Author: thaumobabble | Bella completes her moccasins. They're easy, but tedious; she's putting tiny parts of the spell on each of the hundreds of glass beads that gets sewn on. Last time it took her a couple of days, but by the end of the process she could do the magic and the sewing at the same time; this time it's an easy rhythm and by an hour after lunch she's got them beaded and pieced and a binding enchantment laid on each of them and the pair together to hold all the beads in a coherent whole. She says her cleaning spell - the castle isn't dirty, but any amount of walking around barefoot leaves dirt on one's feet - and slips them on and gets up and walks around experimentally. Success!
She spends the rest of the time before the delegation is prepared to go sitting outside at the Skyvault, looking at it with various lens combinations and taking fascinated notes, and spending time with her fiancée-and-a-half.
She's ready to leave when the rest of the wizard-visiting party is. |
 Author: pythbox | Despite some pressure by the King of the Dragons, the wizard-visiting party does not include her. It does include one diplomat, a significant escort, and an extra human there to 'represent the interests of the dragons', which mainly seems to mean spying on everyone. |
 Author: thaumobabble | Off they go! Bella remembers the way, insofar as there is a way to remember within the Enchanted Forest over short distances, so she's in the lead until they find a squirrel to course-correct.
Sigh. Hiking through the forest was more fun with Sherlock and Tony along.
She strikes up a conversation with the diplomat. "Have you worked with wizards before?" |
 Author: pythbox | "No," he admits. "No one's had serious diplomatic contact with the Society of Wizards in a long time." |
 Author: thaumobabble | "There's always a magician or two somewhere working on infiltrating them, for completely undiplomatic purposes of course, but I've never been interested in going undercover," says Bella. "I only know a few things about wizard magic, and of course I have to heavily adapt it to work for me." |
 Author: pythbox | "Mm," the diplomat says politely. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "How're you planning to play the interaction?" inquires Bella. |
 Author: pythbox | "Wait and see," he suggests. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "...So I take it you don't need me to do anything?" |
 Author: pythbox | "Anything such as...?" |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Magic of any kind, pretty much, or telling you what I know about how wizards work." |
 Author: pythbox | "Didn't you just say you don't know anything about how wizards work?" |
 Author: thaumobabble | "I said I only know a few things about wizard magic. And the books I learned the few things from had a few notes about the culture, here and there," Bella says, frowning. |
 Author: pythbox | "Go on," says the diplomat. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Well, the group we're visiting sent out one of the wizards' wives to meet us. Some wizard magical principles can be used by anybody - like me - but in its pure form it only works for boys with wizard fathers. They usually marry each other's daughters but sometimes they're more exogamous about it. They don't mix in a family way with practitioners of other kinds of magic - a few magicians have married them to get an in, but they have to pretend not to know any magic to get any wizards interested. They have a general philosophy that wouldn't make that particularly compatible with the stealing their staffs do. Which is usually automatic, but when I looked last time, all the wizards there had suppressed the absorption. Wizards - at least usual wizards, I'm not sure about these ones - don't think there is a better use for magic than sitting in a staff ready to power a spell a wizard wants to cast. They're kind of paranoid and self-important." |
 Author: pythbox | "The paranoid and self-important parts are common knowledge," he says dryly. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Yeah, I just mean - that's why they steal magic, because they don't think anybody else has anything much useful to do with it and because they feel it's a matter of personal safety." |
 Author: pythbox | "Aha," says the diplomat. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "That's pretty much what I know off the top of my head. I don't have my books on wizards with me." |
 Author: pythbox | "Well," says the diplomat, "hopefully we won't need them." |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Hopefully," agrees Bella.
With her moccasins on, she can safely read-and-walk as long as she looks up to course correct twice a page. She doesn't attempt further conversation with the diplomat during the journey. And she lets him take the lead, when they reach the wizards; apart from putting her spectacles on she doesn't do anything.
The wizards either don't notice the party standing outside their caves, or choose not to send out an interlocutor this time. |
 Author: pythbox | The various members of the party all look at one another.
Finally the diplomat steps forward and... peers into the cave entrance. |
 Author: thaumobabble | There are some wizards, and some wizards' wives, and some children, milling around. There's a smokeless fire with a stewpot simmering on top of it, and an adult wizard is carving a long piece of wood, perhaps into a staff, while a couple of little ones look on. One of the wizards looks the diplomat's way and there begins to be a general whispering among the cave inhabitants and cessation of activity that is not "look nervously at diplomat". |
 Author: pythbox | The diplomat... blinks at them all. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "...Hello?" says a wizard's wife.
Bella comes close enough to the cave edge to see that it's the same one who spoke to her and the princesses when they came this way. |
 Author: pythbox | "I'm... here on behalf of the queen," he tries. "There's, er, no need to be alarmed?" |
 Author: thaumobabble | "...All right," says the wizard's wife. "What does the queen want with us?" |
 Author: pythbox | ...That is a very good question.
Pity he doesn't seem to have an answer. |
 Author: thaumobabble | The wizard's wife blinks quizzically at him, and then looks past his left arm at bespectacled Bella.
Bella has seen to her satisfaction that they're still not absorbing any but stray, unused magic. She murmurs to the diplomat, "Their staffs are behaving themselves." |
 Author: pythbox | He looks at her helplessly. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Well, what did Her Majesty want you to find out, or tell them?" asks Bella in an undertone. |
 Author: pythbox | "...Why... they're here?" he murmurs back. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "...Do you want me to ask?" |
 Author: pythbox | His eyes dart wizardward. |
 Author: thaumobabble | The wizards are all holding quite still, watching the visitors. Their wives are mostly hiding behind their wizards, with the children, except for the one spokeswife.
"...My name is Cantha," offers the spokeswife, in apparent hope that this will help move things along. |
 Author: pythbox | The diplomat nods slightly to Bella. |
 Author: thaumobabble | Bella sighs inaudibly and steps forward and smiles and takes off and hats her spectacles. "Hello again, Cantha, I'm Bella. We're here to find out what brings you to the Enchanted Forest."
"We don't think think the other wizards will think to look for us here," Cantha says.
"And why are you hiding from other wizards?" Bella asks.
"There's been a - a schism in the Society. We're by far the smaller faction. So we're hiding." |
 Author: pythbox | The diplomat is a good enough diplomat not to audibly sigh with relief. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "What's the schism about?" Bella asks.
"P-procedures for choosing new Head Wizards, and some things about magic I don't understand myself, and relations with other - groups, and some other things. We're the Reformists," she adds helpfully.
"How come you don't have a Head Reformist Wizard who's talking for your group instead of you?" inquires Bella.
"We had one. My husband died before we got here," says Cantha quietly. "We haven't elected a replacement yet."
"Oh. I'm sorry," murmurs Bella. "Other wizards?"
"Yes. Orthodox wizards." |
 Author: pythbox | The diplomat also manages to look sympathetic about Cantha's husband! He is such a good diplomat. Someone should give him a biscuit. |
 Author: thaumobabble | Bella is too busy doing his job to fetch a biscuit for him.
"Shortly before the last time I was here, the princesses and I encountered another wizard. One of yours?"
Cantha shakes her head, alarmed. "We're all of ours that are left. We saw the others fall, and it was more than those few days ago. He was in the forest? They're looking for us here?"
"Well, he was interrupted," Bella says, "and we're not sure if his presence had to do with you or not."
"It must have," murmurs Cantha. "We were the first to risk entering the forest in nearly a century." |
 Author: pythbox | ...Bella is better at the diplomat's job than he is! |
 Author: thaumobabble | Apparently!
"I can see that the staffs here aren't stealing magic."
"That would have been noticed," Cantha says without thinking, and then she adds, "...And it would be harmful. To the forest."
Bella nods. "Stray wisps like they're taking are fine, I have an object that does something similar, but what are you planning to do if the Orthodox wizards find you?"
"We - haven't thought that far ahead," Cantha says, glancing around at the wizards uncertainly. "It might be that they wouldn't want to be noticed themselves, and wouldn't have any advantage over us."
"But they'd also have plenty of time to charge up and choose the timing," Bella says. "There'd be a massacre, and it sounds like you were already massacred."
"...You're probably right, but we don't have any other options, where were we supposed to go, who were we supposed to get help from? All the kingdoms on the continent kill wizards on sight or are friendly with the Orthodox leadership." |
 Author: pythbox | "We can offer you the protection of the Enchanted Forest," the diplomat murmurs, "provided you obey our laws and customs."
There aren't very many of those. Not strict ones, anyway. |
 Author: thaumobabble | Cantha remembers that the diplomat exists, and blinks at him. "...Is there a list?" she asks hopefully. |
 Author: pythbox | "There - er - yes."
He produces a document from somewhere. |
 Author: thaumobabble | Cantha accepts it and reads it. After a paragraph or two she motions one of the older wizards to read over her shoulder and they confer softly. |
 Author: pythbox | It is not a very long list. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "I think we can do this," says Cantha. "But how are you going to protect us? If one of the Orthodox - at least one - got into the forest?" |
 Author: pythbox | "The forest itself can protect you," says the diplomat, regaining some of his confidence. "Now that the royal family knows you're here." |
 Author: thaumobabble | Cantha swallows. "Do we need to - do anything, to get that protection? Besides abide by the laws and take only wisps of magic?"
"You'd have more magic to play with between you if the women among you were allowed to cultivate witchwells and donate some or do their own spells," comments Bella.
Cantha blinks at her. "...That is in fact one point of disagreement between us and Orthodox wizards, but not one that we've put into practice." |
 Author: pythbox | "If you abide by the laws," says the diplomat, "and take only wisps of magic, the royal family will protect you." |
 Author: thaumobabble | "All right," says Cantha, rolling up the scroll. "Do we - sign something, or anything of that nature?" |
 Author: pythbox | "Not any more than any other properly recognized resident of the forest," says the diplomat, "which is to say, no." |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Welcome," Bella adds.
Cantha turns back to her. "You're a witch," she says.
"Not exactly."
Cantha's eyes narrow. "Sorceress?"
"Same answer."
Cantha purses her lips. "Magician."
"So you could help us with the witchwells so we wouldn't be so collectively powerless."
"Possibly," demurs Bella. "I'd need to think about it. I have other projects and I'm staying at the castle, which is some days' travel away."
"We would be interested in - exchanging knowledge," Cantha says, "if you happened to have the time for it."
"Thank you," says Bella, noncommittal but smiling. |
 Author: pythbox | ...That seems to be the end of that, really. |
 Author: thaumobabble | Cantha shakes Bella's hand, and then looks dubiously at the diplomat and offers him her hand too. |
 Author: pythbox | The diplomat shakes hands with Cantha. |
 Author: thaumobabble | Bella thinks to ask, "Are you Reformists in immediate need of anything?"
Cantha shakes her head. "We've been able to find everything we need, thank you."
And that really does seem to be it.
The delegation turns around and starts tromping home.
Bella feels pretty pleased with herself. |
 Author: pythbox | Bella has every right to be pleased with herself!
The dragon representative (who turns out to be somebody's princess) takes the time to congratulate her on their way out. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Thanks," says Bella. "I hope the dragons will be happy with the results." |
 Author: pythbox | "I think they will!" |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Are they going to object if I teach a bunch of wizards' wives how to kindle witchwells so they can supply the wizards with spellpower? Even Reformist wizards?" |
 Author: pythbox | "If it keeps them out of trouble, I don't see why not." |
 Author: thaumobabble | Bella grins. And castleward they go! |
 Author: calendarofcrime | When they arrive, Sherlock is waiting at the castle gate, under the arch of the Skyvault. |
 Author: thaumobabble | Bella trots right up to her as fast as her moccasins will allow and hugs her. |
 Author: calendarofcrime | Sherlock hugs back. Gently, because armour. |
 Author: thaumobabble | Of course. But unless she has a helmet on she is getting a kiss armor or no armor. |
 Author: calendarofcrime | Never has she been so pleased not to wear a helmet! |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Everything turned out well," Bella reports. "This wizard faction are Reformists and they don't get along with the Orthodox wizards and they promise to behave themselves." |
 Author: calendarofcrime | "I am so pleased," says Sherlock. "Let's let the rest of them tell Mother. I would like to reacquaint myself with my betrothed." |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Okay," says Bella, beaming. "Reacquaintance sounds good!" |
 Author: calendarofcrime | Sherlock kisses her again. |
 Author: thaumobabble | Mmmmkisses. "I missed you," says Bella breathlessly. |
 Author: calendarofcrime | "And I likewise," says Sherlock. "Shall we go to your rooms?" |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Yes. I think we shall do that."
And they do!
And then it is lunchtime. Hello, lunchtime. Hello, Tony and Queen Marianne! |
 Author: allthebrightest | Tony is pleased to see them both! |
 Author: pythbox | So is Queen Marianne.
"I've heard you did very well for yourself on this trip," she says with some degree of amusement. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Oh?" Bella blinks. |
 Author: pythbox | "Why don't you tell me how the visit went?" |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Well, we went to the cave, and no one seemed to know how to start, and so I asked the wizards a few questions and then the diplomat picked up from there and gave them the list of laws and customs and so on," says Bella. "Oh, and unless you object or I have too much else on my plate, I might teach the wizards' wives to cultivate witchwells so they don't have to be parasitic on anyone else for their magical energy, in exchange for some straight information about wizardry that didn't have to be gotten by subterfuge." |
 Author: pythbox | "Very sensible," the queen approves. |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Thanks," says Bella. "I did want to run the witching idea by you, though, since it wouldn't just mean that they wouldn't have to be parasitic, it'd also mean handing them a fair amount of magical power to work with - not just the wizards who'd have witch donors, but the new witches themselves - and I'm not sure how far you want to trust them, even if they have an apparently consistent political philosophy that would put them on the outs with the rest of the Society of Wizards." |
 Author: pythbox | "Also very sensible," says the queen. "But you can go ahead." |
 Author: thaumobabble | "Cool!" Bella pulls her notebook out of her sleeve and writes this down and has at her lunch. |
 Author: pythbox | It is a tasty lunch, even though a princess did not make it. |
 Author: thaumobabble | Good, good. |