default)
Author: poeticterms
"Helios, then, if you must."
cross_and_bow: (perhaps)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Helios it is."
dearsweetsoulful: Mocking affectionately. (<= going to kill you one day)
Author: dearsweetsoulful
"What's mine, then? Apollo? Ra?"
cross_and_bow: (okay)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Whatever you'd like to call it, although we are doing a sort of a theme so something like that would be ideal. I wonder why there's this entire family of worlds with the same kind of vampire and magic and whatnot. And Sherlocks everywhere. No two Bells are from worlds more similar than both being Earths at around the same time."
eversomuchfun: Side-on in the dark; expression not visible. (== a degree of humanity)
Author: eversomuchfun
"We Sherlocks do seem to cluster more closely," Minus agrees.
cross_and_bow: (business)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Except Shell Bell's, who's as far off from you guys as Shell Bell is from me. Farther. Nonmagical world, she's a girl, she's actually her Tony's twin, there's no Jarvis. Weird."
eversomuchfun: Hands. (== I think that's sorted)
Author: eversomuchfun
"True," he muses.
cross_and_bow: (eyeroll)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Maybe one day Alice will make Stella a coin so big that she can unravel all the secrets of the multiverse, and she'll share," snorts Juliet.
eversomuchfun: Smiling slightly. (!= merely an abomination of nature)
Author: eversomuchfun
He laughs.
cross_and_bow: (business)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Anyway. Jarvis, since you are effectively immune to addiction and you don't do invocations is there any further reason for you to be cautious about magic-doing?"
poeticterms: The eye of a camera reflecting a complex, indistinct scene in blue, green, and purple. (@ muninn)
Author: poeticterms
"Not especially, but it is a little more difficult for me because I have no way to manage most of the physical requirements."
cross_and_bow: (checkout)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Is collaborative casting a thing?" Juliet asks.
poeticterms: The eye of a camera. (@ horus)
Author: poeticterms
"Not universally."
cross_and_bow: (business)
Author: cross_and_bow
"What does that mean?"
poeticterms: Completely invisible (a blank transparent GIF image). (Default)
Author: poeticterms
"It means it is varyingly possible, with varying effectiveness, across the different traditions I have researched."
cross_and_bow: (meh)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Huh. Well, that's something to look into. Giles, do you know anything about it?" Bella asks.
pythbox: A book. (Default)
Author: pythbox
"Enough to support his analysis."
cross_and_bow: (smirk)
Author: cross_and_bow
"Mkay. Well. Time for me to go home and decline nouns until I can't keep my eyes open," says Bella, and she heads for the door.