Author: small_magics | Aianon has made a plant in the open airless space above the surface of Thilanushinyel. It is a very, very large plant - some dragons will be attending the party, after all, even if Ansharil in particular is going to be assorted small things and stay on Sarion's person the bulk of the time.
The locals will be Sarion, her beloveds, their other beloved, the five conjured dragons (and their Bondmates, where applicable: Virgivere and Lissa), and Liselen - Magania has, as usual, declined, and so far no Bell party has featured Bell parents.
Amariah is bringing her boyfriend and spontaneous daughter and two of the spontaneous daughter's friends, as well as an Alethian instance of the Rupert template.
Shell Bell is bringing Pearl and Screwdriver.
Golden is bringing her usual large contingent, as usual not including her husband but including her daughter and daughter's grown fosterling (the other remaining at home) and his wolf, both mothers-in-law and one father-in-law, adopted siblings, staff members including the Joker and Nathan, and the children of the aforementioned.
Glass is bringing both wives, all three daughters, Kanim, and her cat. She invited Icarin and Valeria, but their parents are not willing to let them gallivant into other worlds unsupervised and had a scheduling conflict.
Stella's bringing a smattering of people including Alice, Anna, Sandy, Libby, Bridget, her college roommate Janine, and Lazarus.
Tab is bringing Aelise (but not Kers) and Luhan.
Etty is bringing only Nona.
Aether, likewise, brings no one but Celo.
Pattern comes with Ripper, Slipstick, Queenie, and Ghosty.
Aegis is accompanied by her four-bodied boyfriend, Merryweather, Whitlock, and Howlett.
Aurora comes with Brilliance, Lexi with her Device Persica, Agent Honey with her Device Adularia, and Beth.
Rose brings her husband and three children and her former apprentice, Luc.
Angela brings her husband, her four children, several of her friends, and some of those friends' children and grandchildren with and without wings. Keziah also brings a friend.
Juliet shows up with Soph, Minus, Red, Giles, James, Virginia, Minnie, Ike, and Val.
Cam brings Jellybean and Tilly and stops there.
And from unBelled worlds hail additional Sherlocks and Tonies, Darcy, Matilda, Pepper, and Eights. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Cam (having bidden Ike an extremely friendly goodbye) is currently talking to the Griffins about what they feel like the limits of their ingotry might be. They don't know much. |
 Author: tearingup | A pair of alts wanders by, arms around each other's waists, dressed in similar and similarly rumpled dark-jeans-and-tight-shirt outfits. One has a pied kingfisher perched on his shoulder. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Cam double-takes at them. The Griffins, who are already bored with technical questions about de-gooking, escape while he isn't paying attention.
"Hi," he remarks. He takes in the kingfisher, glances at the nametags, produces and birdifies Grace to sit on his shoulder out of courtesy to the Alethian. "You must be Ripper and Keth." |
 Author: tearingup | "You must be Cam," says Ripper.
"Hi," says Keth. |
 Author: lifes_sake | "The nametag's a dead giveaway, I imagine." |
 Author: tearingup | "I wasn't looking at your nametag," says Ripper. |
 Author: lifes_sake | "Oh no? What, then, is revealing my identity?" |
 Author: tearingup | "The daemon's a clue," says Hecate from Keth's shoulder. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Grace preens Cam's hair.
"Fair enough," Cam says. |
 Author: tearingup | "So," says Ripper, "Pat mentioned you might like to borrow me." |
 Author: lifes_sake | "Well, I'm presuming if she said that you come highly recommended. It looks like for a limited time only you might also be buy one get one free." |
 Author: tearingup | Keth snorts.
Ripper glances sideways at Keth, and then starts giggling. |
 Author: lifes_sake | "Intra-template telepathy? I thought that was just Sherlocks." |
 Author: tearingup | "Nah," says Ripper, "you just reminded us of somebody for a second there." |
 Author: lifes_sake | "In a good way?" |
 Author: tearingup | "Mmm..." says Ripper.
"Yeah," says Keth, "we'll go with that." |
 Author: lifes_sake | "I do prefer to be pleasantly reminiscent. Pleasantly everything, for that matter." |
 Author: tearingup | "You're certainly pleasant to look at," says Keth. |
 Author: lifes_sake | "So are the both of you. I had heard that Juliet found you hilarious but had no warning that you were this attractive." |
 Author: tearingup | Ripper laughs. "You should've asked Pattern, then."
"Or Amariah," Keth says cheerfully.
"Want a closer look?" says Ripper. |
 Author: lifes_sake | "I definitely do. You wanna get a room?" |
 Author: tearingup | "We definitely do!" says Keth. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Excellent, then all of them can be teleported to a room, right? How about now? Here is a room. |
 Author: tearingup | The Rippers laugh.
"Usually we like a little more warning with the teleporting," says Ripper.
"But we'll let it slide this time because you're so pretty," says Keth. Hecate leaves his shoulder to approach Grace. |
 Author: lifes_sake | "I am very pretty, I'm glad you noticed."
Grace hops off Cam to a convenient daemon-sitting place.
"Ah, fair warning, Grace doesn't really talk to anybody except me, even other daemons," Cam remarks. "Not like Path. She'll snuggle up, though." |
 Author: tearingup | "Fine by me," says Hecate. "Kit's not talkative either."
She snuggles up.
Keth and Ripper give Cam extremely similar speculative looks. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Cam stands open for speculation. He spreads his arms and takes a step forward. And regards them openly, the one and then the other, like he's going to be giving an extremely sexy presentation later on their point-by-point similarities and minor differences.
Grace doesn't say a word, but she does laugh softly and put a wing over the smaller bird. |
 Author: tearingup | Hecate snuggles comfortably with Grace.
Ripper says, "I think this would be more fun with fewer shirts," and he and Keth take theirs off. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Cam's is wished away before theirs are over their heads. Poof!
"I think you are absolutely right." |
 Author: tearingup | The Rippers gaze at Cam admiringly. |
 Author: lifes_sake | It's mutual.
Cam steps forward again. There is now personal space overlap. Isn't that exciting? |
 Author: tearingup | "Fewer clothes in general, really," says Ripper, and this time they use wishes. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Cam follows suit, laughing, and closes the distance with a randomly chosen Ripper (he winds up with the one who most recently spoke) and kisses him. |
 Author: tearingup | Mm, kisses. Reasonably familiar kisses!
Keth steals a turn at the first available opportunity. |
 Author: lifes_sake | He's welcome to one! Plenty of Cam to go around. He has dived into a pile of Jokers before; two Rippers doesn't begin to be too much. |
 Author: tearingup | That's good. They'd hate to overwhelm him.
When Ripper steals Cam back, he tastes like maple sugar. |
 Author: lifes_sake | "Mmmm," Cam comments. |
 Author: tearingup | "Oh, you did it again?" says Keth, intrigued. And at the next opportunity, he steals Ripper. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Cam isn't gonna complain, here.
Nope, catching Ripper by the wrist and kissing from there to his elbow and back up again is not very much like complaining at all.
Cam likes tasty boys. |
 Author: tearingup | Ripper giggles, which causes Keth to giggle too. When Keth grabs Cam for a kiss, he also tastes like maple sugar. Aren't tasty boys the best? |
 Author: lifes_sake | Tasty boys are fantastic! Cam goes ahead and completes the sweetness trifecta, although he has decided to be kiwi-flavored instead.
(That'll be fun to surprise Jellybean with later.)
Grace laughs from where she's sitting with Hecate. |
 Author: tearingup | "Mm," says Keth.
Ripper kisses the back of Cam's neck. |
 Author: lifes_sake | That is a good place to kiss Bells! Cam is not different in this respect. He leans in and makes a rather whimpery noise. |
 Author: tearingup | Oooooh.
Well, now Ripper is just going to have to go through everything he knows about where to kiss Bells, and see which parts are the same and which are different.
It might take a while. Luckily, he has Keth to help! |
 Author: lifes_sake | Adjusted for shape -
Yep, Cam's a Bell all right. A kiwi-flavored and exceptionally pleased Bell. |
 Author: tearingup | Mmm, but that adjusted shape is so interesting.
And tasty.
Lucky thing Keth and Ripper like to share. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Cam also makes appreciative noises like a Bell, just in a deeper register. |
 Author: tearingup | And such lovely noises they are! Ripper and Keth are very pleased. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Everyone in this room is very pleased!
Also very tasty.
Did Cam's narration mention that he likes tasting tasty boys? |
 Author: tearingup | Not in so many words. But after all, what's the point of being a tasty boy if not to be tasted? |
 Author: lifes_sake | That is absolutely the point! They are all on the same page here. |
 Author: tearingup | And such a tasty page it is.
Also, snuggly. Really snuggly. The Rippers are prime snugglers when not directly engaged in tastiness. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Mmmm, Ripper sandwich. Snuggliest and most maple-y sandwich. |
 Author: tearingup | Very snuggly. Very maple-y. With bonus kisses. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Mmmmm.
Kisses. |
 Author: tearingup | Tasty kisses. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Rather squirmy kisses. It's hard to resist, sandwiched between such lovely people to squirm against. |
 Author: tearingup | Ooh, squirming. Well, they will just have to snuggle up closer and kiss him some more, then. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Highly recommended reactions! |
 Author: tearingup | Excellent!
They have some other ideas about what to do with a squirmy Cam, too. Perhaps those will also be positively received. |
 Author: lifes_sake | Oh yes. Yes they will. |
 Author: tearingup | Perfect. |