Author: occluminous | The semester goes on. The Patronuses - the three of them that exist - are useful for remote communications, though they're too conspicuous for chatting in class. And even Bella can send return messages. Feral gets mauled by the carnivorous thorn plant and is sent to Healer Song with a disturbing grin on his face, and tells Bella all about the properties of the plant in question. Sherlock produces no further prophecies, but gets excellent grades in everything, including Divination. Bella gets him to read tarot for her and he gravely informs her that she is fated to be the ruler of the world, before sweeping up the cards and allowing her laughter to be contagious.
Tony draws brooms with jet engines, and jets with tail-twigs. Bella learns about Crups and Grindylows and dragons and unicorns and hippogriffs and Puffskeins (these are handled in-class; she likes them until they try to lick her). Feral works on Animagery and Bella collaborates with Tony on a Transfiguration project for a change and Sherlock gets cornered by Artemis Burberry's cousin and sends him to the infirmary with superficial cuts, stuck-shut eyelids, and a distinct case of unconsciousness.
Bella attempts to invent a broom-based sport that doesn't involve anything exploding or a disproportionate amount of scoring being performed by a single team position, but it turns out she's very bad at catching and throwing balls even when she's in the air and she gives up. The JROC courts the twins and gets nowhere. Feral's fire problem diminishes enough that between that and fire-suppression from the elves he can use magic in the kitchen; he learns to make cheese souffle. It is delicious. Bella loses her hazel wand for a day and a half before it turns up and feels very smug about her backup idea; she finds the missing one under the ingredient cupboard in Potions.
Renée meets her at the exit from the wizarding hideaway of the Bay Cauldron, and she goes roadtripping to Phoenix for the first half of the summer. |
 Author: pythbox | One evening, there is a tapping at Bella's bedroom window. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella peers out. |
 Author: pythbox | There is a Thestral hovering there! |
 Author: occluminous |
That is surprising!
But only for a moment.
"Feral?" guesses Bella. |
 Author: pythbox | The ghastly dragonlike head nods several times. |
 Author: occluminous | She opens her window, but: "I don't know how to take the screen off. If I let you in the garage you can turn back there. Hang on just a minute."
And she closes the window again - won't do to let the nice air-conditioned air out into the Arizona summer - and goes down and clicks the garage door open. |
 Author: pythbox | Feral enters the garage.
His shape blurs for a moment, and then he's standing there in human form, fully dressed. He beams and hugs her.
"I did it! I did it! Being a Thestral is awesome, it's way better than riding a broom!" |
 Author: occluminous | She hugs him back, laughing. "I bet! That's awesome! But did anyone see you? Are you, um, invisible like Thestrals when you do that? I don't want you to get arrested for letting a Muggle spot you or something." |
 Author: pythbox | "Yeah, I am," he says. "I checked with the elves before I left." |
 Author: occluminous | "That's good, it means you haven't been photographed at least and if anyone did see you they probably couldn't get it confirmed," says Bella. "And I guess you can find places like thestrals do too, what's that like?" |
 Author: pythbox | "It's fun! I found you with it," he says. "It's like... I don't know what it's like. It's like something." |
 Author: occluminous | "I'm so informed. I wish I could turn invisible, then you could fly me around." |
 Author: pythbox | He shrugs. "I could fly you around anyway. If it was late and dark out and we didn't go anywhere much with people, nobody'd have to know." |
 Author: occluminous | "I don't think I'd risk it. Well - maybe if Renée drove us out to the desert, first...?" |
 Author: pythbox | Feral laughs. "Yeah!" |
 Author: occluminous | "And pulled over and it's okay if she sees... Are you allowed off-campus?" Bella asks suddenly. |
 Author: pythbox | Feral shrugs expressively. "Nobody's ever told me I'm not." |
 Author: occluminous | "...I guess that's a kind of a defense if someone gets mad at you for it. I can ask Renée if it's okay for you to stay here for a while if you like." |
 Author: pythbox | "Okay," he says. "I probably won't set anything on fire in my sleep, I haven't done it in most of a year." |
 Author: occluminous | "We can keep a fire extinguisher by your bed," says Bella. "And our house does have a fire alarm." |
 Author: pythbox | "—oh, yeah," he says, "I'll get in trouble if I just," he makes a wand-waving motion. |
 Author: occluminous | "Yeah. I mean, you could maybe get away with it if you're just putting out a fire, but I bet it also gets you escorted back to school." She closes the garage door and leads him into the cute little house. |
 Author: pythbox | "Which I don't wanna do. Okay. Your house is cute!" |
 Author: occluminous | "Thanks! MO-O-OM!"
Renée appears from the kitchen. "Hello - oh, who's this?"
"This is Feral, I told you about him, he's one of my school friends. He flew here," Bella says blithely, "can he stay for a while?"
"...Which one? You've mentioned several people with odd names -"
"This is the one who cooks and is a grade ahead of me and stays at school normally over holidays," Bella specifies. "Maybe he can come with me to the Starks' place when Mrs. Stark comes to get me, I don't know, I'll have to owl her." |
 Author: pythbox | Feral offers a friendly grin. |
 Author: occluminous | "I suppose that's all right," says Renée, "if it's okay with whoever's acting as his guardian."
"Is there technically a one of those?" Bella asks Feral. |
 Author: pythbox | Feral shrugs. "Mostly it's just me and the elves in the summer, and they were fine with it." |
 Author: occluminous | "Elves," muses Renée.
"I'm pretty sure it's fine, Mom," says Bella. "We can put him in the attic - is the attic okay, Feral?" |
 Author: pythbox | "Sure," he shrugs, "no problem." |
 Author: occluminous | And so Feral is put in the attic and stays with Bella for the next two weeks.
He eats an awful lot, charming the socks off Renée and coming along on grocery trips to fetch things from across the store and then, once she is buttered up, remarking on being hungry, taking seconds at dinner, sneaking snacks.
"Do you like my mom's cooking all that much? It's nothing compared to the elves," Bella asks after day three. |
 Author: pythbox | "Huh?" says Feral, blinking at her. |
 Author: occluminous | "You don't eat this much at school," says Bella. |
 Author: pythbox | He spends another second or two staring quizzically, and then laughs.
"Oh. Man, I didn't even notice I was doing it. It's just - this," he gestures around at the house, "reminds me of before I came to school. I used to stay with nice people like your mom for a little while, when I could, and I'd never know when I was gonna get easy access to food like that again, so I just got in the habit of... well, like you noticed. Begging for treats." |
 Author: occluminous | "Aww." |
 Author: pythbox | Feral shrugs.
"Yeah. I guess I don't need to do that anymore. It's handy, though, I bet she wouldn't like me nearly as much if I wasn't being cute at her." |
 Author: occluminous | "You are very cute at her. She is terribly charmed," says Bella. "If you'd shown up when you were like eight she probably would've adopted you." |
 Author: pythbox | He gives a little exaggerated shudder. "Ew, parents." Then, grinning, "She's nice and all, but you can keep her." |
 Author: occluminous | "I think I will," says Bella. "I like her." |
 Author: pythbox | Feral laughs. |
 Author: occluminous | After a few more days, Bella casually informs Renée that, by the way, Feral can turn into an invisible flying creature and he wants to give her a ride, can she drive them out to the desert after sunset some night so they can try it in relative privacy?
"An invisible flying creature," repeats Renée, bemusedly, glancing at Feral. |
 Author: pythbox | He grins.
"Yeah! It's really advanced magic - took me all last year to learn it." |
 Author: occluminous | "I might do it eventually but I don't know what kind of animal I'd get, so I'm not sure if it's worth the bother when there are so many other things to learn," Bella adds.
"I suppose I can drive you out tomorrow night," says Renée. "How long will you want to be - flying around?" |
 Author: pythbox | Feral shrugs.
"I dunno. Bella, how long do you wanna fly around for?" |
 Author: occluminous | "Do you suppose it's better than a broom even for a passenger?" |
 Author: pythbox | "I have nnnno idea," he says cheerfully. "Might be kind of uncomfortable, actually, you might wanna bring a pillow - Thestrals don't come with Cushioning Charms." |
 Author: occluminous | "So probably not more than, like, three hours," Bella tells Renée, "and maybe less than one if he's really uncomfortable to sit on."
Renée laughs at the idea of Bella sitting on her friend. "All right. Tomorrow night, then."
And the following evening they drive out to some uninhabited desert, and Bella ties a pillow to Feral, and it doesn't seem to occur to Renée to wonder how she's doing this with an obviously invisible creature, and Bella hops on. |
 Author: pythbox | Away Feral flies, invisible to anyone who has not seen death, with a very visible Bella sitting on a very visible pillow tied around his invisible middle.
With the pillow between her and that bony ridge, it's not that bad. The up-and-down motion of flight is minimal, especially when he gets enough altitude to coast. And there is something to it that's different from brooms. Something about the wings, maybe, or maybe the fact that brooms aren't your friend. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella gets tired of it after about two hours, but has a grand time before that eventuality. |
 Author: pythbox | And despite ranging far over the desert, Feral carries her back unerringly to Renée's car when she asks. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella slides off, then says, "Hey, what happens to the pillow if you change with it tied to you?" |
 Author: pythbox | Feral shrugs his wings and tries it.
The pillow falls off, tangling him in yarn that is rather looser on a thirteenish-year-old boy than it was on a Thestral. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella giggles, and scoops up pillow and yarn both from the sand, and hops back into the car. And home they go. |
 Author: pythbox | Feral hugs her before they get in the car. |
 Author: occluminous |
And when Mrs. Stark arrives, both children go with her. |
 Author: pythbox | Mrs. Stark is perfectly fine with this.
Conveniently, it is absolutely permissible to fly magical creatures around the Stark mansion; the grounds are warded against uninvited Muggles, and invited ones come with advance warning. |
 Author: occluminous | That is convenient, although Bella would just as soon use the privacy to ride her broom. |
 Author: pythbox | Feral, on the other hand, barely touches the ground at all on his first day there. |
 Author: occluminous | "Weren't you going to get Feral a broom?" Bella wonders to Tony idly, late the first day. |
 Author: sparksflying | "...Yes I was," says Tony. She squints fruitlessly into the sky; Feral is currently invisible to her, and even if he wasn't, he's high enough to be barely more than a speck. "I'll go do that, huh?"
And she dashes off to locate her mother, returning triumphantly a few minutes later.
"Broom's in the mail!" |
 Author: occluminous | Bella giggles. |
 Author: sparksflying | "Ooh, speaking of presents, has anybody got you a book recently?" |
 Author: occluminous | "Not recently recently, my mom got me some last month from the library sale though, why?" |
 Author: sparksflying | "Because I'm in a getting-people-stuff mood." |
 Author: occluminous | "That's adorable," giggles Bella. |
 Author: sparksflying | Tony beams.
"And you like books! So I'll get you a book. About... something. I dunno." |
 Author: occluminous | "Unicorns," suggests Bella. |
 Author: sparksflying | "Sure." |
 Author: occluminous | Eventually Feral's broom appears. It is of course immediately necessary that all four kids go on a broomflight. To test it out. |
 Author: sparksflying | It might be defective! It might be insufficiently fun. There is only one way to know for sure. |
 Author: pythbox | "This is awesome!" crows Feral. "Almost as good as wings!" |
 Author: occluminous | Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
Whee? |
 Author: pythbox | Wh...at.
"Something's weird, guys," says Feral, slowing down a little further and edging closer to the others. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella clusters nearer, too.
"Yeah," she says distantly. |
 Author: nobodyelse | Sherlock seems to be drifting aimlessly away. |
 Author: sparksflying | "Sherry! Hey! Wake up!" says Tony, zipping after him. |
 Author: occluminous | "Something's wrong," murmurs Bella, quiet-quiet-quiet. |
 Author: sparksflying | "No kidding—"
She leans off her broom to grab Sherlock by the arm and haul him around.
"We should go home. Like, right now. C'mon, Sherry." |
 Author: occluminous | And then, from the trees under them, rises the thing that is wrong.
It is wearing a black cloak, and its hands look like they've died and half-rotted, and it is lifting itself into the air.
The wrongness becomes wronger. Bella's shivering, now. |
 Author: nobodyelse | Sherlock is entirely unresponsive. |
 Author: pythbox | Feral is shivering, too, clinging to his broom with his eyes squeezed shut. |
 Author: sparksflying | "...Shit," says Tony. |
 Author: occluminous | Up, up, up climbs the Dementor. It could probably move faster. It seems to want to take its time. |
 Author: sparksflying | "Expecto Patronum," says Tony, in a very small voice.
She gets a blob of mist. It streaks quaveringly toward the Dementor. |
 Author: occluminous | The Dementor bats it aside like it's a mosquito. Maybe as threatening as a bumblebee, even.
It continues to rise until it is level with the children, and it looks directly at Bella.
And Bella makes eye contact - such as it is, when the Dementor's face is the sucking void of eternal nothing.
And she knows exactly what she is staring at.
She is not ready it is not time yet she was going to fight it but from safety with help surrounded by books tools weapons when she was older smarter more competent more capable -
She is not ready -
No one has ever been ready, and when Death comes to the unready - they die.
Death does not play fair, and she is deliciously vulnerable, and she is not ready.
The books say that when you are close to a Dementor you cannot think of happy things.
Bella can think of happy things, twisted with the deep wrench of loss - they march across her thoughts - these are the possibilities that will be taken from her, these are the people she will never speak to again, these are the things she will never learn see do try gain taste share have be -
Because she is not ready, and Death found her anyway, in a black cloak and a face like the infinite void.
Bella falls. |
 Author: pythbox | Feral feels - like he's being eaten alive from the inside out, like some external force is dipping its claws into his soul and pulling him out in pieces, like he's struggling uphill against a freezing cold wind - like -
He smells fire.
(he is six years old again and he doesn't know how he did that to the chandelier but he knows what's going to happen to him because of it)
No - he's here, now, holding onto his broom so hard his hands are cramping, and whatever's on fire got that way by magic and he needs to put it out. Feral winces his eyes open.
The thing that is on fire is the tail of his broom. And the air, flickering with flames that blot out his vision everywhere he turns. He takes a deep breath, doubles over coughing, and gets thoroughly lost in another flashback for a split second, during which time his broom starts to spin. He opens his eyes again.
His broom is headed for the ground, and he can see Bella ahead of him.
He doesn't even think, which is good, because this is a colossally stupid idea even by his standards. He just whips out his wand, wrenches his broom around to try to halt the spin long enough to aim, and casts a spell. He forgets the name, but he remembers the shape the words make in his mouth and an afternoon spent watching rocks sink toward the ground as though through invisible molasses.
Bella slows down. Feral doesn't.
Hitting the ground is very painful, very briefly. |
 Author: sparksflying | Tony does not have any more bright ideas.
She screams. |
 Author: pythbox | From the direction of the Starks' house, a silvery bird arrows through the sky, aiming its long narrow beak directly at the Dementor.
Maria is not far behind it. |
 Author: alicornucopia | The Dementor finds this one a bit more threatening. It leaves off chasing the fallen children and zooms away into the distance. |
 Author: pythbox | She dives to put out the small fire started by Feral's broom.
Feral is not looking good. He'll live, though. Wizarding children are tough. She immobilizes him and floats him into the air, then does the same to Bella minus the immobility, collects Tony and Sherlock, and hauls them all back to the house to get some chocolate into them as fast as possible. |
 Author: occluminous |
Bella is not, exactly, unconscious.
She is just in a state of expecting death with such certainty that it may as well have happened already.
She does not react to falling, to floating, to being tucked into bed, to the smell of chocolate, to the instructions to eat the chocolate. If she could be doing anything she would be saying goodbye. The cold is gone; cold is just another thing she will not even have the chance to miss when she is dead. |
 Author: pythbox | The healer puts some chocolate in her mouth in between fussing over Feral, who between the broken bones from falling out of the sky and the burns from doing it on a broom that was on fire would be having a pretty great day if it weren't for the fact that he... isn't. |
 Author: occluminous | The chocolate melts there. She doesn't register the taste. |
 Author: pythbox | Chocolate works just fine on Feral, once he's awake to eat it. The healer turns her attention to Bella, sits her up, and endeavours to get her drinking some chocolate milk, murmuring quietly to her the whole time - it's all right now, you're safe, you're going to be fine. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella can be made to swallow, if the healer puts the effort in.
It just - doesn't seem to do anything. |
 Author: pythbox | Sometimes it does take a while. The healer is concerned, but apart from chocolate and time there really isn't much in the way of treatment for Dementor exposure. She tucks Bella in again, checks on Feral, fixes his sling for the fourth time where his fidgeting was starting to fray the edges, gives him another dose of bone-strengthening potion, turns out the light, and leaves the room.
As soon as she shuts the door, Feral is out of his bed and limping over to Bella's. He means to give her a hug. He succeeds in doing that, and then he falls asleep, snuggled up on top of the blanket with his broken arm flopped over her. |
 Author: occluminous |
Bella's hand moves a little, after a while.
She licks stray chocolate from her lips.
She picks up her hand. She puts it in Feral's hair. |
 Author: pythbox | He makes a vague mumbling noise in his sleep. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella closes her eyes.
She drifts into sleep, herself.
But she doesn't speak. |
 Author: pythbox | Feral is going to be out for a solid twelve hours. But he's not going to set the bed on fire. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella wakes up a little sooner than that. She doesn't feel like moving right away, though. She just looks around. |
 Author: pythbox | There is the empty bed Feral is supposed to be sleeping in, and there is Feral sleeping on Bella instead, and there is a mountain of chocolate and chocolate-related products on a table within reach. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella reaches for a wafer. She nibbles on the wafer. That seems like it will do for now. She puts her hand back in Feral's hair. |
 Author: pythbox | Feral mumbles again. It is a happyish mumble. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella thinks. Slowly, carefully, quietly. |
 Author: pythbox | Feral sleeps. |
 Author: sparksflying | After a little while, Tony pokes her head in the door. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella waves, with the hand that is not entangled in Feral's hair. |
 Author: sparksflying | "Hi," says Tony, coming the rest of the way inside. "Are you guys okay?" |
 Author: occluminous | "I'm - better. He's asleep, I guess that's good. How are you? How's Sherlock?" |
 Author: sparksflying | She comes and sits down beside Bella's bed, absently picking up a brownie from the table.
"He's sleeping too. But he told me I should check on you in the morning, so here I am. Wow," she says on closer inspection of Feral's injuries, "I'm surprised he got all the way across the room like that. Unless they just put him to bed with you. They didn't, right?" |
 Author: occluminous | "I don't think so. I wasn't paying a lot of attention then." |
 Author: sparksflying | "I'm pretty sure they didn't. That would be kind of weird," says Tony. "It's cute, though."
She noms on her brownie. |
 Author: occluminous | "It is, yeah. I mean, the covers on the other bed are rumply and there's chocolate near it," observes Bella. "Probably he was in it and just sort of - flopped on me. I don't mind." |
 Author: sparksflying | "Yeah, I wouldn't mind either," says Tony. |
 Author: occluminous | "How do you kill a Dementor? Or - destroy it, anyway?" |
 Author: sparksflying | "...Huh?" says Tony. |
 Author: occluminous | "They need to go away, how does a person kill one?" |
 Author: sparksflying | "Um... I'm pretty sure you don't," says Tony. |
 Author: occluminous | "Oh." This is disappointing but not surprising. |
 Author: sparksflying | "Even Patronuses just kind of... scare them off. I mean, maybe if you got one to hold still while your Patronus ate it, there has to be some reason they're scared of them, right? But I don't think anybody's ever done it. I can ask Mom, I guess." |
 Author: occluminous | "I would but I am stuck," Bella says, gesturing at Feral. |
 Author: sparksflying | Tony giggles softly. |
 Author: occluminous | "I want to make them all go away," says Bella. "It seems like it might be important for ending death. They're - I don't think they're all of it, but they are parts of it." |
 Author: sparksflying | "Uh... good luck with that?" says Tony. |
 Author: occluminous | "Thank you," says Bella seriously. |
 Author: sparksflying | Tony shrugs.
"Anyway, I should go tell Sherry you're doing okay. He's probably awake by now."
She grabs another brownie. |
 Author: occluminous | "Yeah, thanks." Bella looks at the mountain of chocolate-related food. "Am I allowed to eat anything that doesn't have chocolate in it for the next while?" |
 Author: sparksflying | "You can if you want. But chocolate is tasty and it helps, so why would you?" |
 Author: occluminous | "It's just weird to have it for breakfast." Bella shrugs and takes a cookie. |
 Author: sparksflying | "Says who?"
Tony leans over and hugs her.
"See you later," she says, and goes. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella continues to munch on things. She tries some of everything there is within reach, in little pieces. For variety. |
 Author: pythbox |
Feral yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawns. |
 Author: occluminous | "Hi," says Bella, scritching him on the head since her hand is already right there. She offers him a coconut cream filled chocolate truffle. |
 Author: pythbox | "Ooh," says Feral.
Nom! Snuggle.
"Wow, did I fall asleep? I didn't mean to fall asleep. I hope I didn't drool on you. Or set you on fire. I didn't set you on fire, right?" |
 Author: occluminous | "You didn't set me on fire or drool on me, but you did definitely fall asleep," says Bella. "How are you doing? I have decided to kill all the Dementors that there are." |
 Author: pythbox | "S'posed to be impossible," he says, flopping his head onto her shoulder because lifting it up is hard. "Mm. I think I'm kind of high, actually, I bet they gave me painkillers." |
 Author: occluminous | "Maybe. You are pretty injured." |
 Author: pythbox | "Yep," he says. "I set my broom on fire. And it was so nice, too." |
 Author: occluminous | "And brand new, that sucks. I wonder if the other brooms are okay. I - think I fell." |
 Author: pythbox | "You did," he says. "I caught you. Well, not like caught you - I cast that - I forget what it's called, the charm that makes things fall slower? That." |
 Author: occluminous | "The Deceleration Charm?" |
 Author: pythbox | "Maybe. Don't think so." |
 Author: occluminous | "Oh. Well - I don't seem to be on fire, so thank you." |
 Author: pythbox | Feral giggles. |
 Author: occluminous | "I want to go see how Sherlock's doing. You probably aren't supposed to move around, though, I don't even know how you got all the way over to flop on me." |
 Author: pythbox | "Painkillers," Feral says vaguely. "Except probably not, I don't think it'd hurt that much." |
 Author: occluminous | "Even on painkillers it's got to be hard to balance on a broken leg. Well, it would be for me, maybe that's not a fair comparison." Bella slips out from under the covers. |
 Author: pythbox | Feral flops into the space she left. |
 Author: occluminous | She scritches him again, takes a stick of Pocky, and ventures out of the room. |
 Author: sparksflying | If she looks for Sherlock, she will find Tony guarding his door. Or at least sitting on the floor in front of it with a sketchpad and pencil, drawing brooms. |
 Author: occluminous | "How is he?" Bella asks her. |
 Author: sparksflying | "Not awesome. Mostly okay. Sleeping again," she says. |
 Author: occluminous | "I wonder why some of us were worse affected than others." |
 Author: sparksflying | "It's not like Sherry's a happy person most of the time," says Tony. |
 Author: occluminous | "Yeah. I am though - but then there's whatever's wrong with me that makes me not able to cast a Patronus, I guess." |
 Author: sparksflying | "Yeah." Tony shrugs uncomfortably. "I dunno." |
 Author: occluminous | "Where's your mom? I want to ask her if she knows if there's a way to kill them." |
 Author: sparksflying | "I did. She says there's not." |
 Author: occluminous | "Oh. I guess I'll have to figure it out, then. Because it is not okay for them to be." |
 Author: sparksflying | ...Tony doesn't say anything. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella sits down with her. "Where did it come from? Do they just run wild? Do British wizards seriously use those things as prison guards?" |
 Author: sparksflying | "Yeah. I mean, there's not supposed to be a lot of them running around, but - they can fly, and you can't kill them, and they're hard to trace until they start draining people..." |
 Author: occluminous | "How hard to trace? I wonder if Feral can find them for me once I know how to kill them," Bella muses. "He can find stuff when he's changed." |
 Author: sparksflying | "...I have no idea if anybody's ever tried getting on a Thestral and saying, 'Find me the nearest Dementor'," says Tony. "I know I wouldn't. Those things are nasty." |
 Author: occluminous | "That's why I have to exterminate them," explains Bella. |
 Author: sparksflying | "...Okay," says Tony. |
 Author: occluminous | Bella heads to the household bookshelves and looks for books on dementors. |
 Author: pythbox | There are books that mention dementors, here and there.
The available knowledge looks something like this:
Dementors are highly dangerous Dark creatures. They cannot be killed, but may be driven off with the use of a strong Patronus. Under observation they have been known to bud new Dementors, but there is some evidence that they also just appear spontaneously in the wild. They take the form of a corpselike figure in a tattered black cloak with a deep hood. They have some ability to recognize individuals; the ones in use at the British prison Azkaban can accurately tell one prisoner from another. They can fly, not as fast as a good broom but much faster than a running human. Chocolate and a good rest are the best known treatment for brief exposure; with enough of those, persons who have been in the company of Dementors for up to a month have been known to make a full recovery.
Also, they can suck out your soul. There is no treatment for that. The Dementor's Kiss is still widely used in Europe as the ultimate death sentence, but has been banned in the Americas for more than a century. |
 Author: occluminous | So not only are they unkillable (she's going to fix that) but there are more of them sometimes, appearing, budding. They might have a slow-growing population but it's growing. That's not okay.
She looks for more general information on destroying Dark things. |
 Author: pythbox | Most Dark creatures can be damaged or destroyed using relatively mundane methods - weapons, curses. There are some, such as dragons and trolls, that have special resistances to some or all kinds of magic, and some such as Dementors and Lethifolds that don't seem able to be destroyed at all. |
 Author: occluminous | How hard have people even been trying? |
 Author: pythbox | If a comprehensive answer to that question exists, it's not here. |
 Author: occluminous | Hmm.
How about theory on how Patronuses work? Her book where she found the spell was not so much about that part. |
 Author: pythbox | Nope. |
 Author: occluminous | Hmm.
Bella goes and gets her notebook. She makes lists of things to check on when she has access to the school library again.
And then she looks for something that isn't dessert to eat. She's gotten kind of tired of chocolate. |