small_magics: (welcome)
Author: small_magics
Aianon has made a plant in the open airless space above the surface of Thilanushinyel. It is a very, very large plant - some dragons will be attending the party, after all, even if Ansharil in particular is going to be assorted small things and stay on Sarion's person the bulk of the time.

The locals will be Sarion, her beloveds, their other beloved, the five conjured dragons (and their Bondmates, where applicable: Virgivere and Lissa), and Liselen - Magania has, as usual, declined, and so far no Bell party has featured Bell parents.

Amariah is bringing her boyfriend and spontaneous daughter and two of the spontaneous daughter's friends, as well as an Alethian instance of the Rupert template.

Shell Bell is bringing Pearl and Screwdriver.

Golden is bringing her usual large contingent, as usual not including her husband but including her daughter and daughter's grown fosterling (the other remaining at home) and his wolf, both mothers-in-law and one father-in-law, adopted siblings, staff members including the Joker and Nathan, and the children of the aforementioned.

Glass is bringing both wives, all three daughters, Kanim, and her cat. She invited Icarin and Valeria, but their parents are not willing to let them gallivant into other worlds unsupervised and had a scheduling conflict.

Stella's bringing a smattering of people including Alice, Anna, Sandy, Libby, Bridget, her college roommate Janine, and Lazarus.

Tab is bringing Aelise (but not Kers) and Luhan.

Etty is bringing only Nona.

Aether, likewise, brings no one but Celo.

Pattern comes with Ripper, Slipstick, Queenie, and Ghosty.

Aegis is accompanied by her four-bodied boyfriend, Merryweather, Whitlock, and Howlett.

Aurora comes with Brilliance, Lexi with her Device Persica, Agent Honey with her Device Adularia, and Beth.

Rose brings her husband and three children and her former apprentice, Luc.

Angela brings her husband, her four children, several of her friends, and some of those friends' children and grandchildren with and without wings. Keziah also brings a friend.

Juliet shows up with Soph, Minus, Red, Giles, James, Virginia, Minnie, Ike, and Val.

Cam brings Jellybean and Tilly and stops there.

And from unBelled worlds hail additional Sherlocks and Tonies, Darcy, Matilda, Pepper, and Eights.
tearingup: (⑪ make a change)
Author: tearingup
The Kingfishers are done having... tea... for the moment, so Ripper is coming by the buffet for a cup of real actual tea. There are so many kinds! It's hard to choose. This is a good problem to have.
keyed_up: (sic my sister on you)
Author: keyed_up
Soph is investigating the -

Soph was investigating the coffee. Now she is investigating Ripper. She reads his nametag. She leans to her right, where stands her Tony, and is about to whisper in his ear when she decides on brainphone instead.

[Oh my god Bella said there was a young-Giles-alt but she didn't say he was hot. Look, Tony, he's hot!]
toblameforit: Surprised or wary. (-= how do you do that?)
Author: toblameforit
[Wow, he is super hot,] Tony agrees. [I think I'm gonna hit on him.]
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
[I do not blame you for a second, damn. It is just a little weird that he is a Giles but he's a really hot Giles.]
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
[I might actually be a tiny bit retroactively attracted to Giles now,] Tony admits, [but I'm not dwelling on that because I'm hitting on his hot young alt instead.]

He approaches Ripper.

"Hi!" he says. "You're really hot, can I maybe make out with you?"
keyed_up: (in situ)
Author: keyed_up
(Soph giggles. She pretends, badly, to investigate coffee.)
tearingup: (④ welcome consequences)
Author: tearingup
Ripper laughs. "You maybe can!" he says, glancing between Tony and Soph. "If it's all right with your...?"
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
(Soph giggles more, and cannot answer.)
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
"Girlfriend," Tony supplies. [Should I ask if you can watch? I'm getting a vibe that that is a thing I could ask.]
keyed_up: (powers that be)
Author: keyed_up
[Maybe? Is that weird? I don't wanna be weird.]
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
[I don't think it's weird!]
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
[Then maaaaybe?]
tearingup: (⑥ consider caution)
Author: tearingup
Ripper is raising his eyebrows at them.
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
"Can she maybe watch?" says Tony.
tearingup: (② chew on things)
Author: tearingup
"Definitely," says Ripper.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph squirms and giggles again.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
"Cool, let's get a room!" says Tony.
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
Ripper grins.

"I know where to find those!" he says, and leads them away. Assuming they follow.

[Going to make out with a Tony,] he says to Pattern.
bellfounding: (heh)
Author: bellfounding
[You know, I find I'm not even particularly curious which one? Enjoy.]
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph shuffles after, still giggling.
tearingup: (④ welcome consequences)
Author: tearingup
"You're both adorable," says Ripper.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
"I know!" says Tony.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
"We would win all the adorableness contests! If there were any."
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"But there aren't. Ooh, stairs. So that's where they're keeping the orgy chambers this time around," says Tony as they descend beneath the main floor.
keyed_up: (Default)
Author: keyed_up
"I don't know what these things usually look like, is this not usual?"
toblameforit: Drinking orange juice from the carton. (+= endeavouring to make breakfast)
Author: toblameforit
"It's a giant plant floating in space and it was designed by a Joker. No, it's not usual," says Tony. "It's been somewhere different every time, though, so I don't know if 'usual' is even a thing."
tearingup: (② chew on things)
Author: tearingup
"Aianon's space plants are very convenient," says Ripper.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
"Well, I mean, it's not like the ability to make space plants is new! Maybe there are space plants for Bell parties all the time and I just never heard about it!"
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"We could have made space plants before, but we didn't," says Tony. "Probably because we weren't Aianon. But now there is Aianon, therefore space plants. I think."
tearingup: (⑥ consider caution)
Author: tearingup
"Ooh, cozy," says Ripper, poking his head into an unoccupied room.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony looks. There is a big comfy-looking bed, and several big comfy-looking beanbag-chair type things, and piles and piles of comfy-looking pillows in all sizes.

"I like it," he declares.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph divebombs a beanbag!
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
Tony flops into a pile of pillows!

"Man, this room was made for pillow forts," he says. "I'm practically swimming in pillows and it's awesome."
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
"I can almost guarantee you that it actually was made for pillow forts," says Ripper, "given who made it." He shuts the door and flops cheerfully into Tony's pillowpile.

It also occurs to him to amend his previous report: [And his girlfriend is watching.]
bellfounding: (lipbite)
Author: bellfounding
Pattern snorts. [Okay then. Who's she?]
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Soph snuggles into her beanbag in a comfortable supervisory position.
tearingup: (⑨ ask again)
Author: tearingup
[Soph from Sunshine, according to her nametag.]
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony pillow-swims over to Ripper. It is highly undignified but very fun.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph laughs. Hers is most adorable boyfriend.
bellfounding: (talkative)
Author: bellfounding
[Oh, Juliet's spontaneously occurring sister. Okay.]
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
[Yeah, her. She's cute. Her Tony is cute.]

Ripper chooses to celebrate Tony's cuteness by kissing him in a giant pile of pillows.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
Kisses! Mmmm. Yes this was an excellent plan.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Soph sooooo approves!
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony approves too. He approves lots. So much approval.

Wow, Ripper is hot. And extremely kissable. And they are making out in a pile of comfy pillows. It's awesome.
tearingup: (② chew on things)
Author: tearingup
Tony is flatteringly enthusiastic and really cute! These pillows are comfy! Being watched is definitely a positive contribution to the whole experience!
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
Soph is definitely watching. They are definitely watchable.
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
Mmmmm kisses kisses.

"I think this would go better with fewer shirts," Tony says after a while, "how 'bout you?"
tearingup: (⑩ see in the dark)
Author: tearingup
Ripper laughs and takes off his shirt.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"Nice," says Tony.
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
He beams.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"Eeeeee," Soph says again, squirming in her beanbag.
tearingup: (② chew on things)
Author: tearingup
Ripper grins.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
It is only fair at this point for Tony to take off his shirt too! So he does. And then he kinda sorta pounces.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Soph almost applauds!
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
Mm yes shirtless makeouts good excellent.
tearingup: (③ sweeten the pot)
Author: tearingup
It's not like Ripper was previously unaware that he is really hot, but everyone here is so delighted about it, he is gaining a whole new appreciation. He makes a mental note to definitely say yes if any more Tonies want to make out with him, in case it's a template thing.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph is certainly really pleased! Alas, there aren't more of her around to partake.
tearingup: (④ welcome consequences)
Author: tearingup
One Soph is enough for all their purposes at the moment. And wow, her boyfriend knows how to kiss.
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
Yes. Yes he does. He's so glad Ripper noticed!
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Did Bella really have issues about this, what issues, sharing is fun.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
It really is, isn't it?

Mmm kisses kisses.
tearingup: (⑩ see in the dark)
Author: tearingup
Mmmmmmm shirtless kisses. The shirtless part is important. Both for immediate makeout-related reasons (skin!) and because Tony and Soph seem to really like that Ripper is shirtless, and Ripper really likes when that happens.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph definitely really likes all the hot-boy-shirtlessness going on around here!
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
There is definitely a lot of really liking going around!
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Soph can be heard giggling softly to herself from her beanbag vantage point occasionally. It's difficult to actually catch her peeking for more than a moment, but she presumably is staring to her heart's content when neither of them is looking right at her.
toblameforit: Striving for innocence. (+= wanna do my homework for me?)
Author: toblameforit
Tony hardly looks. On account of he is busy. Happily, happily busy.
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
Ripper, once he has glanced over a few times, also stops looking. Because if she only looks at them when they are not looking at her, then clearly he should just let her get on with it! Also, kissing Tony occupies a lot of attention. He's just so kissable. And so happy about it. Mmmmmmmmm.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"Eeeee," giggles Soph quietly. (She doesn't want to distract them from what they're doing.)
tearingup: (⑤ deny mercy)
Author: tearingup
They are magnificently undistracted.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Yaaaaay! Carry on making out, hot boys, Soph will just be over here grinning till her cheeks hurt!
tearingup: (④ welcome consequences)
Author: tearingup
They will definitely do that.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
But alas, they cannot carry on making out literally forever.

So during one of the inevitable lulls, in which Tony is sprawled contentedly about 30% on pillows to 70% on Ripper, he lifts his head from Ripper's shoulder and says, "We should totally make a pillow fort."
tearingup: (② chew on things)
Author: tearingup
"...Yeah," says Ripper, "we should."
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
"I am so promoting myself to a participatory role for pillow fort!"
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
Ripper beams at her.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
So does Tony.

Then he snuggles down against Ripper for a prolonged celebratory pre-pillow-fort kiss.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph giggles and starts categorizing pillows.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit

Tony sits up and notices that she is doing that.

"Wow, awesome, you're the best, I love you," he says, beaming some more.
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
"I love you too! I mean I figured we are going to be doing serious architecture, here, I remember you with the gingerbread, so there will be no going 'now where did I put that one lego, I mean pillow'."
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
"You are right," says Tony. He rubs his hands together gleefully.
tearingup: (② chew on things)
Author: tearingup
Ripper giggles.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
Soph leans over to kiss Tony, too (who doesn't want to kiss Tony?) and then resumes pillow-sorting.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Aww kisses yay kisses!

Tony gets in on the pillow-sorting too. It is a necessary step before the architecture can begin.
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
Ripper helps! He is so helpful.

"That is a lot of pillows," he observes.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
"The better to make a fort with, my dear."
tearingup: (③ sweeten the pot)
Author: tearingup
He cracks up.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
Sort sort sort. Soph begins testing various pillows for properties like their ability to stand on end and form stable stacks.
toblameforit: Drinking orange juice from the carton. (+= endeavouring to make breakfast)
Author: toblameforit
Tony spontaneously hugs her.

"Pillow science!" he proclaims gleefully. "No, better. Pillow engineering."
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Eee hugs! Those are distracting though! A pillow topples over when she is seized. "I love you."
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
"I love you toooo." Snuggle snuggle. Okay, back to pillow science!

Tony seems to be the test-as-you-go type: he starts laying foundations on the bed, paying attention to the shape of the pillows but not the colour.
tearingup: (③ sweeten the pot)
Author: tearingup
"Going to let the rest of us in on your grand plans?" inquires Ripper.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"Yes!" says Tony. "Yes I will."

His plans are very grand. This pillow fort is going to have four walls, an arched doorway, a blankety roof, and room enough for all three of them inside. (It's a big bed, so space at least won't be an issue.)

It's that archway that gives him trouble. Pillows just aren't made to do that. But Tony is sure he can persuade them, if he builds the walls well enough.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph believes in him! She will hold key pillows in place while he tries things.
tearingup: (② chew on things)
Author: tearingup
Ripper gets swept up in the excitement and is happy to serve as a third pair of hands where necessary.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
Experimentation proceeds. Eventually, with the rest of the walls already up, he gets it stable. He kisses Ripper (briefly) and Soph (less briefly) to celebrate.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Kissing Tony is Soph's favorite thing. (Although apparently watching attractive third parties kiss Tony would also make any multi-item list.)
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony beams.

"Okay, let's do the roof."

Blanket! Big colourful thin-but-snuggly patchwork quilt, to be specific. It's the lightest blanket available and therefore the easiest to stabilize. Tony rolls it up and hoists an end.

"Somebody wanna take the other end so we can unroll it over the walls, and somebody else wanna lay down more pillows on top?"
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
"I'll take the end," says Soph, and so she does.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
"Awesome! Over here," he says, hauling his end higher so they can carry the rolled blanket to the back of the fort.
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
Ripper follows with some long flat pillows he judges suitable for pinning the blanket down atop the walls.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
And then their fort is complete!

"I haven't made a blanket fort since -" says Soph, and then she stops and shrugs and flops on Tony.
toblameforit: Thoughtful, perhaps mischievous. (+= pretend we're twins)
Author: toblameforit
tearingup: (② chew on things)
Author: tearingup
Ripper awws at them a little, and then crawls into the fort to test its coziness level.

"Cozy as hell," he reports. "I've definitely never made a pillow fort this awesome."
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
In goes Soph.

"It's kind of dark in here," she chuckles.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
Tony follows.

"But snuggly!" he says, snuggling up between the other two.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Snuggles! "It is! Best pillow fort."
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit

"Best pillow fort," Tony agrees.
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
"Best pillow fort," laughs Ripper.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
And also pretty best snuggles. Snug.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
Snug! Mmmmsnug.
tearingup: (④ welcome consequences)
Author: tearingup
"Now, I don't know about you two, but I know what I do with pillow forts when I'm done with them," says Ripper.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
tearingup: (② chew on things)
Author: tearingup
"Wreck 'em, of course," he says promptly. "Either with everybody inside, or in a huge pillow fight, or both."
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
Soph hmmmmms. Then she seizes a long foundational pillow and thwacks both of the boys at the same time.
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
Cackling, Ripper pulls a pillow out of the wall on his side and hits back.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Wheeeeeeee pillow fight!

Soph is nearly as unfairly good at pillow fights as Tony is at driving-oriented video games. They might have to gang up on her.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
So they do.

The walls of the fort are definitely beginning to sag after all three participants have pulled out their first weapons, but it's one of Tony's wild swings that thwacks against the ceiling and pulls one corner completely out of its supporting pillow structure. That end of the blanket settles gently down onto the combatants.
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
Soph immediately attempts to trap Tony in it.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
He manages to escape to the fort's opposite corner, where the blanket is still anchored.
tearingup: (③ sweeten the pot)
Author: tearingup
Ripper covers his retreat.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
Soph is relentless! Bow to her pillow-wielding might!
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
She is pretty mighty, it's true!

Either because of something someone did or just because of the general ruckus, the side walls of the fort collapse soon afterward, dropping the whole ceiling on all three of them. Ripper starts giggling uncontrollably.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Soph pops up like a daisy and picks up the pillows that were holding the ceiling in place as long-range weapons.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony wriggles out from under the collapsed ceiling to discover that the archway is the only part of the structure still standing. He whoops. "Engineering in action!"
keyed_up: (powers that be)
Author: keyed_up
His distraction earns him a downy thwack.
toblameforit: Smiling affectionately or smugly. (*= recent successes)
Author: toblameforit
"Pffffff," says Tony. He starts pelting Soph with pieces of the collapsed walls.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
She bats several of them away midair and is undaunted by the ones that land.
tearingup: (③ sweeten the pot)
Author: tearingup
How about when Ripper joins in on the bombardment?
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
Well at some point she's just going to be in a pile of them, isn't she?

And then she has plenty to throw back!
tearingup: (⑨ ask again)
Author: tearingup

Well... well...

Ripper eyes the beanbags on the floor.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Soph is faster!

They're bulky, but not too much for her to fling one straight at Ripper's midsection, quite possibly knocking him over.
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
Knocking him over and onto a pair of beanbags, and completely covering his head and torso, so that he briefly looks like some kind of beanbag monster with human legs.

He sits up, beanbag in his arms, and heaves it back at her.
keyed_up: (little sis)
Author: keyed_up
She rolls out of the way and launches another one!
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
Tony tackles it out of the air. This is a disadvantage of large slow-moving projectiles. Then he flings a pillow at her head.
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
This one hits her. She laughs and flings it back.
toblameforit: Smiling a little bit. (*= you jerk! :D)
Author: toblameforit
Tony catches and returns it!
keyed_up: (flesh and blood)
Author: keyed_up
And now they're just kinda playing catch.
tearingup: (② chew on things)
Author: tearingup
Until Ripper also discovers a loose pillow to throw at her.
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
And now she's on the offensive again, pelting them both with pillows nigh-ambidexterously!
tearingup: (① laugh it off)
Author: tearingup
Curses! They just can't win!
keyed_up: (powers that be)
Author: keyed_up
Eventually Soph is flopped across two beanbags, pinning each of her opponents, panting with mad laughter.
tearingup: (④ welcome consequences)
Author: tearingup

The beanbags wriggle.
toblameforit: Grinning a lot. (*= in front of a mirror)
Author: toblameforit
The beanbags giggle.

The unfortunate souls trapped beneath them have chosen to admit defeat by making out with each other!
keyed_up: (the good parts)
Author: keyed_up
How kind of them! Soph supervises benevolently from on high.
toblameforit: Grinning. (*= cranking up the charm)
Author: toblameforit
It is slightly difficult to make out while squashed under a beanbag, but Tony gives it his best effort!
keyed_up: (learning to dance)
Author: keyed_up
Soph is fantastically amused.
tearingup: (③ sweeten the pot)
Author: tearingup
That's the idea!