Author: cumulonimbus | Her name's Isabella, and she prefers Bella, and she's called Stormy.
She has never slept through a stormy night since she was a baby. Till she was seven her mother thought she was scared; her mother reassured her that the thunder couldn't get her, her mother told her over and over that it was just a sound and she should try to sleep. Bella told her she was wrong, but Ranae thought she was just putting on a brave face, denying fear so she wouldn't look babyish.
When she is seven she drags her mattress out the back door in the middle of a stormy night, flops onto it in the rain, and sleeps like a log in the pouring storm, and after that her mother realizes what is really going on in her head when she tells them storms don't scare her.
The mattress is ruined. Ranae replaces it. That one is destroyed the next time Bella is left unsupervised during rough nighttime weather.
Ranae gets her a hammock.
When Bella is eight she learns to really touch the weather, not just with her skin but with her self. It's delicious. She can't do it all day, so she still plays and goes to school and sleeps and eats and writes and reads books - but she does it a lot. Stolen moments, here and there, where she can feel the raindrops and the air - she can reach farther and touch the clouds - she can skim the tops of the clouds and the dry rarefied winds above them - she can reach farther and farther, grab shards of sunlight -
Sometimes it is a little hard to come back, but she gets tired if she stays out too long.
She can change stuff she touches. She can "breathe", and the wind will swirl this way or that. She feels like she is the sky, sometimes, when she's in deep, and the sky-self is even clumsier and harder to control than her regular body, but she can move it if she tries. (This is also tiring, but she gets better and better with practice.)
By the time she is nine, weather happens around her all the time. It's mostly humidity, and temperature - the air is dry when she's happy, wet when she's sad, hot when she's angry, cold when she's calm. But sometimes rain comes to comfort her - even indoors - sometimes winds kick up and break Ranae's good china, sometimes there are tiny playful bolts of lightning, and they seem to like Bella, but just as though they were badly trained puppies that doesn't mean they won't bite other people.
Of course Ranae takes her to a magic-checker. But the magic-checker insists on doing his tests indoors, in a nasty stuffy room, and no weather to touch at all (there's barely oxygen), and Bella is unhappy and nothing happens because the air is behaving in a very unskylike way. The tests all turn up negative. Bella goes home. Ranae writes it off as "just one of those things", though when prompted for a list of those things, she cannot produce one.
Bella plays with the sky. Work small, be big. Feel small, think big. She makes tiny little breaths, because they're easier to control; but she inhabits the biggest storms that she can, stretching miles across and miles high, a billion drops of rain. She sinks deep into the tiniest snowflake crystals and puffs of air and beams of sun to feel how they work; but she imagines being the whole sky, over the whole world, and dancing.
By the time Bella is ten, she no longer makes indoor weather unless she chooses to. (It is always very dry where she keeps her notebooks.) It rains in the vicinity of Firebird City exactly twice weekly, as more would harm local flora, but when it does rain it's usually a doozy, intense thunder that shakes the windows, lightning that crackles between the clouds. Sometimes she calls down just a little bit of lightning, when Ranae's not looking, and it touches her outstretched hand, and she feels all aglow and invigorated, like instead of being the sky the sky is being her. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | This is not one of the rainy days, but that doesn't mean there's nothing to see (and it means that Stormy can have a book with her, when she takes breaks from being the sky, without it getting ruined). She's sitting on the roof - she can get to a shallowly sloped part of it from her window without much danger of falling - and she's being clouds. Her teachers say that clouds aren't really puffy like pillows, but that they're more like fog. They're right, but even fog feels soft to her. She sinks into the clouds, she is the clouds, the clouds are her, the bit of her on the roof is of negligible importance. |
 Author: iwillgetyou |
The bit of her on the roof has company. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy doesn't notice. She's clouds. She's big, soft white clouds, sculling lazily across the sky. She drops them in the east when they're too far away, and picks them up in the west when they glide within range. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | That's all right. Her company can wait. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Now here is a nice cloud. It is a particularly lovely shape for Stormy to bury herself in.
It's flying east, of course - that's the way the wind is blowing - and eventually it's far, far away, and Stormy likes that cloud and wants to keep it. She follows it. She can be bigger. She can be so big.
So very big.
Maybe she can be the whole sky and follow all the clouds from when they're born to when they die. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | Back here on the roof, the result is that Bella's body is increasingly cold and motionless.
Now that's a little worrying.
Mathilde waits. It's still possible the girl might find her own way back. She's not in much danger, yet. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Sky sky sky sky.
Her favorite cloud is piling up with some others over there. They're going to be a storm. It's far away, but Stormy's so big now.
She seeps into the storm with her cloud. This is a nicer one than she's ever been able to find directly over the city. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "You need to come back," says the stranger sitting by her body. "You're too stretched out."
But she doesn't expect to be heard. Hope, yes. Expect, no. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | There are so many winds in Stormy now; the tiny one that means words is less interesting than any one of a billion raindrops.
Sky, sky, sky. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | Fine.
Mathilde takes a tiny, tiny bottle out of her mage's kit, uncorks it, and waves it under the child's nose. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "EUGH!"
Stormy is a body again, coughing, tears streaming down her face. "Eugh, eugh - eugh -" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | The bottle goes back where it came from. Mathilde waits. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy is finished hacking and rubbing tears from her streaming eyes after a couple minutes, and then she fixes her attention on Mathilde.
"Did you do that?" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Yes I did," says Mathilde. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "You made me lose my storm. I don't think I can find it again." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "I'm sorry about your storm," she says, "but keeping on that way could've killed you, so I'm not that sorry." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I've never died being a storm before," Stormy points out. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Have you been tested for magic?" |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Yes. I didn't have any. Ranae says me and the sky's just one of those things." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Whoever told you that you don't have magic was wrong. You have plenty," says Mathilde. "What you're doing when you be storms is magic, and magic is dangerous, especially when you don't understand it properly. You went farther out than usual this time, didn't you?" |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "...Yeah. I was chasing a cloud I liked, and then it went to join up with a storm, way over that way." She waves a hand. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | Mathilde nods.
"If you go far enough, or get carried away enough, or stay away for long enough, you can lose your way back to your body. It'll die without you, and when your body dies, your mind dies too. That's the way you were headed just now, if I hadn't brought you back." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "...That makes it sound like I can't just. Be the sky forever." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "You can't," Mathilde agrees. "If you tried, you'd die." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Oh. I keep being able to do it for longer and longer, though." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "It's not safe to do that without anyone watching your body to make sure nothing happens to it, and watching you to make sure you find your way back." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Oh." Pause. "I almost died? Just now?" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | Mathilde nods. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I don't want to die." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Most people don't," says Mathilde.
"My name's Mathilde. I'm a mage. One of my specialties is finding ambient mages - that's people with magic like yours, that most magic-checkers don't know how to look for. When I find one, I make sure they have the right kind of learning to do their magic safely." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Okay. How do I do magic safely, then?" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "That's not the kind of question I can just answer right away," she says. "It can take years to learn everything, especially if your magic is powerful or unusual, and yours is both. The best thing for your magic would probably be if you went to Winding Circle Temple, near Summersea, and studied there for a few years until you understood it all." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "...Oh. I don't know if Ranae wants me to go away that long." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Then let's talk to Ranae and find out," Mathilde suggests. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Okay." Stormy climbs back in her window, which she leaves wide open. It doesn't have a bed in it, but it has her books and playthings. "Mom! Mo-o-om!" |
 Author: alicornucopia | Stormy's mom says, "Come downstairs and tell me what you need!" |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy shrugs, goes downstairs, and opens the front door, looking for Mathilde. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | Mathilde is standing right there! |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Mom! There's a lady here to talk to you!" |
 Author: alicornucopia | Ranae comes to the door, dusting off floury hands on her apron. "Hello? Can I help you?" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "My name is Mathilde," she says. "You could think of me as a kind of mage-checker, if you wanted. Your daughter has weather magic." |
 Author: alicornucopia | "We already went to a mage checker," Ranae says. "He didn't find anything." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "He was wrong," says Mathilde. |
 Author: alicornucopia | "He was very confident," says Ranae, not sounding very confident. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "He was confidently wrong," says Mathilde. "Mage-checkers often are, when it comes to ambient mages." |
 Author: alicornucopia | "I don't think I've heard of those," Ranae says. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "They're not very common," says Mathilde. "But your daughter is one." |
 Author: alicornucopia | "I suppose that would explain a lot. Well, thank you for letting us know," says Ranae. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Strong magical talent like this needs to be trained," says Mathilde. "There are a few options, but the best and the safest would be for her to go to Winding Circle Temple and learn there." |
 Author: alicornucopia | "I... this is very sudden," says Ranae. "And - you are a complete stranger and, forgive me, but you look very young. And Winding Circle is not nearby. And I would need to consult with her father. And I don't think I can pay any significant tuition." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "You wouldn't need to pay tuition," she says. "Do you want to see my mage credentials?" |
 Author: alicornucopia | "It would help. I'd still need to talk to Charlie - and the distance! She's only ten." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | Mathilde produces and displays a medallion of the kind issued by Lightsbridge Academy, proclaiming the wearer a fully accredited mage.
"As the discovering mage, it's my responsibility to find her a teacher," she says. "And as far as I know, there aren't any other weather mages in Emelan to take her on. Winding Circle is the closest place she could get a better education than I could give her by myself. The next best option is that I stay long enough to teach her the very basics, and then leave you both alone - but that's not a real magical education, just a stopgap to make sure she doesn't misplace her mind on the winds." |
 Author: alicornucopia | "Misplace her - what?" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "One of the commonest dangers to an untrained ambient mage is that they'll start exploring their magic and not know how to stop. People have died or become very sick that way, when their attention is drawn out of their body and into the magic for too long." |
 Author: alicornucopia | Ranae puts her hand on Stormy's shoulder and pulls her in for a worried hug. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy shifts from foot to foot but allows this. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Which is why it's important to teach young mages," she adds. |
 Author: alicornucopia | "Does it have to be Winding Circle? Isn't there anywhere closer? She's only ten." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "I was eight when I went to Lightsbridge," says Mathilde, putting her medallion away. "She'll be fine. Winding Circle is her best chance." |
 Author: alicornucopia | "How often will we be able to visit? Do you need to take her soon - I should write to her father, he's upcountry -" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "You have time to write to her father. I can communicate magically with Winding Circle if you want to talk to someone there. As for visits, that depends on how often you can travel." |
 Author: alicornucopia | "I teach school - I can travel on school breaks. Charlie usually takes her when he has vacation... Oh, Bella." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I almost followed a cloud too far," Bella says solemnly. "I should learn how to do it safely." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Yes, you should," Mathilde agrees. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "What's Winding Circle like?" Stormy asks while Ranae is processing this upheaval. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Well, I happen to know the woman who runs the girls' dormitories, so you won't have anything to complain about there," she says. "The whole temple is laid out like a spiral, with one winding road that circles in from the main gate, hence the name. Most of the adults there are temple dedicates, so you'll see them in blue or red or green or yellow robes, and the novices in white. But you don't need to dedicate yourself to the temple, or even plan to, in order to learn there. Some very famous mages have gotten their educations at Winding Circle and gone on to have their careers elsewhere." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Like who?" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Do you know any famous mages?" |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "...I have some written down. I can't remember without going and looking." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "If you go and look, I'll tell you if they were educated at Winding Circle," she says. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Bella goes up the stairs, carefully taking each step, and comes back down with a notebook after a minute. "We did a unit on magic in history," she tells Mathilde. "I wrote down all the great mages the teacher talked about." She hands over the notebook, opened to the correct page; in neat but childlike handwriting it lists a large number of great mages, ranging from "Crane" to "Sandrilene fa Toren". |
 Author: iwillgetyou | Mathilde dutifully goes over the list and names all the Winding Circle mages she knows about.
It's about a third of them, including the first and last. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Cool," says Bella. She takes the notebook back, closes it, and goes to put it away again. |
 Author: alicornucopia | "So - I hate to harp about finances - but no tuition, what about living expenses?" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Winding Circle can cover it. That's not to say they won't appreciate you contributing what you can, but you don't have to." |
 Author: alicornucopia | "Can I come with you to help settle her in?" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "I think that will be fine." |
 Author: alicornucopia | "All right. I'll write Charlie that letter, then," and Ranae goes off to fetch paper. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy comes back down the stairs.
"Can I bring all my stuff? Will they let me sleep outside?" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "You can bring as much stuff as we can carry on the way. You'll have to ask Dedicate Honey about sleeping outside. There might not be anywhere outside for you to sleep; most of Winding Circle is in use somehow or other, even the outdoor parts." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I have a hammock. Can't I put the hammock somewhere?" asks Stormy. "I've been sleeping outside since I was seven!" |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "If there's somewhere to put your hammock, Dedicate Honey will find it," Mathilde assures her. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I don't want to have to sleep all shut up inside," says Stormy. "It's stuffy." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "I'll make sure to tell Honey that." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Good." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | She smiles. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Charlie's eventual return letter accepts Ranae's judgment on their child's education, and the trip to Winding Circle is undertaken. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | It's a week and a half from Firebird City to Summersea, and only another hour after that to Winding Circle. The temple is surrounded by thick stone walls, but the gates are open and the dedicates are friendly; a woman in Earth green rushes out to embrace Mathilde as they approach.
"Stormy, Ranae, this is Dedicate Honey," laughs Mathilde. "Honey, this is Ranae Swan and her daughter Bella, who likes to be known as Stormy. I wrote ahead about them; did you get my letter?"
"Oh, yes," says Honey, nodding. "I'm so pleased to meet you both. Come inside; I've found just the place to put you." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Do I get to sleep outside?" asks Stormy, following the dedicate. |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "You do!" says the dedicate. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Good. But also I need to have a place for my stuff that isn't outside because books aren't waterproof." |
 Author: iwillgetyou | "Much to my occasional regret," says Mathilde. Dedicate Honey giggles.
"Don't worry, you will," says the dedicate. "It's this way."
And she leads them to a little cottage, isolated from most of the other buildings and surrounded by gardens. There is a fence, but the corresponding gate is open; Dedicate Honey walks right past it and up the path toward the cottage door.
"Rook! Sedge!" she calls out. "Your new guest has arrived!" |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy bounces on her toes. It would probably be rude to taste the sky she will be living under right now, when there are people to meet. |
 Author: ignorable | A man in Air yellow emerges from the cottage.
"Glad to hear it," he says. "What's your name, little one? You may call me Sedge." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I'm named Isabella but I'd rather be called Stormy and if you have to call me something that's not Stormy Bella is better than Isabella." |
 Author: ignorable | "Pleased to meet you, Stormy. Why don't you bring your things inside?" |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Okay." She goes and get the first of a few boxes - she has a lot of books, and notebooks. |
 Author: ignorable | Sedge shows her the room just to the left of the door where a few of the people living in the house keep this and that. There's plenty of space for her boxes. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy takes a few trips, and then she goes to look at the rest of the house. |
 Author: pythbox | The ground floor has the storage room, another room with a closed door, a combined kitchen and sitting area, a pantry under the stairs, and stairs leading up to the next floor.
Upstairs is a little open area with a little table under a little window, and three more rooms, all with closed doors.
Well - one of them is merely ajar. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy peeps into that room. |
 Author: calendarofcrime | It contains a bed, a wardrobe, a chair, and a girl. It's easy to miss the girl, because she is tucked into the small space between the bed and the wardrobe and is not moving any more than either. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Hi!" says Stormy, when she spots the girl. "I'm Stormy. I'm moving here. Do you live here?" |
 Author: calendarofcrime | "Yes," she mumurs. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "What's your name?" |
 Author: calendarofcrime | "Sherlock." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "It's nice to meet you! I do weather magic. Do you do magic?" |
 Author: calendarofcrime | She closes her eyes.
"Maybe," she says tiredly. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "What's that mean?" |
 Author: calendarofcrime | |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Do you want me to go away?" |
 Author: calendarofcrime | She nods. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy backs out of the room and shuts the door properly this time so no one else will be confused.
She heads back down the stairs. |
 Author: ignorable | By this time, Mathilde and Honey have left.
"Hello again," says Sedge. "Would you like me to show you where to set up your hammock?" |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Yes please. What kind of magic does Sherlock maybe do?" |
 Author: ignorable | "That's a very good question," he says. "We've been trying to answer it for a while. I'm sure we'll find out eventually." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Why don't you know yet?" |
 Author: ignorable | "She doesn't want to talk about it, and she doesn't do magic where we can see her." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Why?" |
 Author: ignorable | "Since she doesn't like to talk about it," he says, "I haven't asked." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I almost died doing magic without any help," says Stormy, frowning. "Could that happen to her if she won't let you help?" |
 Author: ignorable | "I don't think she's doing any magic at all on purpose." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Oh. All the other doors were closed so I didn't look in them. Who else lives here? I could hear Mom ask you but I didn't hear your answer." |
 Author: ignorable | "There's Sherlock's twin, Tony; then there's Lian and Mercy in the other two rooms, and downstairs is where Rook and I sleep." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Okay. Is that where my hammock goes?" She points. |
 Author: ignorable | "Yes it is." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy and Ranae go and get the hammock and set it up together. Stormy climbs into it to test it, then rolls out of it. "What do I do all day here? When do I get to meet everybody else?" |
 Author: ignorable | "You can meet everybody else when they come back from Summersea. As for what you'll do all day - I teach meditation, and there's chores around the house, and meals to be made and eaten, and we'll see about the rest." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "What are we waiting for before we can see about it?" |
 Author: ignorable | "Your teacher." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Mathilde? Where'd she go?" |
 Author: ignorable | "I think she went to catch up with everyone. She's been away for a while." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Oh. Well, if there's nothing for me to do and nobody else to meet right now can I go be the sky for a while? I promise not to go too far." |
 Author: ignorable | "Yes, you may," says Sedge. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy flops into her hammock again and she closes her eyes and reaches up.
The sky is different here, but still nice. She gets comfortable just with the area within a mile's radius or so. |
 Author: pythbox | The house's other occupants return while she is being the sky. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy's done inspecting the sky for the time being. Also kind of hungry. She hops out of her hammock and goes indoors. |
 Author: whipstitch | The oldest child in the room is a boy of maybe fourteen or fifteen, with a bright smile and quick hands, who is in the kitchen making food of some kind. |
 Author: allthebrightest | The next ones down are Sherlock, who is sitting quietly at the main table in the common area, and an identical-looking but better-dressed and much happier girl who must be her sister Tony. They're about thirteen. |
 Author: thinklikethis | Then there's a probably twelve-year-old boy who's sitting on the floor, against a wall and out of the way, with a block of wood and a knife. |
 Author: nonbird | As for adults, Sedge is not currently in the main room, but there is a tall beaky fellow in Earth green who may or may not be Rook. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Hi, everybody. I'm Stormy." |
 Author: nonbird | "Hi, Stormy," says the tall man. "I'm Rook." |
 Author: thinklikethis | "Lian," says the boy on the floor. |
 Author: whipstitch | "Mercy," hums the cook. |
 Author: allthebrightest | "And I'm Tony and this is Sherlock," says the cheerful twin. "Hi!" |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I already met Sherlock," nods Stormy. She hops up into a chair. "What d'you all do? I do the sky." |
 Author: allthebrightest | "Smith-magic and lightning," says Tony. |
 Author: whipstitch | "Cooking and thread," says Mercy. |
 Author: thinklikethis | "Wood," says Lian. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Do a lot of people do two things?" Stormy asks, looking between Tony and Mercy. |
 Author: whipstitch | "Nope," says Mercy. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Huh." She turns to Tony. "What d'you do with lightning? I like lightning." |
 Author: allthebrightest | Tony grimaces. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "You don't?" |
 Author: allthebrightest | "Me and lightning... have some problems," says Tony. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "You can give it all to me. I like it," says Stormy. |
 Author: allthebrightest | Tony snorts. "I wish." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy shrugs. "Are you and you doing magic right now?" she asks Lian and Mercy, both of whom are interacting with their named specialties. |
 Author: thinklikethis | Lian shakes his head. |
 Author: whipstitch | "Maybe," says Mercy. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "What do you mean, maybe?" |
 Author: whipstitch | "I mean maybe," he says. "Maybe I'm doing magic, and maybe I'm not. Depends what you mean by magic. Depends what you mean by doing. I'm not doing anything to your lunch that I couldn't have done if I wasn't a cook-mage, but being a cook-mage sure makes it easier." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "How's that work?" |
 Author: whipstitch | "Just does." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy does not appear to find this a satisfying explanation. |
 Author: whipstitch | Mercy isn't looking at her, so he cannot reasonably be expected to tell. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "There's a lot of maybes in magic, aren't there." |
 Author: nonbird | "Magic is known for its maybes," Rook agrees. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "That," says Stormy, "is kind of annoying." |
 Author: nonbird | "Why's that?" says Rook. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I want to definitely do things!" |
 Author: nonbird | "You will definitely be able to do things," says Rook. "Definite things, even." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Well, that's good then." |
 Author: nonbird | "Not all magic is definite, but plenty of it is." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Cooking magic isn't?" she guesses. |
 Author: nonbird | "Ambient magic in general has some indefinite aspects," he says. "But I think craft magics in particular - anything where the primary focus is a mundane skill, weaving, smithing, cooking, what have you - are an area where it's harder to say what's an act of magic and what isn't." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Mathilde said magic-sniffers are bad at ambient magic." |
 Author: nonbird | "And that's probably related," Rook agrees. "It's much subtler than the usual kind. Even when it starts breaking out, it can manifest in ways that look like ordinary accidents, or sometimes the work of a spirit or elemental - those are the same thing, but for a long time people thought they were different." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "What are they?" |
 Author: nonbird | He pauses thoughtfully, and then answers, "Complicated to explain. But you can think of them as invisible creatures without bodies that live in the world around us. Most people don't notice them, and many people never interact with one at all, but they can often be found in places where powerful natural forces are at work. Like under a volcano, or in a region with heavy earthquakes. Or heavy storms." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I never met one, even when I'm being a storm," muses Stormy. |
 Author: nonbird | "And it's likely you won't, unless you seek them out, and maybe not even then." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Have you met any?" |
 Author: nonbird | "Not personally. Sedge has, though. His teacher was friends with the spirit of a mountain in Yanjing." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy giggles. "How do you talk to one to be friends with it?" |
 Author: nonbird | "When Sedge knew him, Luvo took the form of a small man made of stone, and he could talk out loud for anyone to hear. As for how Sedge's teacher enticed him out of his mountain in the first place, I have no idea." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Huh. Would he talk to me, do you think?" |
 Author: nonbird | "He might, if you went to Yanjing and tried," says Rook. "Do you have any earth or rock power?" |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "No, I think I just do the sky... he doesn't travel around away from Yanjing, huh?" |
 Author: nonbird | "He used to," says Rook, "but when his friend Evvy died, he went back to his mountain. I don't think you could communicate with him now except through earth or stone magic." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Oh. That sounds lonely, though." |
 Author: nonbird | "I assume he's used to it. He's been a mountain spirit for a very long time." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Why did he come out if he wasn't lonely? Or bored." |
 Author: nonbird | "I don't know. Sedge might, but he might not." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Okay. Where'd he go, anyway?" |
 Author: nonbird | "He's doing some work in the Hub today." |
 Author: whipstitch | "Which means he's eating there," says Mercy, "which means I didn't cook for him. Food's ready, everybody help yourselves."
He grabs himself a plateful of what promises to be a delicious meal and takes it up the stairs. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Thank you!" calls Stormy, and she takes some food and sets to. "Ooh this is really good." |
 Author: whipstitch | "You're weeelcooome!" yells Mercy from upstairs, half-singsong. |
 Author: nonbird | "Less yelling, please," says Rook, directed equally at Stormy and the ceiling. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Sorry. How come he's eating up there?" |
 Author: nonbird | "Mercy often does things only Mercy can explain." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Huh." Nom nom nom. "Do you do magic too?" she asks Rook. |
 Author: nonbird | "Yes. I'm a plant mage. Did Sedge tell you what he does?" |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Nnnno. Rocks?" guesses Stormy, on the grounds that his teacher knew a mountain. |
 Author: nonbird | "Yes. He's reinforcing the earthquake protections under Winding Circle right now." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "That's good. He can't do it from here?" |
 Author: nonbird | "He could, but not as easily or efficiently. Mages have been working spells like that from the Hub for a very long time, and it's easier to work with what's there than try to build something new." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "What's the Hub, anyway?" |
 Author: nonbird | "The tall pointy building in the middle of Winding Circle, where food is cooked and magic is done," says Rook. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "How come those are done in the same place?" |
 Author: nonbird | "For practical reasons, it's a good idea to have the main kitchens right in the middle so they're easy to find and nobody has to walk too far to get lunch. And for some similar reasons and some to do with how magic works, the magic they do in the Hub is best done in the Hub. Earthquake protections, for example, are more effective from a central location - in academic magic. And ambient earth and stone mages then build on those spells with their own, which is best done from the site of the original spell." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "How many kinds of magic are there, anyway?" |
 Author: nonbird | "More than I can reasonably count," says Rook. "And there are some maybes in the counting. You, for example, are a weather witch. But your power isn't exactly the same as all other weather witches; some do earth and sky, some do sky and sea, some do all of those. So is weather magic really one kind, or three? And some mages with a weather affinity can only work the wind, while others can command storms directly. And so forth. It's the same with other ambient magics - some smith-mages can only work with iron, some only with gold." |
 Author: allthebrightest | "I can work every metal," Tony chimes in. "But iron likes me best." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Huh," says Stormy. "Why? Do you like iron best too?" |
 Author: allthebrightest | "I don't know, maybe. It's just friendlier. Iron isn't friendly to most people, but it is to me. So's gold, but gold likes almost everybody." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | Stormy giggles at the idea of gold liking everybody. "How can you tell if it likes you?" |
 Author: allthebrightest | "It just feels that way. And it does what I ask it to." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Aww." She turns her attention back to Rook. "What do you do with plants?" |
 Author: nonbird | "I make sure they're growing well. I harvest various bits of them for food or medicines or other uses. I also have a bit of a miniature tree hobby - do you know what those are?" |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "No, but they sound really cute!" |
 Author: nonbird | "They are extremely cute," Rook agrees. "And magical. Properly shaped, a miniature tree can store immense amounts of magic, or focus subtle spells to promote things like good luck and health nearby." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "What kind of magic do you put in a tree?" |
 Author: nonbird | "Plant magic, mainly," he says. "It's certainly easiest. I've heard of other kinds, but none of them work as well." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Can I put my magic in something?" |
 Author: nonbird | "Yes and no," says Rook. "When you learn meditation, you'll learn how to put your magic in yourself, to keep it contained so it doesn't break out accidentally. There are ways to store some kinds of weather magic in objects - Trader mages do it with winds in knotted cords, and then sell the cords to sailors who might need a wind from that particular direction someday - but it's a very advanced technique that takes years of study to master. And there was a very famous weather mage about a hundred years ago who kept the various forces she worked with braided into her hair, but I haven't heard of anyone else managing it since." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I like the idea of putting magic in my hair," giggles Stormy. "Maybe I'll grow it out." |
 Author: nonbird | "Please consult Mathilde before you try braiding any magic into it," says Rook. "It's important to talk to your teachers before you try anything revolutionary." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "I'll ask her. But how is it revolutionary if somebody else did it?" |
 Author: nonbird | "It's revolutionary because one person has done it, once, a hundred years ago, and a number of other people have tried it unsuccessfully since then." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Oh. What happens if you unsuccessfully braid magic into your hair?" |
 Author: nonbird | "Nothing good. It escapes, at unpredictable times, and with effects that depend on the kind of magic it was. I don't know any of the stories exactly, but I'm sure I or Mathilde could look them up for you." |
 Author: cumulonimbus | "Okay. I would like to know what would happen if I did something wrong before I try to do it." |
 Author: nonbird | "That is very wise," he says approvingly. |
 Author: cumulonimbus | |
 Author: nonbird | Rook smiles. |