Author: self_composed | The guest list winds up being pretty huge.
To start with, there are now eight Bells. Pattern isn't bringing anyone besides herself, and Aegis no one besides herself and her Whistle, but everyone else -
Between Alice, the Joker, the rescued Queenie, Kas, Micaiah, and Sue, plus Ghosty who Amariah picked up on her way home, that's seven Whistles. (Stella thinks ahead: there is a soundproofed orgy chamber away from the main party awning. With a few nodes off of it in case more than one orgy forms; she can think of at least two other likely ones.)
There's an equally absurd number of Sherlocks and Tonies if you count them together. They have Juliet's matched set, Shell Bell's matched set, two other matched sets from Bell-less worlds (one with souled vampire, one both human), a stray Tony, and a stray Sherlock from Downside.
Amariah grabbed a random Libby on top of the random extra Whistle, but at least she's not incorporating anyone from home.
Golden's bringing much of her family and many of her friends - although Edward is staying home, that still leaves Elspeth and Jacob, Alice and Jasper with little Brandon, Rosalie and Emmett and little Henry, Nathan accompanying his mate and their child Kerron, Esme and Carlisle and their Lily, Addy, and Elena who'll get to see her brother. Golden claims that this is a conservative list and she could easily have produced another twenty enthusiastic guests. Stella doesn't doubt it. She puts up a few signs reading Please Conduct Adult Conversation Only Via Brainphone. Little Half-Vampires Have Good Ears And Perfect Memories. As a last-minute surprise, Golden has taken Elspeth's suggestion to bring Edward's deceased mother Elizabeth, too.
Juliet has, on top of her boyfriend and his - progenitor? - her tiny Libby, James, a tagalong thereto called Virginia, and a ghost called Minnie, plus Giles.
Angela's list is more modest: her, her husband, and their friends Alleluia and Caleb.
Shell Bell is responsible for half the Sherlocks-and-Tonies all by herself, a tagalong called Pepper, and also someone called Darcy and also Matilda. (Shell Bell is also the reason Angela is not inviting her brother-in-law.)
Stella herself is responsible for inviting Libby, Orfeo, Chris, Mary, Anna, Sandy, Eights, Chainsaw, Lazarus, Kolya (who is informed that it would be awfully inconvenient for a majority of Bells to all have to coordinate on pretending he doesn't exist when only one of them has even met him to be able to identify him in the first place, so he can simply stay home if he's planning to be hidey), and Bridget.
Stella sets up a name tag system. Everyone will have a tag stuck to them. Solo persons - a minority - will just have their names. People with template names and nicknames will have both stamped on automatically. ("Hi! I'm a Bell, and you can call me Stella!"; "Hi! I'm a Whistle, and you can call me Alice!" "Hi! I'm a Sherlock, and I don't have a distinguishing nickname yet but as soon as I pick one it will appear here!")
She conjures up a nice buffet of food and beverages which will stay its correct temperature until consumed, and assorted synthetics for the vampires (labeled not for human consumption), and dishes and flatware (all glass; even some of the food-eating guests might dissolve anything else) and fusses with the awning opacity until it lets in just the right amount of sun, and, what the hell, she throws in a stage in case Angela wants to sing or she decides to play the flute or someone decides to pentagon some other performative skill to entertain the crowd. She makes sure there are enough bathrooms for all the people who still need bathrooms.
She puts out a few tables here and there with little bowls of squares and triangles - a mix of her glowing red and Alice's shifty black - in them for everyone's convenience. She accumulates coins in those sizes faster than she generally uses them and has a great many, so there are plenty for anyone to dip and wish if something comes up. She double-checks to make sure the Martian ground rules prohibit any misuses available for those size coins.
Jane gets one of those high-tech holographic projectors, on wheels, which she promptly manifests in, drives around the floor, and makes faces through. |
Author: bellfounding | Pattern is over here, inserting herself in an exchange between Stella and Golden about how to take advantage of suddenly easier commuting between their worlds. Amariah has been listening in too, but it's mostly a Stella-Golden conversation. |
Author: neverbeatme | A-Libby-who-you-can-call-James approaches this cluster.
"I want to talk to you guys about the brainphone," she says. |
Author: self_composed | "One of my handiest inventions. What about it?" inquires Stella. |
Author: neverbeatme | "It has a serious flaw," she says. "Every call should come with identity information, especially conferences." |
Author: dark_light | "The voices do sometimes get confusing," acknowledges Amariah, "with so many alts." |
Author: luminous_regnant | "There aren't actually discrete calls, though. Every individual message is sent to everyone it's meant for; who one's talking to can change moment to moment. If this is about people tapping your phone, so to speak, you don't have to worry about that - well, you do, but only in the sense that someone could be relaying what you're saying without you knowing about it." |
Author: neverbeatme | "Yes," she says, "that is in fact what I'm worried about. That and voice impersonation. And it's just not convenient to have to keep announcing that you're in a conference and how many people it's with and who they all are. The way the brainphone works now is great for a small community, but," she gestures around at the party, "this isn't a small community anymore." |
Author: self_composed | "Okay, impersonation's potentially a problem. I guess we can propagate a majority of the change from here, considering the guest list, and patch any stragglers on our ends or make it viral or something. But it won't solve your privacy issues. If you're talking to me and I'm talking to Golden, I can have you and Golden on separate calls and tell her everything you say if I feel like it, and there's no interaction of that with this feature." |
Author: neverbeatme | "People feel differently about doing things when they're less explicitly supported by the system," she says. "Supplying identity information for all direct speakers and listeners will at least stop anyone from spying on me by accident." |
Author: self_composed | "Listeners too. Hmm. You realize that's just the equivalent of a blind carbon copy in an email," says Stella. "If I want to talk to the completely imaginary Albert and Bess and Chuck, and Chuck doesn't want the other two to know he exists, then you're saying I shouldn't be able to do that all at once? Mind Chuck won't be able to hear anything Albert and Bess say without my manually relaying it even under the existing system, since they won't be sending to him." |
Author: dark_light | "Uh, do I have the same brainphone you two have?" Amariah says. "I can set up any call so that Path gets a copy of what I get whether the person I'm talking to thinks about him or not, and I didn't have to wish it special." |
Author: self_composed | "...You should have the same brainphone I have. Wishes sometimes fill in gaps, I might be mistaken about how it corrected for some vagueness in my specification - I made it up before I was boosted all the way and there was some wiggle room. Maybe the way Golden and I have been using it is just what makes sense to us." |
Author: neverbeatme | "So," says James, "now would be a good time to straighten that out. And I think making the change viral makes the most sense. But make sure to design it so that if you have to roll out another update later, they won't start fighting." |
Author: self_composed | "Yeah, sure. Version numbers," snorts Stella. |
Author: luminous_regnant | "So conferences that behave like everyone is in the room will list who's in the metaphorical room, and individual messages will have sender information to prevent misrepresentation," says Golden. "I don't think we ever have reason to impersonate each other, do we? For impersonal purposes trusting one of us tends to propagate to trusting the others and for personal purposes we'd never want to." |
Author: bellfounding | "Yeah, I might not be thrilled with being completely indistinct but identity theft isn't my solution of choice," sighs Pattern, "and nothing else is coming to mind." |
Author: self_composed | "All right, viral patch to brainphone, version 2.0, ready to roll unless someone has last minute design input," says Stella. |
Author: neverbeatme | "Nope, sounds good to me. Thanks," says James. |
Author: self_composed | [Bam!] says a message clearly labeled as from Stella. |
Author: neverbeatme | [Awesome,] says James, conferenced to the group.
"By the way," she adds out loud to Pattern as she turns away, "you should talk to my alt who's going by Slipstick. She's looking for a job." |
Author: bellfounding | "...Ooh," says Pattern. "I'm not really in a position to pay anybody yet. I don't even have a mint-helper..." |
Author: self_composed | "Libbies do personnel," says Stella. "It might make sense to get a Libby even before a mint if you're having a personnel issue." |
Author: bellfounding | "Ooh. Okay. Thanks!"
And Pattern goes off looking for Slipstick. |
Author: prima_sequentem | She's by the desserts! |
Author: bellfounding | "Hi, Slipstick," says Pattern. "James says I should talk to you about maybe working for me?" |
Author: prima_sequentem | "Yeah, I'm kind of at loose ends at the moment," she says. "And since you also seem to be kind of at loose ends, it occurred to me that maybe we could make each other's lives easier." |
Author: bellfounding | "Possibly. I'm running some afterlife-related errands for the peal, but I should be done inside a week or two - it's just running a few Upsiders from each world who can most readily pretend never to have been dead back home and inserting Jane into their worlds so that we can transport everywhere without having to wait for doors to Milliways. But then I go back home and work on my world. And alas, I do not have a mint-helper nor, as far as I know, any local magic." |
Author: prima_sequentem | "Well, I know where to find some candidates," she says, glancing at the orgy chamber, "if they ever come out again." |
Author: bellfounding | "Yeah, I caught a brief exchange with Eights and Chainsaw before they went in," says Pattern, "but didn't get anywhere. I think they're a package deal and I have the impression that Chainsaw's not as manageable as his alt is for Stella." |
Author: prima_sequentem | "Huh," she says. "What about the Whistles? I don't have a roster; are there any going spare?" |
Author: bellfounding | "Two. And the one that Golden imported turned out to be from my world, so if I wind up having to work with largesse for any extended period of time I have a better excuse for leaning on her than any of the others, though I imagine they'll all help." |
Author: prima_sequentem | "Do we know anything about the spare Whistles?" |
Author: bellfounding | "One of them's a rescue from Downside, the other is some kind of ghost but not the same kind as the one Juliet brought. First one's probably the better bet." |
Author: prima_sequentem | "A rescue? Is that a general term, or...? I was under the impression that Whistles and Downside would get along pretty well, ceteris paribus." |
Author: bellfounding | "Stella grabbed him from the same guy who got Shell Bell. I imagine he held up fine under the torture part, but not the being in a box never seeing or being touched by another human being part - from my admittedly limited understanding of Whistles." |
Author: prima_sequentem | "Ooh." She winces. "Ouch, yeah. I see." |
Author: bellfounding | "Yeah, Stella brought him straight here for soothing by her Alice." |
Author: prima_sequentem | "I can imagine," she says.
She can imagine what form that soothing would probably take, too, but that's less relevant. |
Author: bellfounding | It is indeed less relevant.
"I don't really want to date any of them - I mean, I gather that one could have changed my mind about that if he'd gone to high school with me and I hadn't died, but one didn't and I did, and I'm not seeing the appeal. But Golden and the Joker are an existence proof that it's not strictly called for." |
Author: prima_sequentem | Slipstick nods. |
Author: bellfounding | "Stella employs a precog, and so does Golden. I was thinking of trying to catch one of them to talk recruitment strategies, what do you think?" |
Author: prima_sequentem | "Good plan. I don't know either one of them personally, so I can't tell you which one would be a better shot." |
Author: bellfounding | Pattern glances around.
"Well," she says, "they're talking to each other, over there. The petite vampire with the spiky hair and the toddler, and the tall brunette." |
Author: prima_sequentem | "Go on, then," says Slipstick. "Two-for-one deal." |
Author: bellfounding | "You coming, or not?" |
Author: prima_sequentem | "Nah." |
Author: bellfounding | "All right."
Pattern makes for the precogs, but she expects they'll anticipate her. |
Author: luminous_regnant | If Alice mentions Pattern's approach aloud, is Mary just going to say that she already knows? |
Author: pythbox | Actually, no! |
Author: luminous_regnant | "We're expecting company," observes Alice. "The Bell calling herself Pattern." |
Author: pythbox | "Huh," says Mary. "What's she want, besides the obvious?" |
Author: luminous_regnant | "A Whistle, or possibly the alts of Stella's staff, maybe a stray Sherlock in a pinch, to help her mint," Alice says. "So she wants approach advice. You'll probably be better at the useful kind of detail than me." |
Author: pythbox | "I probably will," Mary agrees. |
Author: luminous_regnant | "Although you'll be pleased to know that I've cleared up my blind spots and can handle the wolves' love lives instead of having you visit every few months!"
"Wolves," giggles Brandon from her arms, like this concept is inherently funny. |
Author: bellfounding | Here's Pattern. "Hi. Do I even have to explain what I want?" |
Author: pythbox | "I am immensely pleased," she says dryly to Alice.
To Pattern, "Details are handy. I like details." |
Author: bellfounding | "I'm from the Joker's original world - I've named it Origin; I might change that later, I'm not going with my original distinguishing nickname. But Golden's got him and he's all attached to an Aurumite, so that means I need another mint. There's two spare Whistles, one from Downside after having lived in a world that doesn't match anybody's here and one from another world that also doesn't match anybody we know, and the one is just a dead person and the other is also a ghost with odd powers. My naive guess is that the first one of those would be easiest to hire on but I'm not sure how we'll get along or what I'll have to do to get him on board. There's also Eights, but she seems to come with Chainsaw, who seems determined to creepify them out of a job. And I don't think the Sherlocks are actually ideal for the purpose, so I haven't tried any yet, but I would if one of you said it was a good idea." |
Author: luminous_regnant | "You don't really look happy to me in any future conversations with Chainsaw," observes Alice. |
Author: pythbox | "Sherlocks are categorically a long shot," remarks Mary. "The forecast on Chainsaw is creepy with a chance of disaster. Downside Whistle's your best bet out of the listed options; the ghost one's only a tiny bit worse. I defer to Alice for when you'll be able to catch either of them out here socializing." |
Author: luminous_regnant | "Ghosty's in and out before the formal conclusion of the... proceedings," says Alice. "A few times, various possible whens, never for very long; you could catch her to say hi but probably not an extended conversation. The proceedings in question are reasonably likely to last less than 24 hours." |
Author: bellfounding | "So I might wanna ask Stella if I can stick around a bit," Pattern snorts. "Okay, what's the best way to talk to Downside Whistle when the proceedings are over with?" |
Author: pythbox | "Name some options," says Mary. |
Author: bellfounding | "I could just walk up to him and be like 'hi, I'm a Bell, you're a Whistle, want the obvious job?', or I could lead in with small talk of some kind, or I could ask the Whistles who are already dated-and-or-employed if they'll introduce me, or I could get one of the other Bells, probably one with her own Whistle, maybe Golden or Amariah, to ask for me." |
Author: pythbox | "Presence or absence of small talk doesn't have a consistent effect on the result," says Mary. "Approaching through an intermediary doesn't either. If you catch up to her by herself and you're friendly and straightforward, you won't have any trouble." |
Author: bellfounding | "That one's a her?" Pattern asks. "Okay, can do. Thanks." |
Author: luminous_regnant | "Anytime," says Alice cheerily. |
Author: pythbox | "You're welcome," Mary agrees. |
Author: bellfounding | "Is she going to hit on me or anything?" Pattern asks suddenly. "Because that would be weird." |
Author: pythbox | "...She's virtually guaranteed to be a little bit flirty," says Mary. "And huggy. Flirty and huggy. Conversation in general goes better if she's in physical contact with someone the whole time, but someone doesn't have to be you." |
Author: bellfounding | "Another Whistle?" suggests Pattern. "Do they disperse after 'proceedings' or might she be with another one at the time?" |
Author: pythbox | "Also virtually guaranteed that she is," says Mary. |
Author: bellfounding | "Okay, that works out then. Which one?" |
Author: luminous_regnant | "Any of them, in approximately equal proportions, slightly more likely to be Alice or Ghosty, slightly less likely to be Sue who's apparently got some highly interesting conversation coming up with his Bell and slightly less likely to be Micaiah who gets invited to perform with the angels and the Sherlocks." |
Author: pythbox | Mary laughs. |
Author: bellfounding | "Okay. Thanks, thank you both, please tell any talented alts of either of you that you meet to give me a call, through Jane if need be," grins Pattern. |
Author: luminous_regnant | "Sure thing," says Alice. "I bet there'll be a bidding war, though. Mes will be particularly swayed by the opportunity to plan parties," she adds. "Like, if Stella were trying to hire me, she'd have been well served to let me help her with this shindig. If Golden ever hosts one it'll be mostly my handiwork." |
Author: pythbox | "Mes will be particularly swayed by job offers that don't directly involve fortune telling," says Mary, "although as you can see we're okay with doing a little on the side." |
Author: bellfounding | "You don't fortune-tell for Stella? What do you do?" |
Author: pythbox | "I run her bank." |
Author: bellfounding | "That's cute," laughs Pattern. "I'm reasonably likely to copy her empressing pattern wholesale insofar as I can. I might start with not-Mars, though, just to not be completely derivative." |
Author: pythbox | "Mars is the most straightforwardly habitable option," says Mary, "but you could set up something interesting in the gas giants or the asteroid belt if you put your mind to it." |
Author: bellfounding | "Or maybe I'll just jazz up my Mars. It could use a set of rings and not-exactly-this-sea-level and a different color sky." |
Author: luminous_regnant | "I'd sure have fun living on a floating terraformed island on Saturn and swimming around in the gas. You might have to rig up scuba gear for human citizens." |
Author: pythbox | "If you do the gas giants right, people are going to be very appreciative of the aesthetic," says Mary. "I'm not sure of the details. A lot of it seems to depend on finding the right... is 'architect' even the word?" |
Author: bellfounding | "Designer," suggests Pattern. "Maybe I'll ask Slipstick to find me one." |
Author: pythbox | "Good odds there," says Mary. |
Author: bellfounding | Pattern smiles. And she bids them goodbye and goes to find Slipstick again and ask about designers for Saturn islands. |
Author: prima_sequentem | Slipstick is snacking! |
Author: bellfounding | "I'm probably going to be able to snag Queenie," reports Pattern. "And in order to not be too derivative of Stella I'm considering starting my space empire on Saturn, but may want design help." |
Author: prima_sequentem | "Interesting," says Slipstick. "I'll look into it." |
Author: bellfounding | "Thanks!" |