Author: she_sells_seashells | Shell Bell tries not to think too hard about Tony's sketchy Capitol friends or why they'd send him a train. She stows away for the short trip. She wears her godawful stupid dress. She paints triangles over her eyes and her cheeks, and squares around them, and she irons ringlets into her carefully divided hair, pins it up, and attaches the hat to the heap of white and blue.
She tucks her amulet under her neckline - the chain is fine enough to look like some more conventional piece of jewelry.
She holds her stick in her hand and stuffs her hand in her pocket.
It's early when they get there, barely dawn. The poll workers are setting up, but voters haven't accumulated yet.
She scopes out a starting place.
Leaning on a wall of a building across the street, pretending to be bored, forgetting not to chew her lip and tasting makeup - she finds one.
There are decorative torches, here and there, and that one has a bit of the Panem flag dangling quite near it in the calm. The flag has a cord. The cord touches the arch of the dome. From there she can get everything.
She waits for Sherlock to find where they'll duck when the panic starts. And when she gets the nod...
She assumes control of the torch. Yes, it's real fire, that's useful.
It flickers, it sways, it leaps.
It touches the flag, and maybe it wouldn't have caught, normally, but she makes it catch. The flag goes up in smoke; the cord catches and burns.
She sends the fire a quarter of the way around the circle at the base of the domed roof, first, before letting it climb any higher. She can still see all of the borders of the fire, but it's going to be implausible for her to keep it that way much longer.
People have started to notice - a poll worker, someone walking her dog. They don't seem to know what to do about it.
"Time to duck out of sight?" she murmurs to Sherlock in her best imitation of a Capitol accent. |
 Author: sicaria | "Yes, I think so," she murmurs back.
Her chosen spot has enough distance to be safe from the fire, a decent view all the same, and all the concealment afforded by one building's gaudy facade intersecting with the next building's profusion of cheerful draperies. They are unlikely to be disturbed there. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Bell does her best to look like she's peering nervously at the fire while she follows Sherlock.
And when they're hidden, she really goes to town.
Fires do this sometimes anyway - find something they really like and whoosh, hotter, brighter.
This one does.
Whoosh. |
 Author: sicaria | Sherlock grins. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Poll workers pour out of the building. None of them, even after they've slowed to include only stragglers, seem to be worrying about anyone left behind.
Hotter, faster, the fire helicopters are here now and Bell slams on the heat, it has to make sense for the suppressants they're dropping to do no good. Burn, burn, burn, they have to be unable to use the dome. Wreckage starts falling; there are gaps in the burning roof now, and she can't control non-contiguous parts, so those behave as fire naturally does inside, burning booths and ballots and the roped-off indicators of where to stand in line and the insipid little cheese platters. Bell presses the fire down, to ground level, so if any of the separated pieces get overexcited and spread, she can regain control.
There is no longer any conceivable way that there will be voting accomplished in the Memorial Dome today.
But it's not yet implausible for the fire not to have spread.
So she goes on just a bit longer before she lets it succumb to insistently sprayed suppressants, and lets out a breath, grinning. |
 Author: sicaria |
Sherlock kisses her. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Mmmm, Bell approves. Her stick stays in her pocket so she has her arms both free to wrap around her girlfriend. |
 Author: sicaria | Happy snuggly kissessssssss.
"You are a delight," Sherlock informs her. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Bell snickers. "Iiiii just burned down the entire Memorial Tower," she whispers. |
 Author: sicaria | "You did," Sherlock agrees. "It was very impressive. I am very impressed." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Kisses kisses kissses kisses, only 90% of the reason Bell currently wishes to be out of this dress involves it being stupid. "How long should we hang out here?" she murmurs. |
 Author: sicaria | "Not very much longer, perhaps," says Sherlock. "I find myself very much inclined to go home." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "Lead" kiss "the way" kiss "whenever you're ready." |
 Author: sicaria | "As you like, then."
And off they go, not the way they came in. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Bell trots after her, trying to gawk more at the fire behind them than at what should be unremarkable Capitol scenery to who she's dressed as. |
 Author: sicaria | It is not very long at all before Sherlock has brought them back to where they are staying with Tony. A closed door indicates that Tony is up to something technological and would rather not be disturbed.
Sherlock is quite content not to disturb him. They have their own room. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Goodness. A room.
Whatever could they be expected to do with that?
"Are we liable to get sketchy-Tony's-friends capitol visitors or can I change out of this stupid dress?" Bell asks. |
 Author: sicaria | "By all means, exit the stupid dress," says Sherlock. "And perhaps also the stupid makeup. If there are visitors, we need not see them." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | An ensuite bathroom, how perfect. Bell exits the stupid dress, unpins the stupid hat, and, standing in her underwear and twisting her ringlets out of the way behind her head as usual with her stick, starts rinsing away the makeup. |
 Author: sicaria | "You are a continual epiphany," says Sherlock, studying this process. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "...What d'you mean? Did I do something unexpected?" |
 Author: sicaria | "No," she says. "An epiphany is not the same as a surprise." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "I was thinking it was like a revelation of some kind. What do you mean exactly?" |
 Author: sicaria | "I mean that when I look at you I feel as though I have just understood something complex and fascinating." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Bell tilts her head. "I like that," she decides.
The last of the makeup swirls down the sink. "Still not sure I get it, though. Does this feeling have moving parts?" |
 Author: sicaria | "I am not sure what you mean." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "Does it - come apart? Resemble useful analogies? Bear similarities to things I already understand?" Bell asks. She buries her face in a towel and comes up dry, and then picks up her jeans. |
 Author: sicaria | "I don't know," says Sherlock. "I don't think you feel the same way I do about epiphanies." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "How do you feel about them, then?" Bell asks, pulling her jeans on and fetching her shirt. |
 Author: sicaria | "Positively." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "I feel so informed," snorts Bell. Shirt goes on. She looks for the curling iron; it has a flat end she can use to iron out the mess that is her hair. |
 Author: sicaria | "Well, I do not feel very informative," says Sherlock. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "Oh well." Flatten, flatten, flatten. It's a slow process. Bell burns her fingers once and has to stop and stick them under the faucet for a minute. |
 Author: sicaria | "...Would you like help?" offers Sherlock. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "If you don't mind, yeah, actually," says Bell, popping her burnt fingers into her mouth and handing over the iron. She's harder to understand around her fingertips: "'d go down by isself bu' I don' like i'." |
 Author: sicaria | "Well, then I shall fix it," says Sherlock.
Straighten straighten straighten. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Bell hums happily. There's something that is just so relaxing about having someone do things to one's hair. |
 Author: sicaria | Awwwwwwwwwww. Sherlock smiles. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Eventually Bell's fingers feel better and she puts her hand down.
When her hair is all straight and the iron is turned off and put away, she flops backwards, head in Sherlock's lap, and peers up at her girlfriend. |
 Author: sicaria | Sherlock runs her fingers through Bell's hair and smiles some more. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "Thank you," Bell chirps. "For fixing my stupid hair. The colors'll probably stay for a week, alas." |
 Author: sicaria | "You are very welcome," she says. "And I confess the colour is beginning to grow on me." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "Is it? Maybe if it were all one color, all blue like my original idea, but the half-and-half zigzag part just weirds me out," snorts Bell. |
 Author: sicaria | "It's very striking. And of course your face is in the middle of it. That helps considerably." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Bell giggles and squirms self-consciously. |
 Author: sicaria | "Are you displeased with that assessment?" |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "No, just - I dunno. You're making me feel pretty," Bell accuses, grinning. |
 Author: sicaria | "I believe I can live with that result." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Bell reaches up and boops Sherlock's nose. "You're pretty, too," she says contently. |
 Author: sicaria | ...Sherlock giggles.
"I love you," she says, and leans down to kiss Bell's forehead. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Bell wasn't really expecting that!
She's not sure what to do about it, either.
Traditionally it is replied to in kind.
She consults herself.
She doesn't have one of those to give Sherlock. That is sad. |
 Author: sicaria | Sherlock is still smiling fondly down at her. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Well, okay then. The time for pauses between remarks in conversations is past and Sherlock is still smiling so that must be okay. Bell smiles back and closes her eyes. |
 Author: sicaria | "I believe the remark about epiphanies was related," she adds, consideringly. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "Howso?" asks Bell. |
 Author: sicaria | "I think it meant that I love you, and I only just noticed." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "Aww. No wonder I thought it was sweet." |
 Author: sicaria | "Astute of you," she compliments. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "I do sometimes flatter myself into thinking I'm clever," snickers Bell. |
 Author: sicaria | "You are," says Sherlock. "It's delightful." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Bell grins at her. "We are both clever and pretty, and so we match," she declares. |
 Author: sicaria | "What an excellent circumstance." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "It really is. When do we go home again?" |
 Author: sicaria | "Whenever Tony's friend decides to send us. It won't be too long, I don't think." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "Hours? Days?" |
 Author: sicaria | "Days is likelier." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "Okay. I wonder if there's anything else we should incinerate as long as we're here anyway." |
 Author: sicaria | "Shall we find a map?" |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "I'm not so much wondering if there are targets as if it would be weird for two buildings to catch fire and burn farther than they usually do in a span of days." |
 Author: sicaria | "I expect it would," she acknowledges. "Which is a great pity." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "If I have another opportunity like the train station I'll take that. Otherwise I guess there's nothing for it but to amuse ourselves. Clever ideas?" she asks, peering up. "You know more about where we are and what our safety parameters are for operating here." |
 Author: sicaria | "A frequent pastime of mine in the Capitol is to put on a pretty dress and find someone to intimidate. I don't imagine it's much of a spectator sport." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "I think I'd find that very briefly amusing. But not for long enough to be worth putting on my idiot-costume again. Should've gotten it in this morning," Bell sighs. |
 Author: sicaria | "Alas," says Sherlock. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "Alas," Bell agrees. "I suppose to join the studio audience for Flicker Talk or go on the Brilliant Promenade or something I'd also have to wear the stupid costume. Maybe this is another job for Milliways? Get Tony to stash us on this end and fetch us on the other? I suppose if you came with me, someone might wonder why you made the trip one way and not the other." Pause. "I suppose visiting the museumified arena where Lynnis died and leaving her a flower would be suspicious in any outfit." |
 Author: sicaria | "It would. Unfortunately. You could go to Milliways by yourself, if you wished," says Sherlock. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "I'll do that if I feel like risking trading unoccupied for lonesome," decides Bell. "No guarantee anyone I know will be there, and I've gotten used to company." |
 Author: sicaria | "I would miss you, I think." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Bell reaches for Sherlock's hand. She kisses it. "I'd miss you too. I think I'll stay." |
 Author: sicaria | "However shall we occupy ourselves, I wonder." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "I am far too innocent to have any ideas," declares Bell. |
 Author: sicaria | "Well," says Sherlock, "first, I think I would like to kiss you. And then I think I would like to kiss you again." |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | "Goodness gracious," says Bell. "One could kill an entire afternoon in this way, I bet." She flips over, ending with her cheek resting on Sherlock's knee, and then shimmies up into a position such that Sherlock can do exactly that if she likes. |
 Author: sicaria | Sherlock does, in fact, kiss her. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Mmmm. Bell approves. In fact, it is even possible that she is kissing back. |
 Author: sicaria | What a pleasant surprise! |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Bell bets Sherlock is just astonished. Perhaps she can get her to faint in shock if there are also snuggles. |
 Author: sicaria | Truly she is a revelation.
But there will be no fainting. (Snuggles are highly restorative.) |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Oh good. Awake snuggles and asleep snuggles both strictly dominate fainted snuggles. |
 Author: sicaria | Now is definitely a time for awake snuggles. Also, awake kisses. In fact, pretty much anything that involves both affectionate body contact and being awake is on the table here. |
 Author: she_sells_seashells | Oh, good. Because Bell doesn't seem to have fully decided what to do with her hands, yet, so it's nice to know that nearly anything she might land on is okay. |
 Author: sicaria | That is absolutely correct. |