keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
All supernatural excitement aside, it's almost Christmas!

Soph shows up on Tony's doorstep with a bag of gingerbread house ingredients and a big smile. "Hi Jarvis! Where's Tony?" she asks.
poeticterms: The eye of a camera reflecting a complex, indistinct scene in blue, green, and purple. (@ muninn)
Author: poeticterms
"He is downstairs. Shall I direct him to meet you in the kitchen?"
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"Yeah! Thanks." In Soph saunters. She did not actually prearrange this activity, but she's pretty sure it will meet with approval.
poeticterms: Completely invisible (a blank transparent GIF image). (Default)
Author: poeticterms
"It's no trouble," he says modestly.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Soph pats a wall affectionately on her way to the kitchen and hums to herself and starts unpacking gingerbread and icing and candy onto the kitchen table.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
Tony bounces in a few minutes later.

"Did somebody say gingerbread?" he asks, grinning, and hugs her before she can answer.
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
Hugs! "I didn't! Did Jarvis say it? I deny it completely!"
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
"The evidence is against you," Tony informs her, letting go.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
"Pff, you sound like Sherlock. So, yes on the housemaking idea?"
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"Hell yes!"
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"Fantastic. I baked it, even! I mean, and I burned it and had to fix it with magic, but baking happened."
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
Tony giggles.

"All right, let's get to it!"

To no one's surprise, he gets really enthusiastic about structural engineering even when it is made of baked goods and rock-hard icing.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph is more about the cosmetic features, which makes them a fine team. She makes tiny candy cameras and tucks them into corners.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"That is the most adorable thing I've ever seen," Tony declares when he realizes what she's doing.
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
Soph giggles. "Well, why not, right?"
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"Totally! Think the ground floor's ready for a ceiling yet?"
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"Yeah, go for it," she grins.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony applies icing to the tops of the walls and carefully lifts the ceiling into place. It fits perfectly.

"Time for the second floor!"
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
Soph busies herself with more candy cameras and wee gingerbread furniture. "You up to anything lately?"
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"Nah, not much. You?"
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
"I met Bella's weird gardener minions! They're friendly. One of them gave me a flower."
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"Awww, that's adorable," says Tony. "Was it a nice flower?"
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
"It was some kinda demon flower. It was big and yellow and it smelled like lemon curd and it looked awesome in my hair."
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
"That is maybe even cuter than you turning our gingerbread house into Gingerbread Jarvis."
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
"I think," says Soph, "that every time you see a cute thing your potential to appreciate cute things grows, so that every cute thing you see can be the cutest thing you have ever seen."
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"Is that a general philosophical statement, or specifically about me and how everything I see is apparently the cutest thing?"
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
"Specifically you," giggles Soph.
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
"That is probably true," says Tony. "Or maybe you just have some kind of cuteness multiplying effect."
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"That is also possible!"
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
"It would explain a lot!"
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
"Also, it would be a fair way to make up for my supposed magic immunity being fictional." She makes a little gingerbread bed and starts weaving a quilt out of bubblegum strips.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"Is that a gingerbread bed? A gingerbed," he giggles.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
"Gingerbed!" giggles Soph gleefully.
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
Tony busies himself assembling wall sections for when they finish the second floor.

Somehow, he manages to get icing on the end of his nose.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
Soph looks at him and laughs helplessly.
toblameforit: Skeptical or questioning. (-= poking your head out of Baker Street)
Author: toblameforit
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
She's laughing too hard to answer.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
"You've got - got a little -" She gestures vaguely and collapses into giggles again.
toblameforit: Hands over face. (/= have I been a bad clone daddy?)
Author: toblameforit
Tony crosses his eyes and peers intently at his nose.

"...How did that even happen," he exclaims, "I am not building this thing with my face!"

And he sticks out his tongue to try to lick the icing off his nose. Needless to say, this plan is doomed to failure.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph may be in danger of falling off her chair laughing.
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
Tony is giggling pretty hard himself, in between the exceptionally silly faces he makes as he tries to bring his tongue and the icing into contact.
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
"I don't think you can reach, Tony."
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
"I cannot reach," he agrees mournfully.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
She's very tempted to lick the frosting off his nose for him.

Instead she sticks out a hand, wipes it off with her thumb, and licks it only when it has been successfully transferred. "There you go. Continue to 'not build the house with your face'. I know you're putting up walls with the strength of your eyelids when I'm not looking."
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony cracks up all over again.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
Yep. Still giggling.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
Soph recovers enough to add a kitkat headboard to the gingerbed.
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
"Gingerbed," says Tony, which sets him off yet again.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
He is funny and he is cute and he is both of those things at the same time and Soph laughs with utter helplessness.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony is in pretty much the same boat here! Pffffffff gingerbed.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
Eventually Soph gets up and giggles her way to the dish cupboard and gets herself a glass of water, which serves to calm her down with only a little accidental inhalation and coughing.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
Tony is also more or less recovered by that point.

"We're the greatest," he says beamily.
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
"The very best!" agrees Soph. "Like no one ever was."
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
He sporfles.
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
"If you could have Pokémon what ones would you want?"
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"Probably a Charizard," he says. "Charizard is awesome."
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
"I'd want that fluffy sheep kind."
toblameforit: Drinking orange juice from the carton. (+= endeavouring to make breakfast)
Author: toblameforit
"Mareep? Yeah, they're pretty adorable."
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"Yeah, those! They look soft."
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
"Very huggable. Unless they decide to electrocute you."
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
"Well, obviously if I had a Mareep it'd love me and never zap me," says Soph.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
"Obviously. Because you are naturally lovable."
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
"I'd be like Pokémon catnip. Sheepnip? Mareepnip? I'd be very popular, is my point."
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
Tony giggles.
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
"All of the other Mareeps would be jealous of my one."
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"...I'm just having this mental image," he says, "of you being surrounded by electric sheep who are, like, eating your hair and getting really stoned - oh my god, a Mareep is an electric sheep, I just got that."
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
"What's to get?" asks Soph.
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
"There's this famous sci-fi story called 'Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?'," he explains. "Blade Runner was based off it, have you seen Blade Runner?"
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
"I think I saw, like, one scene of it, but not the whole thing? We should watch it after we are done with Gingerbread Jarvis."
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
"Totally! How's the gingerbed coming?"
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph lays the gum quilt on the bed. "All made nice and neat."
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
She likes the bubblegum weaving effect and repeats it to make a little rug.
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
"You are the best at gingerbread interior decorating," Tony declares.
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
"I should major in it."
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
keyed_up: (Default)
Author: keyed_up
"And then I can have my work showcased in glossy gingerbread decorating magazines."
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"Tastiest career ever."
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
"Definitely. Just don't tell anyone that I burnt the gingerbread I made this morning. The gingerbread tabloids will have a field day and my reputation will be ruined."
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"Not a peep," he promises.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"Of course, now you have blackmail on me and I will have to do all your gingerbread decorating for free to make sure you don't decide to squeal on me. So I guess we do this again next year," she hums merrily.
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
"Yep. I'm ruthless," Tony agrees. "Think we can stick the second-floor walls on?"
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
"Yeah, go ahead," she says, adjusting the rug's angle slightly relative to the gingerbed. She starts trimming the downstairs windows.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
On they go! He spends a triangle to make the icing dry when he's sure it's all stuck on right.
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
"How many floors d'you suppose Gingerbread Jarvis should have?" Soph asks, starting another batch of candy cameras for the second floor.
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
"Good question. Three might be pushing it. Wouldn't want him to collapse under his own weight."
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
"Yeah, that'd be bad. So I guess the roof is next. And a chimney, let's give him a chimney."
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"Got it!"
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
"And a skylight."
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"Oh, hey, how about an actual attic? Not a whole floor, just, under the roof there can be more candy things." Soph starts making more candy things.
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
"It's a deal."

He makes a gingerbread attic floor to stick on top of the second floor, then starts building a peaked roof to go on top of that.
keyed_up: (Default)
Author: keyed_up
Soph crafts and places candy junk in the attic. And empties a Pixie Stik into it to represent dust.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
Tony blinks at the pixie dust.

Tony giggles.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
"The gingerbread people are very negligent of their attic," explains Soph loftily.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"Hence all the - pixie dust."
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
"Also it used to be a cocaine den?" suggests Soph.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
"...Pffffffffffffffff," says Tony.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
"You are just totally great," he declares, giggling.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
"I am made of seventy percent great and thirty percent mystical key energy."
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"I call it like I see it."
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
"What are you made of, then, besides your share of great?"
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
"I'm made of Tony," he snorts. "I am, like, the least varying template in the multiverse."
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
"I only barely met the other one who visited here," muses Soph. "Is it bad? That you're a lot alike?"
toblameforit: Skeptical or questioning. (-= poking your head out of Baker Street)
Author: toblameforit
"Nah. Well, it made picking the nicknames a headache."
keyed_up: (Default)
Author: keyed_up
"I wonder if there'll ever be another Soph. A - I don't wanna say a real Soph, but one who was, like, born."
toblameforit: Tucking his shirt in. (-= the definition of reasonable)
Author: toblameforit
"Maybe," he says. "Can you leave the world now? You could go to the next Bellparty and ask Glass if you're templatey."
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
"Yeah, I went into Milliways, nothing happened, I didn't bounce off like an unwelcome vampire or anything. I think I will do that. When Jane's back."
toblameforit: Drinking orange juice from the carton. (+= endeavouring to make breakfast)
Author: toblameforit
Tony nods.

"Roof!" he proclaims.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
"With a hole in it for the chimney and everything, awesome."
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit

He attaches the roof, chimney and all, onto the top of the house.
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
The brick of the chimney is represented by red jellybeans, carefully cut in half lengthwise to reduce their profile.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
"Awesome," says Tony.

Celebratory hug!
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Soph giggles and hugs him back, careful not to get the frosting on her hands onto him.
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
keyed_up: (sic my sister on you)
Author: keyed_up
Soph peers at the completed chimney, critically, rummages through her supplies, and finally bites her hand for a puff of white cotton candy to tuck in the end by way of smoke.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"Best gingerbread house," Tony declares.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"Yes. None of the others are tiny Jarvises. All the best houses are Jarvises."
poeticterms: A microchip with an icon of a graduation cap on it. (^ minerva)
Author: poeticterms
"Stop it, I'm blushing."
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony giggles.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph also giggles.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"Okay, now who's gonna help us eat it?"
keyed_up: (Default)
Author: keyed_up
"I could probably get Bella to take, like, a wall, but basically nobody, we could just let it stand around being pretty till it gets stale and eat the spare bits?" She points at the window cutouts and remaining frosting.
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
"Aww, but demolishing it and eating the wreckage is half the fun!"
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Soph laughs. "Okay, we can eat it, but I dunno if we can finish it just the two of us with Bella maybe eating one wall."
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"I bet we can."
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
"It's a pity it's not in Sherlock's diet all the same." She inspects the house, looking for the best part to break off first. "Any last words?" she asks it.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony allows the gingerbread house a moment to respond, and then says, "Guess not," and breaks off the chimney.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"Rawr," says Soph theatrically, and she takes a roof-half.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
Nomty nomty nom!
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
Soph runs out of steam before they've even broken into the first floor, and pauses in her demolishing, chewing the gingerbed gum quilt and the gum rug. "You'll have to go on without me," she says, laying her hand on her forehead. "I'm done for."
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
Tony giggles.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
Soph blows a bubble at him.
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
He pokes it with his finger.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
It has admirable resilience and does not pop all over her face. He does successfully make her giggle, though.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
He giggles right back!
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
Soph retrieves her bubble. Chew, chew. "You wanna watch Blade Runner now while you eat the rest of the house?"
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
He laughs. "Sure, why not."
keyed_up: (Default)
Author: keyed_up
To the TV! Soph carries the stray candy and extra gingerbread in with them. She may become peckish at some point during the movie.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
Tony carries the house. Very carefully.
keyed_up: (Default)
Author: keyed_up
And movie.

And cuddles.

She didn't really cuddle up to Tony a whole lot before the thing with Bella and Soph being a velveteen rabbit, but then she needed hugs from somebody who knew what was going on and now it just seems natural.
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
It does seem natural. And snuggly. Snuggly too.

Over the course of the movie, Tony finishes most of the gingerbread house.

Whenever he finds a chocolate Kiss or Hug in the architecture, he offers it to Soph. (They're her favourites.)
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
They are her favorites! She takes them happily. She incorporated lots of them in anticipation of having leftovers and eating them, since she didn't know Tony would want to eat Jarvis-in-effigy, but she is glad to eat these slightly frosted ones too.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Nom nom cuddle nom!
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
Nom cuddle cuddle nom.

Soph likes the movie! She takes the excuse to snuggle up closer when there are any ominous sound effects.
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
Yes. Yes, she does seem do be doing that. It's very cuddly.

The movie ends. The cuddle does not.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Nom Hug nom. Cozy.
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
Cozy, yes. Cozy is just the word.

Tony snuggles contentedly.

...And something occurs to him.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
"Mm?" She can't well ask any more complex question, she's turning a shrinking candy over and over in her mouth.
toblameforit: Skeptical or questioning. (-= poking your head out of Baker Street)
Author: toblameforit
Well, now he has to say it.

"Uh... is it just me, or have we been dating for like a week?"
keyed_up: (made real)
Author: keyed_up
...Soph has no immediate answer to this question except to choke slightly on her Hug.
toblameforit: Surprised or wary. (-= how do you do that?)
Author: toblameforit
"Sorry!" says Tony. "I should learn not to combine awkward questions with candy, it never ends well, you okay?"
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
Soph manages to arrest the small coughing fit. "I'm fine I'm fine - uh - do you want us to have been dating for like a week?"
toblameforit: Hands over face. (/= have I been a bad clone daddy?)
Author: toblameforit
"I don't know, yeah, maybe, kind of, do you?"
keyed_up: (inching sideways)
Author: keyed_up
"...Yeah maybe kind of?"
toblameforit: Tucking his shirt in. (-= the definition of reasonable)
Author: toblameforit
"I just thought of it thirty seconds ago! I have not had time to catch up with my feelings!"
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
"I - I dunno, I like you, I wasn't thinking it all methodically through, that's Bella's circus act."
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
"I like you too!" says Tony. "But I don't wanna make everything horrifically awkward if it turns out that we are just really good cuddlebuddies? But I think maybe we are not just really good cuddlebuddies. There. Those are my feelings."
keyed_up: (but i remember it)
Author: keyed_up
"Okay, well, let's just - not be awkward," says Soph with a decisive nod. "If awkward tries to happen we can have it escorted off the premises."
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony giggles.
keyed_up: (powers that be)
Author: keyed_up
"So um, now that there are metaphorical hulking security guards ready to shoo incipient awkward," says Soph, "cuddling is good and should keep happening and I like you? Like, like you."
toblameforit: Striving for innocence. (+= wanna do my homework for me?)
Author: toblameforit
"Cuddling is good!" says Tony. "Cuddling is awesome. And you are awesome. And I like-like you too."
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph smiles.

Soph blushes.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"Aww," says Tony.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph smiles and blushes more when he does that.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
"Awwwwwwww," he says, and hugs her.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Hugs! Snuggly hugs.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
Snuggy hugs!
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"So, we can have been dating for a week, if you want."
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"Cool," says Tony. "Hey, we've been dating for a week! We should celebrate. With, like - candy?" He eyes the remains of the gingerbread house. "No, if I have any more candy I might actually explode. Kisses?"
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"Mmmmaybe?" Soph squirms in his arms. "I'm probably terrible, I don't even have, like, implanted memories of kissing anybody."
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
"So?" shrugs Tony. "First time for everything, right?"
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph nods tentatively.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
He grins.

And kisses her.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Mmmmokaythiswasafantasticidea. Kissing Tony is utterly the best thing. Kissing Tony kissing Tony kissing Tony there should be a song about it.
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
Snuggly kisses!

Tony has absolutely no complaints. Mmmmmkisses. Mmmmsnuggly. Mmm, Soph.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Kisses are Soph's new very favorite thing. Yaaaaay!