Author: roc_on | The supervolcano spirit is placated; Beila gives an interview about it, forbearing to mention Dao's involvement; the damage is repaired; Beila goes back to her waterbending lessons, her hospital volunteering, and her routine outings with Dao.
They're still not having sex, confessions of kinkiness aside. There's no rush.
But they do make out.
And one day she tells him while they are so doing, "I want you to pull my hair." |
 Author: thinklikethis | His first reaction is to blush and flinch away a little, but his second is to smile, and it's the smile that stays.
"Um... really?" he says, even though the answer is pretty obvious. |
 Author: roc_on | "Yeah. Don't pull it out or haul my head around, just - I can show you if you don't know what I mean?" |
 Author: thinklikethis | The blush makes a reappearance. But: "Okay." |
 Author: roc_on | "On you or on me?" |
 Author: thinklikethis | "Why not both?" |
 Author: roc_on | She laughs and threads the fingers of one hand through each available head of hair, on the sides of their heads, and then tightens her grip, just enough to be demonstrative. |
 Author: thinklikethis | Dao giggles. |
 Author: roc_on | She lets both heads of hair go so she can pull his face back towards hers for more kisses. |
 Author: thinklikethis | Kisses, awesome, kisses are exactly the thing he wants to be doing right now.
He puts his hand in her hair. |
 Author: roc_on | Beila makes an encouraging noise. Something like "mmm". |
 Author: thinklikethis | Okay. So.
As demonstrated, he tightens his hand. |
 Author: roc_on | She squirms closer and goes on making the encouraging noise. |
 Author: thinklikethis | The encouraging noises are very encouraging! He is encouraged. |
 Author: roc_on | Good, because he should keep doing the thing she's encouraging him to do. |
 Author: thinklikethis | He is, he is keeping doing that thing! |
 Author: roc_on | Oh good! That will cause Beila to continue approvingly pressing herself against him and making sounds and kissing him. |
 Author: thinklikethis | Oh, sounds. He is so very delighted by sounds. He is going to do that thing some more now. |
 Author: roc_on | Good! He can produce a variety of pleased sounds like so. |
 Author: thinklikethis | Awesome. Excellent. Beautiful. |
 Author: roc_on | As previously discussed, so convenient. |
 Author: thinklikethis | It is very nice that they work out so well together! Dao is pleased. |
 Author: roc_on | So's Beila. So pleased. See how pleased. |
 Author: thinklikethis | He can hear how pleased! |
 Author: roc_on | Good. Also he can probably tell that she is super into kissing him through other mechanisms. |
 Author: thinklikethis | Yes, that too. |
 Author: roc_on | This could go on some time. |
 Author: thinklikethis | This should go on some time. |
 Author: roc_on | Then it shall! |
 Author: thinklikethis | Awesome. |
 Author: roc_on | Eventually she wants him to switch sides; she's all asymmetrically hairpulled. She conveys this through picking up his other hand, putting it in place, then tugging on his currently occupied one. |
 Author: thinklikethis | That is an admirably clear way to convey that! It works like a charm. |
 Author: roc_on | Excellent. Mmmm. |
 Author: thinklikethis | Mmmmm kisses mmmmm sounds mmmmmmmmm. |
 Author: roc_on | Indeed, all those things.
This goes on long enough that Beila's stomach starts growling, though. |
 Author: thinklikethis | "Lunchtime?" |
 Author: roc_on | "Yeah, lunchtime." Nuzzle. Lap-extrication. She kisses his most recently hairpulling hand before he can completely retrieve it, and then wafts her comb in her direction, catches it, and fixes her hair. |
 Author: thinklikethis | Dao giggles. |
 Author: roc_on | When Beila's hair is presentable, down to the kitchen they go to scare up some lunch. |
 Author: thinklikethis | Lunch is so intimidated that it surrenders immediately. |