thaumobabble: (charmed)
Author: thaumobabble
The traditional location for Enchanted Forest royal weddings is Fire-Flower Meadow. This is mostly because it is very large. Bella's only inviting her parents, a handful of friends including Kexan, and her cat; considerably more people are attending just because it's a royal wedding and they expect to be invited. Kazul is there, and a handful of other dragons besides her and Kexan too; they take up a lot of room in the back corner of the field.

Bella and Sherlock are not supposed to see each other in their wedding outfits until the right moment, so Bella is in her dressing room with her one non-Tony bridesmaid (Sanda, she from whom Cricket was obtained), letting the witch pin her hair up. Kanim is also serving as a Bella-bridesperson but he absented himself from the dressing room when it came time to get into the dress. The dress itself is fairly ordinary - cloud-white and sleeveless with one shoulder strap, an asymmetrical gather at the waist, hemmed at the knee for summer coolness. But it's embroidered with a thousand little glass beads tracing whorls along the fabric and following the folds that lead away from the gather. Into each of these beads Bella has imparted a little kiss of magic. They gleam with ripples of intense diamondlike fire when she moves. She admires herself in the mirror while Sanda fusses with braids and the curling iron. (Bella's hair isn't that long, and she wears it down all the time; for a special occasion some fuss is called for.)

Bella's hair is finished. She steps into her shoes (they're white and beaded to match, enchanted like her everyday moccasins so she won't trip down the aisle).

Cricket sidles into the room to tell her when it's time.

The ceremony itself is fairly simple.

Also, it involves kissing Sherlock! That's always good.
calendarofcrime: Beaming. (!= like a bolt of lightning)
Author: calendarofcrime
Sherlock's dress is steel-grey and brutally simple, and her hair is in a single braid down her back, into the top of which someone has tucked a freshly picked fireflower. It suits her perfectly.

Kissing Bella is definitely her favourite part.
thaumobabble: (illusion)
Author: thaumobabble
And then there is a reception! Bella does not quite work around to asking Kazul about the King's Crystal. She's married into a family that is friends with Kazul and will have another opportunity. She mingles, she samples refreshments, she beams at Sherlock a lot. She walks away from people who make catty indirect remarks about her commoner origins. (She's a princess now. She has a crown to prove it, set on her head shortly after the kissing part. Tony made it for her and it's utterly lovely.)

And then all three princesses (of course Tony is coming along) are off on a honeymoon! To the beach! They spend a lot of time in the seaside cottage and not nearly as much time actually on the beach.

Bella brings her magic things. The most clinical conception in history takes place (and is then celebrated, rather less clinically). Bella thinks it worked, but there's no way to be sure until Sherlock starts exhibiting the usual symptoms.
calendarofcrime: Contented. (<= improvising on the violin)
Author: calendarofcrime
Bella's crown is almost as utterly lovely as Bella. Sherlock is very proud of both her sister and her wife.

Eventually, the usual symptoms do occur.
thaumobabble: (bewitched)
Author: thaumobabble
Hurray! Except insofar as the symptoms are unpleasant. They are back at the castle by this time; Bella mixes up anti-nausea potions and is generally very attentive.
calendarofcrime: Thoughtful. (<= what is my name?)
Author: calendarofcrime
Sherlock loves Bella very much.

She is generally not quite as inconvenienced as she was expecting.
thaumobabble: (charmed)
Author: thaumobabble
As soon as it's clear that Bella has successfully gotten her wife pregnant, preparations go forward for the second wedding, which takes place in late Red. Bella reuses her dress. She wanders away from further catty remarks. She kisses Tony a lot. The second group honeymoon is at that lovely beach, since they had so much fun last time.

"How closely spaced should Carinna and her next littlest sister be?" Bella wonders during this.
allthebrightest: Smiling affectionately. (*= okay. yeah. okay.)
Author: allthebrightest
"I think it would be cute if they were both honeymoon babies," Tony declares.
thaumobabble: (divination)
Author: thaumobabble
Bella giggles and kisses her and starts setting up accordingly. "I love you. We could set numbers two and three up to be twins-of-sorts," she adds thoughtfully, "but that might be too many babies to deal with all at once."
allthebrightest: Smiling, fidgeting. (+= daddy's little rocket scientist)
Author: allthebrightest
"I think twins-of-sorts would be cute too! And we have palace staff to help with the babies, don't we?"
thaumobabble: (illusion)
Author: thaumobabble
"That's true. All right, I'll cast me after you, then." Setup-setup-setup. "We will need more names."
allthebrightest: Failing to look innocent. (+= just tell them we're twins)
Author: allthebrightest
"Tanalin," says Tony.
thaumobabble: (enchanted)
Author: thaumobabble
"That's cute! Where'd it come from?"
allthebrightest: Contemplative, holding a lit match. (+= playing with fire)
Author: allthebrightest
"No idea. Pretty, though, isn't it?"
thaumobabble: (charmed)
Author: thaumobabble
"Yeah." Bella places the last setup object and casts the spell, then shoos Tony out of her spot so she can sit there instead. "For mine, hmmm." She adjusts a couple of objects. "Something-wen. Kiwen. Kiawen. How's Kiawen?"
calendarofcrime: Thoughtful. (<= what is my name?)
Author: calendarofcrime
"Kiawen is lovely, as are you."
thaumobabble: (cantrip)
Author: thaumobabble
Bella giggles and leans out of her spell-setup to kiss Sherlock and then she muses, "I suppose biologically speaking it doesn't matter, but I do have to pick which of you to draw on, in my case."
calendarofcrime: Thoughtful or puzzled. (<= captures my attention)
Author: calendarofcrime
"Well, you are supposedly on honeymoon with only one of us," says Sherlock.
thaumobabble: (illusion)
Author: thaumobabble
"Supposedly," drawls Bella. "Okay, Tony it is." Cast, cast. She scoops up the materials and puts them away.
calendarofcrime: Thoughtful or amused. (<= what a novel concept)
Author: calendarofcrime
Sherlock kisses her.
allthebrightest: Smiling affectionately. (*= okay. yeah. okay.)
Author: allthebrightest
"Hey, whose honeymoon is this?" says Tony playfully, and she steals Bella for a kiss of her own.
calendarofcrime: Grinning, intense. (!= absolute freedom of thought)
Author: calendarofcrime
"I feel that this is an easily solved problem," says Sherlock.
thaumobabble: (divination)
Author: thaumobabble
"I agree completely," laughs Bella.
calendarofcrime: Beaming. (!= like a bolt of lightning)
Author: calendarofcrime
So they solve it.
campanas: (firstborn bellstark 3)
Author: campanas
Carinna is born in early Pink, cute as a button, bald as an egg, and loud as a siren. She considers many of the things that happen to her immediate problems that must be solved at once lest everything be horrible forever. However, she can be quickly quieted if Sherlock picks her up, mostly because Sherlock is very good at figuring out what the matter is and can be relied on to solve the problem quickly.
calendarofcrime: Thoughtful or amused. (<= what a novel concept)
Author: calendarofcrime
Sherlock considers Carinna a source of endless fascination and, when not holding her, can usually be found somewhere in sight.
thaumobabble: (charmed)
Author: thaumobabble
Bella is pretty fascinated too! Bella is fascinated by a lot of things, of course, especially the royal magic she has just a touch of now, so it's very convenient that there are three parents to go around so she can go off and do that, or politics (more of it now she's doubly married than there was when she was only engaged and only to one princess). And Bella's always willing to take her turn when Carinna's other mommies are occupied. (The plan is that they will all, of course, answer to "mommy" - this will mean "whichever mommy is in the best position to respond to this outburst" - but their daughters will call them each by name.)
allthebrightest: From the side, neutral or distant. (/= sunshine and dandelions)
Author: allthebrightest
It turns out that, of the not-twins, Tanalin emerges first.
campanas: (thirdborn bellstark 1)
Author: campanas
Kiawen emerges second!

She is a happy happy baby. She figures out how to laugh and then she does it all the time.
carillons: (♃2b. curious)
Author: carillons
Tanalin spends most of her time watching Kiawen laugh.