instar: (shark)
Author: instar
Andi and Robin become fast friends. Andi picks up a secondhand drum set for a steal on Craigslist and wheedles Renée into paying for lessons, and soon drums merrily away to Robin's guitaring and singing.

Trouble makes dessert for the Swans once or twice a week, demonstrating both the stability of his peculiar motives and his diverse baking abilities. Souffles do not transport well, but all sorts of cakes, pies, muffins, tarts, brownies, and cookies do just fine on the bus trip from an undisclosed location to the Swan household. He misses a lot of school without explanation.

The second Monday of October, Andi (followed shortly by Bella) plops down by Robin at lunch and says, "Hi! How was your weekend?"
hold_infinity: (⑦ take a look around)
Author: hold_infinity
"Went to see Trouble in the hospital. How was yours?"
instar: (snake)
Author: instar
"He's in the hospital?"
pandion: (frown)
Author: pandion
"It was f- wait, yeah, why is he in the hospital, what happened?"
hold_infinity: (⑧ here and there)
Author: hold_infinity
"Somebody kicked his arse," she snorts. "He's not saying who. For all I know it was his idea of fun. But he's got cracked this and broken that and he's on some lovely painkillers. Me and Ethan dropped in on him yesterday."
instar: (spider)
Author: instar
"Ethan didn't do it himself, I take it."
pandion: (checking)
Author: pandion
"Why isn't he saying who?"
hold_infinity: (⑦ take a look around)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin shrugs. "I wasn't about to interrogate him. He told me to skip it; I skipped. And yeah, he's had some fun with Ethan, but Ethan would've told me if the fun had broken any bones."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"What hospital's he at? And I assume I won't get his room number if I walk in and literally ask for 'Trouble'."
hold_infinity: (③ took a storm before)
Author: hold_infinity
She laughs. "Yeah. I forget the room number, I think I have it written down somewhere - he's at St. Joseph's, anyway. Ask for Angel Sawyer."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"Will do."
pandion: (pearls)
Author: pandion
"Wow, he has a real name, I got so used to thinking of him without."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"I assume if he wanted to be called that he'd have informed us before now."
hold_infinity: (⑤ see all the profit)
Author: hold_infinity
"He threw a fork at Ethan when Ethan called him Angel, but between those two I think that qualifies as flirting. Still, I wouldn't try it."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"Yeah, thought so. I think I'll go this afternoon."
pandion: (still)
Author: pandion
"Okay. Robin, d'you wanna come over today? We can play nice and loud if Bella's gonna be out of the house."
hold_infinity: (① has the dawn)
Author: hold_infinity
"Perfect," says Robin.
pandion: (lock)
Author: pandion
"I've smoothed out the bit I was having trouble with for The Really Angry Song."

(Andi is not very good at titles either, but this does not stop her from naming them.)
hold_infinity: (② you were meant to be here)
Author: hold_infinity
Robin grins. "Awesome, I can't wait."
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
So after school, Robin goes home with Andi, and Bella buses to the hospital.
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble is lying in a hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown, with a cast on his left arm and a dreamy smile on his face.
instar: (doe)
Author: instar
"Hey, you," says Bella. "Robin told me you were all busted up."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
He grins. "I aaaaaaam," he says, waving lazily with his good arm. "How're you?"
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
"I'm fine. Is there a point to asking what happened? I am told it wasn't Ethan."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"It wasn't Ethan," Trouble agrees, nodding. "You could ask but then I might answer and nobody wants that." He giggles.
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"Why does nobody want that?"
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"'Caaaause," he yawns, "I'm on drugs I don't wanna be on and you're asking me things I don't wanna tell you?"
instar: (doe)
Author: instar
"You don't want to be on what you're on? Is it anything besides painkillers?"
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
"Nope. But fuck painkillers," he says, more sharply and less slowly than he has said anything else since she came in. His voice slows down and softens again as he adds, "I like being in pain, most of the time, and I don't like being stoned."
instar: (doe)
Author: instar

aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
He grins at her. "I like you. You're nice. Thanks for coming to visit. I didn't think anybody would."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Robin said she and Ethan dropped in on you."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yeah, I was surprised about them too," he laughs. "Ethan never comes to visit."
instar: (butterfly)
Author: instar
"Maybe Robin's a good influence on him."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"Must be it," he agrees.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Wait, never visits you, or never visits you in the hospital?"
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
"Oh. Neither," says Trouble, shrugging.
instar: (spider)
Author: instar
"You're in the hospital that often?"
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
He grins. "How often is often? Once in a while. And I've known Ethan for like a year."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"I'm not in the hospital more than once a year."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble giggles.
instar: (cat)
Author: instar
"And I am very accident-prone."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"I'm not," says Trouble, his eyes drifting closed.
instar: (snake)
Author: instar
"Yeah. Robin said 'someone' did it."
aeskhyne: (⑧ nightly in the attic)
Author: aeskhyne
"Skip it," he sighs.
instar: (spider)
Author: instar
"She also mentioned you said that, yeah."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
He nods tiredly.
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
"It would probably be wrong to take advantage of you being high to figure you out more than you wish to be figured out, I suppose."
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"Probably," says Trouble. "Is that gonna stop you?"
instar: (ermine)
Author: instar
"Things being wrong generally does, yeah."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
He smiles wryly. "Good for you."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"So to speak."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble giggles again.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"I might come by again tomorrow or Wednesday, if you're still going to be here; do you want me to bring anything?"
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
"Oh, I'm still gonna be here," he assures her. "Gonna be here all week, I bet." He cracks a grin. "You could bring me some cake."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"Sure. Cake it is."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"I love you," says Trouble.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Beg pardon?"
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
He waves his hand vaguely - the one not attached to a broken arm. "You're nice and you're bringing me cake. I love you. I'm kind of high," he adds as an afterthought. "Or I would've been lying more."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"I don't like being lied to, future reference."
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"Okay," he says agreeably.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
Bella writes down that she should bring him cake.
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble grins hazily at her.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Do you care what kind of cake?"
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"Didn't think so."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
He grins again, happily. "I loooove you."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"I do hope you aren't the sort to be embarrassed by things you've said while stoned once the condition has passed."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"No way," he laughs.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Yeah, that didn't sound like you either."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
He beams at her.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"I also suspect you don't care if anyone brings you your homework, or class notes, or anything."
aeskhyne: (④ without any plans)
Author: aeskhyne
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"Ah-huh. Do you have anything to do in here? Should I bring you some books or something as well as cake?"
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"I really don't have shit to do in here," he says. "Some books would be nice, I guess."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"If you have a better idea for portable entertainment do tell."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"Nah. Books are nice."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"What kind of books do you like?"
aeskhyne: (Default)
Author: aeskhyne
"All of 'em."
instar: (butterfly)
Author: instar
"Well, that's convenient."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
He grins. "That's me. Convenient as fuck."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
Bella chuckles.
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"I love you," he says, snuggling his crappy hospital blanket.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"You keep saying that. They may be overdosing you."
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"Nah," he says comfortably. "Bet you twenty bucks I'll still love you when I'm off this shit."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Is twenty dollars enough to motivate you to lie about that?"
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
He laughs. "No way. I can get twenty bucks anywhere."
instar: (butterfly)
Author: instar
"Really, what's your secret?"
aeskhyne: (④ without any plans)
Author: aeskhyne
"I suck a lot of dick."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"Ah. I guess that could do it."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
He grins.

But: "Sorry," he says belatedly, "did you not wanna know that?"
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Not especially, but I'll survive the experience."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
"And I'm sure you're already aware of and do not care about relevant laws regarding prostitution and the age of consent and so on."
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble laughs.

It is really not a nice laugh, this time. Most of his laughs are happy, even if they sound a little weird. This one is not.
instar: (doe)
Author: instar
"...Are you okay? Apart from the obvious broken bones."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"There's some less obvious broken bones, too," he says brightly. "I'm pretty fucked up."
instar: (snake)
Author: instar
"Are you okay apart from the physical injuries."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
He smiles wryly.

"I'm pretty fucked up," he repeats.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Should I ask you about that when you aren't high?" Bella asks wryly.
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"Better than asking me about it when I am."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
Bella sighs.

"I'll see you again tomorrow or Wednesday," she says, getting up.
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"See you," he says, nodding.
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
She is back Wednesday, at about four-thirty, and she comes with a slice of cake in a little box.
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble is sitting up straighter, moving more precisely, and generally looks much more alert. He waves when she walks in.

"Hey, Bella! Ooh, cake. I love you," he declares.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Are you still on drugs?" she asks, offering him the cake, and a fork.
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"I am not still on drugs. Fucking finally," he says, grabbing the cake and then going back for the fork. (His left arm is not so good with the grabbing right now.) "Hurts like hell, but I'm good with that."

With some maneuvering, he manages to get a forkful of cake into his mouth.

instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"It's not as good as yours."
aeskhyne: (④ without any plans)
Author: aeskhyne
"Nah," he agrees easily, "but it's cake and it's tasty and you're nice and I love you."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"I'm glad we never actually settled on a bet about whether you'd go on saying that. I've known you for like a month."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
"Are those two statements related?"
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Somewhat. It's awfully fast to be proclaiming that you love me, particularly since in the course of the month in question we haven't done anything like, oh, go out at all."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yeah," he says, "so? I've never gone out with Freddie Mercury and I love him."
instar: (ermine)
Author: instar
"Are you claiming to love me in the same sense that one loves celebrity musicians? Because that might actually be weirder."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"I dunno. I love you, I love Freddie, I love Ethan. I don't think any of those are that much like each other," he says thoughtfully.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"What is it like, then?" she asks, leaning her chin on her hands.
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"I dunno," he repeats. "I think it's sweet how you have, like, moral impulses, I don't see a lot of that. And I don't really get you, but I feel like I could. And you came to visit me in the hospital. And you brought me cake."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"How does that list of things add up to loving me?"
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"I dunno. But it does. I mean, they're not what it feels like, but they're kind of what it's about."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"I don't get it."
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"Do you want to?" he inquires.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (⑧ nightly in the attic)
Author: aeskhyne
He shrugs. "Okay. So what don't you get, exactly?"
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"No one outside my family who wasn't obviously using agape as a rhetorical device has claimed to love me before," shrugs Bella, "and this is not at all the way the I had been led to expect it to go by the apparently underinformed mainstream media. I want to know - what could have led me to expect it. And what to expect next."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
instar: (human)
Author: instar
Bella waves her hand. "I think it's Greek. It's sometimes called 'Christian love'? Divine unconditional love for one's fellow human beings."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"Oh." He grins. "Yeah, that too, I guess. But that's different."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Do tell."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"I dunno. I love people, you know? They're so," he gestures expansively with his good hand, "...people. But I don't love everybody as specifically as I love you or Ethan. And some people when I get to know them I don't love them so much."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"So you love people, I've been promoted for some reason - which puts me in company with Ethan, grand - and demotion's also a possibility."
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"You're not anything like Ethan," he snorts. "You're like the opposite of Ethan."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"That doesn't help this make more sense!"
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
"Why not? I love pumpkin pie and I love butter chicken, that doesn't mean they have anything much in common besides both being orange foods."
instar: (mockingbird)
Author: instar
"People aren't food."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"So? Are all your friends exactly the same as each other? Bet not."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"I will daresay that, for example, you don't have that much in common with Andi," Bella concedes.
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble laughs.

"See? I love you because you're nice, I love Ethan because he's not."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Let me clarify something here - are you just saying you love me in a friend kind of way or are you claiming to have fallen in love with me?"
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
He considers this.

He shrugs.

"What's the difference?"
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"I love my sister. I am not in love with her," shrugs Bella. "As an obvious example."
aeskhyne: (④ without any plans)
Author: aeskhyne
"Sure," says Trouble. "But I don't have any sisters. So if the only difference is whether or not you'd make out with them if they wanted, then I don't think I love anybody in just a friend way, and other than that I'm stumped."
instar: (ermine)
Author: instar
"There are other subtleties, I have heard, but I have never been in-love so I cannot verbalize them. You would literally make out with anybody?"
aeskhyne: (⑨ nobody grows up)
Author: aeskhyne
"Anybody I liked. Definitely anybody I love."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"But you have your generalized agape for the entire human species, yeah?"
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yeah. That's not the kind of love I was talking about there, though. I meant - I dunno, do you have another Greek word handy? The kind that means I noticed somebody specifically and I love them for being the exact person they are and not anybody else."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"There are more Greek words for love but I don't think any of them mean that, exactly."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"Okay. Guess we're stuck with English, then."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"Which alas has only the one word. Terribly inadequate."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
He giggles.

"We can make do. Anyway, where were we?"
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"We were trying to figure out if your noticing-people-specifically love thing is romantic in nature."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
"Right," says Trouble. "Fucked if I know, man."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"And I have no distinguishing criteria to inquire after, I suppose."
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yeah. So I guess - what's the difference to you? What's it mean to you if it's one thing or the other?"
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
Bella thinks about this. She scratches a few lines of cipher into her current notebook, and looks at them.

"Mostly," she concludes, "it would only be useful information if you were going to behave in some relatively customary way with either disposition."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yeah, not likely," he snorts.
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"Didn't think so. How does it affect - anything?"
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
He shrugs.

"Well, I'm probably not gonna stop baking you cake anytime soon."
instar: (butterfly)
Author: instar
"That's nice, I've gone and gotten used to it."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
He grins.

"I love you, I want to give you nice feelings. Cake does that."

Speaking of which, mmmm. Cake.
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"It does."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble laughs.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
Bella writes some things down.
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"So, figure anything out yet?"
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"About you? Nothing definitive. But there is a big blank space around your home life."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yep," says Trouble. "There sure is."
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
"I might ask questions, but I think you'd lie to me; I think you've probably done so before."
aeskhyne: (⑧ nightly in the attic)
Author: aeskhyne
"I probably have," he agrees. "You said you didn't like it, though."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"I don't. That doesn't remove - whatever incentives you have to do it. Did you think I liked it, before?"
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"Nah. But that was then," he says, shrugging. (A fleeting wince crosses his face as the movement shifts his broken arm.) "Question is, if I stop lying, am I gonna regret it?"
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
...That is an interesting wince.

"I don't know what would make you regret it."
aeskhyne: (⑧ nightly in the attic)
Author: aeskhyne
"If I told you something I don't want anybody else to know, and somebody else found out."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"Do you think we'd be overheard, or do you just expect me to run around telling tales?"
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"I don't expect you not to."
instar: (spider)
Author: instar
"And it would make things worse somehow if I did."
aeskhyne: (④ without any plans)
Author: aeskhyne
"You bet."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"How do you know?"
aeskhyne: (⑨ nobody grows up)
Author: aeskhyne
"How am I gonna tell you that without telling you anything I might get in shit for?"
instar: (snake)
Author: instar
"You could describe the type of evidence. I will be more impressed if there are past similar incidents or explicit threats or something instead of, like, 'I just have a feeling'."
aeskhyne: (⑪ crazy news)
Author: aeskhyne
"That," says Trouble, "is because you don't know what the hell you're talking about."
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (⑨ nobody grows up)
Author: aeskhyne
"Unless you do and you're just fucking with me."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"I'm not trying to."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"I know what I know," he says. "It's the kind of thing where if it gets out, somebody is gonna have a nasty time of it, and somebody is probably gonna be me."
instar: (spider)
Author: instar
"You aren't under any particular obligation to trust my judgment."
aeskhyne: (⑧ nightly in the attic)
Author: aeskhyne
"But I do have to know if you're gonna trust mine."
instar: (snake)
Author: instar
"I don't know if yours is any good. You are closer to the situation, whatever it is - which means you have more information but potentially also more operative biases." She sighs.
aeskhyne: (⑨ nobody grows up)
Author: aeskhyne
"How about," he says, "you just promise me you won't talk?"
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"Is there anybody but you in the line of fire?"
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"Not really."
instar: (ermine)
Author: instar
"Does that mean 'no' or 'I want to tell you so I'm going to say the things that will extract the promise of silence'?"
aeskhyne: (⑪ crazy news)
Author: aeskhyne
"It means this shit is fucking complicated. Nobody but me is getting hurt right now, as far as I know. Somebody else might get hurt if something changed. Like, say, some asshole white knight starts spreading rumours. I don't know it'll work out that way if that happens, but I don't know it won't."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"If you wind up in the hospital several times a year I'm surprised no one's cottoned on before."
aeskhyne: (⑨ nobody grows up)
Author: aeskhyne
"It doesn't suprise anybody that a kid who looks the way I look and acts the way I act gets into a lot of shit. Look, what do you think is going on?"
instar: (snake)
Author: instar
"The obvious guess is at least one of your parents hurts you. Or some relative, anyway, I don't know who you live with because you never say."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"That's the obvious guess, all right," says Trouble. "So what are you gonna do about it, if you guess that?"
instar: (spider)
Author: instar
"If you lived in Forks - and Charlie weren't acting so weird - maybe I'd want to tell him. You don't, and he is. I think Renée must know channels to go through in case one of her kindergartners starts acting funny or coming in with suspicious injuries, but I don't know what they are or how good they are. I could potentially find out without mentioning you. If you have anywhere else to go - then I don't know why you wouldn't already be gone, but if it's some kind of resource you don't have and I do, I could help."
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
"And what if you find out all the ways you could help, and I don't want any of 'em? Could you just sit on it?"
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"Don't want because we disagree about whether it'll work or don't want because even if it works you don't like the look of the endgame?"
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"Either. Both."
instar: (spider)
Author: instar
"Second one - yeah, I can sit on it. First one I will probably argue with you. If you remain unconvinced -" She chews her lip. "I can sit tight unless someone else wanders into harm's way, I'm not turning anyone else into a human shield for you."
aeskhyne: (⑧ nightly in the attic)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble shrugs. "Okay, deal," he says.
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"So you remember when I showed up at your place with bruises, and you asked what happened, and I said really great sex?"
instar: (owl)
Author: instar

"I remember."
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
"That was what you might call a... reinterpretation of the truth."
instar: (snake)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yeah, now you're getting the picture."
instar: (doe)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
"His name's Reggie. He's my stepdad. He didn't use to put me in the hospital three times a year, but something got into him a while ago. Maybe it's just that I'm getting bigger and he's not sure how long he can hang onto me. Anyway, that's why nobody ever comes over to my house or even knows where it is, that's why I don't say shit about my family ever to anyone. Now you know."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"How long can he hold onto you?"
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble shrugs. "Until I leave, I guess. But I don't wanna just skip town. I have friends here."
instar: (spider)
Author: instar
"You could make more. I don't know about Ethan, I guess, but I don't want you getting hurt for my sake. So you can bring me - pie." She makes a helpless gesture.
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble smiles slightly.

"See? You're sweet. Ethan doesn't give a shit. He could probably figure it out if he cared, but he doesn't. Thing is, though, I don't wanna leave you guys. Not because I think you couldn't live without me or whatever. Just 'cause I'd miss you." He shrugs. "That, and if I tried to run away and he caught me, I'm betting it wouldn't be pretty. Some things you don't need to try to know they'd be bad ideas."
instar: (snake)
Author: instar
"What do you think would happen if you went to the cops, or a teacher or something?"
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"Maybe they'd believe me. Probably they wouldn't. If enough people or the right people did, maybe they could put him in jail, or maybe he could weasel his way out because he's a rich white guy who's respected in the community and I am none of those fucking things. And even if he did go to jail, someday he'd get out."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar

"Where's your mom in this picture?"
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
"Used to be she'd do the trophy wife thing, but at some point she figured out what Reggie was up to with me and now she pretty much doesn't leave her bedroom anymore."
instar: (snake)
Author: instar
"And you don't think she'd back you if you told cops or teachers or anything."
aeskhyne: (⑧ nightly in the attic)
Author: aeskhyne
"She might. She might not. But she's not gonna add a whole lot of credibility, because when she met Reggie she was eighteen years old with a two-year-old kid and she believed in aliens. And you bet he's gonna drag that shit out."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (⑨ nobody grows up)
Author: aeskhyne
"Aliens. Flying saucers and everything. She used to talk about it a lot when I was little, but Reggie kept telling her how crazy it was and eventually she just stopped."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"That's... sad."
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble shrugs. "Yeah."
instar: (snake)
Author: instar
"I have email, you know? If you skipped town we could still talk."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
He sighs. "Yeah. Would we, though?"
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
"Why wouldn't we?"
aeskhyne: (⑧ nightly in the attic)
Author: aeskhyne
"Maybe when you take away the cake we don't actually have that much in common," he says.
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"I'd read the emails if you had things you wanted to say to me. I'd answer them if you wanted to hear about what was going on on my end."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"Maybe it would be nice," he says. "Maybe it wouldn't. Don't know until I try it. If I run away, I will."
instar: (doe)
Author: instar
Bella writes down her email address for him on a corner of notebook paper and hands it over.
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"I don't really have anywhere to put it," he observes, grinning wryly.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Memorize it. Tuck it in your shoe," she shrugs. "Lose it and ask me for it again when you come back to school."
aeskhyne: (④ without any plans)
Author: aeskhyne
instar: (snake)
Author: instar
"Should I even bother finding out what Renée would do with a mistreated kindergartener?"
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"Probably not."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"How well does short-term escaping work? Would it improve anything if you were invited to stay over on our couch a lot?"
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"It might. It'd be nice, anyway. And it if fucked anything up I could just stop doing it."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Okay. I'll figure out some way to explain it, I guess."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yeah, good luck with that."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
Bella shrugs. "Hey, Mom, the buses suck this time of day and he doesn't give out his address so you can't drive him. Gosh, Mom, we lost track of time playing Parcheesi, I'm sure it's fine with his folks if he just goes to school with us in the morning. Look, Mom, he brought us bread pudding, the kind you refrigerate overnight and put in the oven in the morning for breakfast, he should be here when we eat it."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble giggles.

"I love you," he says.
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"Awwwww," he says delightedly.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"I like it that you liked it when I said that."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"It's a kind sentiment."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
He grins.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"I hope it's not awkward for you that I can't say the same. Then again, I suppose you've put up with Ethan not even liking you for a long time."
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"You are way better than Ethan that way," he agrees. "I don't really know what you think of me, but at least I don't know you don't give a shit."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
Bella flips idly through the pages of her notebook. "You're interesting and flattering company."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble laughs. "Yeah, I'll bet. Or did you mean before I started saying I love you?"
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Routine dessert bestowal is also flattering, albeit differently."
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
"Huh. Really? How's that?"
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"You could've been giving anybody desserts, presumably," shrugs Bella. "You picked me."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
He grins. "Well, yeah. 'Cause I tried it and it was fun."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
He shrugs. "Anyway, no, I don't need you to love me. It would be nice if you did but it's not bad that you don't."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Good, otherwise it would be kind of a problem."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble giggles.

"I can't even imagine what that would be like."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"What, feeling that someone you love ought to love you back?"
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yeah," he says. "I mean - you're here, being you, you came to see me in the hospital, you brought me cake, what more am I supposed to want? How could I possibly feel like complaining?"
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
"Hmm - everybody I love is related to me, so if I was in the hospital and they brought me cake and didn't love me back it could conceivably be out of duty, which would bother me, but I guess that doesn't apply here."
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"Well, yeah," he says. "I mean - I don't know why you came to see me and brought me cake, but I'm pretty sure you felt like it on some level. That's important. If it was just 'cause you felt like you had to or somebody was blackmailing you or something then it wouldn't mean anything."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"Nobody is blackmailing me and I didn't have to."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
"Great," he says. "If somebody was blackmailing you I might have to do something about that."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Like what?"
aeskhyne: (④ without any plans)
Author: aeskhyne
"Like make them stop?"
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"How, though?"
aeskhyne: (⑬ make my day complete)
Author: aeskhyne
He shrugs. "Fucked if I know. Depends who and what and why and all that. But if somebody's blackmailing people into pretending to be my friends, that's my problem, I'm not gonna stand for that shit."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"I can't actually think of a reason for someone to blackmail me into being nice to you."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"Me neither. Ethan would probably do it, if he felt like it for some reason. But he's all about Robin these days."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"That's really weird, the way he latched onto her. I mean, Andi likes her too, but he appears to orbit her."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble giggles. "Orbit. That's a good word for it."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"Yeah. I wonder why."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"They just fit," he says. "Couldn't tell you why, but I saw it happen. They make sense together. They get each other. Robin hasn't quite figured him out yet, but he's got her down perfectly."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"I wonder if there is somebody I fit with waiting to drop into my lap. Maybe Andi's it. Andi's probably it, on reflection."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
He laughs. "Maybe. Who knows? Maybe there's somebody you fit with and they live in China and don't speak English and you're never gonna meet."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"I think my ability to fit with someone who doesn't share a language with me is probably pretty limited."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble shrugs. "Yeah, so's your ability to fit with somebody you're never gonna talk to in the first place. If you had an Ethan who didn't speak English and he found you somehow anyway, he'd learn it."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
Bella laughs. "Now that would be flattering."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
He giggles.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Well," she amends, "it would be flattering if it were based on some translated or non-linguistic facet of my personality. I wouldn't be meaningfully flattered if someone learned English because they thought I had pretty eyes."
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yeah. But that wouldn't be an Ethan."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"Yeah. It's possible I should hang out with them more to see how they work, it sounds interesting."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"Maybe you should," he laughs.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"What do they even do together? If Ethan were picking up an instrument for Robin's sake I'd expect to see him over at ours more, playing with her and Andi."
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
"Talk, play cards, make out, talk..."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"What do they talk about, though? And - I thought they were just friends? Is Ethan just the kind of person who acquires friends with whom he then incidentally makes out?"
aeskhyne: (④ without any plans)
Author: aeskhyne
"Maybe. Or maybe he just happens to have picked up two."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Bit of a coincidence, I don't think it's typical," shrugs Bella.
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"Sure. But coincidences happen."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"That's true."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble grins.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Does anyone but your mom and stepdad know the thing I know now?"
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
He shakes his head.
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"Right. Okay."
aeskhyne: (⑧ nightly in the attic)
Author: aeskhyne
"You gonna spill?"
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
"No. I just wanted to know how thorough the required silence is." She hefts her notebook a little. "I'll write about it, but it's all encoded, nobody but me can read this stuff."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Caught Andi reading one of them back when I wrote plaintext."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"And that's bad?"
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"Yes. I mean, not if it's just a homework assignment or a reminder to buy socks, but there's a lot of private content."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble shrugs.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"You going to be here much longer?"
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"End of the week at least. Might not be back at school for a while after that."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar

"And you probably don't want to be visited at home."
aeskhyne: (④ without any plans)
Author: aeskhyne
"I really don't."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Well, I'll be back Friday, anything else I should bring?"
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
"Cookies?" he suggests whimsically.
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"I might not find time to bake. Is storebought better than nothing?" she asks, unloading miscellaneous novels and a random pop psychology book from her backpack and setting them on the table beside him.
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yeah. Ooh, books. I wanna hug you, can I hug you?"
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"I don't know, are you healed enough for that to be wise?"
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"It won't kill me. Won't even make me any worse, probably."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"How probably?"
aeskhyne: (④ without any plans)
Author: aeskhyne
"Probably like not unless you decide to punch me in the chest, that's how probably."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"I am not going to decide to punch you in the chest. You may hug me."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
He grins and sits up and holds out his good arm.
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
He hugs her harder than he probably should, given his condition, and in fact when he lets go he is biting his lip a little. But he seems happy. 'Aglow' might be a good word for it.
instar: (Default)
Author: instar

Bella looks at him.

She says, "You have an unusual array of facial expressions."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"Do I?"
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"Yes." She pats him on the head; it seems like a thing to do. "I'll be back Friday, with cookies of one sort or another."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"Okay," says Trouble, grinning.
instar: (human)
Author: instar
She is back on Friday. She has a little bag of cookies with her, which look plausibly homemade. "Andi made me the dough in exchange for help with her English essay, but I babysat the actual batches," says Bella.
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
"Awwwwwwwwww, lemme hug you again," he says, beaming.
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"Sure," she chuckles.

aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
Enthusiastic hug!

Which results in another of his interesting faces.
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"What does that face mean?"
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
"Means something hurts. But not in a bad way."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"I have no idea what it would be like for something to hurt in a good way."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"Yeah, a lot of people don't."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"I don't suppose you can describe it?"
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
He shrugs.

"It hurts but it's not bad that it hurts. I mean, pain really gets your attention, you know? It's intense. I like intense."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"Even negative intensity. Huh."
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"Well, is it still negative if I like it? But yeah."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Well, it's a signal of damage."
aeskhyne: (⑧ nightly in the attic)
Author: aeskhyne
"Sure. But there's damage and there's damage. Like, it hurts when I hug you but that doesn't mean I'm making anything worse, it just means I'm already pretty busted up."
instar: (human)
Author: instar
"It's not a perfect signal of damage. It's not like anyone designed us."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble laughs. "Now that would be funny."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"What would be - perfect damage signals or someone having badly designed humans?"
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"Somebody having designed humans. I'd hate it if pain didn't work the way it does, that would be terrible."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"A lot of other people would be much happier if pain didn't work how it does."
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"Sure," he says. "I'd still hate it."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"If you got a magic button to press that would make it work as a neutral damage report for everybody, would you refrain from pressing it so you could keep it how you like it?"
aeskhyne: (⑨ nobody grows up)
Author: aeskhyne
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"I mean - okay, what's a food you don't like very much? Something you don't hate but you could happily just never eat it again, it's not awful but it's not any good either?"
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"Mmm... turnips."
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"Okay," says Trouble. "Now imagine you could do the pain thing, but it also makes all the food in the world taste like turnips forever. To everybody. Everything you ever liked about food, gone. It's turnips from here on out. And everybody else who liked a food that wasn't turnips, they'd be fucked too. You'd think twice, wouldn't you?"
instar: (ermine)
Author: instar
"I'd do it if the number of people who enjoyed non-turnip food was very small."
aeskhyne: (⑪ crazy news)
Author: aeskhyne
"Do you know the numbers? 'Cause let me tell you, I am not even close to the only masochist in the world. Sure, okay, the way pain works makes more people unhappy than happy on balance, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't be losing anything if you just got rid of it. Like, I'd just about die. I would miss it a lot."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"I don't know the exact numbers, I just think the 'on balance' thing matters more than you seem to. I acknowledge something would be lost even if I don't know what that thing is like, but that's just - if pain started out like a neutral damage report, and someone offered to let you change it to the other way around, doing that would hurt a lot of people, in a bad way. The way things start out isn't special. The one way and the other both have their good points, but the one adds up better."
aeskhyne: (⑨ nobody grows up)
Author: aeskhyne
"How do you know? How do you actually know? Look, the reason I wouldn't push that button is that pushing that button would be worse than dying. I can't actually think of a worse thing than that right now. And I have been through the kind of hell you get when pain isn't nice, I know who I'd be fucking over by not hitting it, but the way pain works is just not something I can give up."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"Well, what I'd actually do with a button like that is find who made it and find out why they didn't give me a better button," says Bella. "Assuming it is a naturally occurring thought experiment button, apparently we don't agree on what to do with it. I'm not judging, especially, it would be a wrench to push the Turnip Version of the button - but I would throw you under the bus to help the rest of the world." She shrugs. "I hope that doesn't take the flavor out of your cookies or anything."
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble shrugs. "Means you scare me, but hey, so does Ethan," he says, and grabs a cookie.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"I scare you because I'd make a tradeoff that didn't work out well for you if I obtained extremely specific magical abilities?"
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"Not exactly." He nibbles the cookie. "I mean, I'm not afraid you're actually gonna get your hands on a button like that and wreck my life. But the way you talk about this stuff, it's like... you're so sure you've got it all down right, you're not waiting to figure anything out and see if maybe it's gonna screw more people over worse than you think, you're just gonna hit the button. And when I was asking you to keep quiet before I told you about Reggie, you said if anybody else started getting hurt you'd spill - not if anybody else started getting hurt and wanted you to. So if Reggie starts messing with somebody new, are you going to wait and find out if they like the odds? Or are you just gonna go straight to the cops? I don't think he will, or I might've asked you then. But people who want to make things better and are really sure they already know how - think they know how better than the people they're gonna be fixing it for - that's dangerous. I can't have too many of those around. Not with my life."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar
"We were idly conversing about extremely improbable events; I didn't think you were going to conclude that I'm somehow a dangerous person if I glossed over the information-gathering steps because they're somewhat less interesting to talk about. And in the other case - I just meant my specific promise to you wouldn't cover the situation where someone else was in harm's way, that I wouldn't promise to you about them, that they will not encounter me already committed to keep secrets whether they like it or not. I'd have to talk to them separately and that wouldn't be under the umbrella of the promise."
aeskhyne: (⑧ nightly in the attic)
Author: aeskhyne
He eats the rest of his cookie in no particular hurry while she talks.

"All right," he says, flicking crumbs off his lap.
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
"You don't sound particularly impressed. I have no actual magical powers to responsibly wield for your approval and don't really care to spend much of my time seeking such approval in less magical ways, so I guess that's reasonable."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"It's not that, it's - it takes more for me to stop being scared of somebody than it takes for me to start. You're less scary now, but I'm not really feeling it all the way yet."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar

"I don't think I like hanging out with someone who's scared of me. I didn't know you were scared of me."
aeskhyne: (⑩ i'll just play along)
Author: aeskhyne
"I'm not that scared of you," he says. "And I'd miss you if you stopped. Look - if I know that when shit gets real you're gonna pay attention to who you might be screwing over, then you're not scary. I just need a little while where you're around and I can tell that's true, to give my feelings time to catch up."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"How little a while?"
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
He shrugs. "Dunno. Just - time. If I wasn't gonna be in the hospital and then out of school, I'd say a week."
instar: (shark)
Author: instar

aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
He smiles encouragingly and takes another cookie.
instar: (owl)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
Mmmmmm, cookie.

He doesn't look scared, at any rate.
instar: (doe)
Author: instar
Bella takes a cookie for herself. She bites it. She chews.

"So I know you to love two people, both of whom also scare you. Is that just a coincidence?"
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"...Maybe not completely," he admits. "Especially with Ethan."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"I kind of love him because he's scary. I love what's scary about him. He'd screw me over in a second if it got him something he wanted. He'd do it to almost anybody. That's part of why it's so sweet that he's stuck on Robin like he is - I get to watch him have all these nice feelings when I wasn't even sure he had it in him."
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"So you don't think he'd screw her over?"
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"Well... not the same way he would with anybody else. He wouldn't think he was screwing her over; I'm not sure she wouldn't. He's still basically Ethan."
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
Bella snorts. "You have weird taste in people."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"I do," says Trouble. "You complaining?"
instar: (ermine)
Author: instar
"I don't think it reflects on me particularly."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
He laughs.

"I love you because you're you," he says. "As much of you as I can tell you are, anyway. So if you like being you, it can't be that bad, right?"
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"I like being me. I have carefully cultivated myself."
aeskhyne: (③ smile on my face)
Author: aeskhyne
Trouble giggles.

"That just makes me think of gardening. Little flowers growing out of your head."
instar: (mockingbird)
Author: instar
"That would be highly decorative but it is not much like the actual process."
aeskhyne: (② all night cannonball)
Author: aeskhyne
"Whatever you do, I'm betting it doesn't involve shears," he agrees. "Or little watering cans." He mimes pouring water on her head from such a miniature vessel.
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"Nope. Nor fertilizer, plant food, or the direct use of sunshine to do anything but manufacture vitamin D."
aeskhyne: (① loves to light the fuse)
Author: aeskhyne
"Aww," he giggles.
instar: (rabbit)
Author: instar
"It's mostly a writing thing."
aeskhyne: (⑤ okay boys)
Author: aeskhyne
"Makes sense, with how you've always got a book on you."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar
"Yeah. I mean, I also write down that I need to grab flour the next time I'm at the grocery store and that I have a dentist appointment next Thursday, but I wouldn't carry them so consistently if I weren't also using them for processing and editing the contents of my head."
aeskhyne: (④ without any plans)
Author: aeskhyne
"Now that's weird," says Trouble. "Man, have I mentioned these are good cookies?"
instar: (Default)
Author: instar
"I think they came out nicely too. I know it's weird. Nobody else does it."
aeskhyne: (⑥ don't know what I want)
Author: aeskhyne
"It fits," he says. "Suits you. Makes sense. I like knowing it."
instar: (butterfly)
Author: instar
"How does it suit me?"
aeskhyne: (⑦ i'll make you see)
Author: aeskhyne
"Just does," says Trouble. "I couldn't tell you why, I just know I'm not surprised."
instar: (dolphin)
Author: instar